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Xen, the formelss' proxy


The original mute
Note that the last profile of xen is now not cannon. (storyline true)
[edit: this profile is now not in use, for the profile in use look for "Xen, the unknown."]
Name: Xen, the proxy
Nickname/Alias: Xen
Age: about 15 million years, looks 25
Gender: looks male
Race: Formless one proxy
Height: 6ft, 3”
Weight: varies from 0 to 160 kilos
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: dark blue and red
Skin: light tan
Identifying Marks: The fact that Xen always looks very sombre, and his eyes appear black from afar
Appearance: Wears an extremely dark blue top and trousers, possibly a military uniform.
Strengths: cannot be scared (not programmed into him, he’s not a robot don’t worry)
Weaknesses and fears: cannot feel pain, High energy areas mean he can’t focus fully.
Religion and cults: none
Profession: Pirate, navigator
So, you want to know about Xen, hmm? Well, not much about him is certain, apart from the fact that he has immense psychic powers. However those powers will only arise when his master needs them to. He is the first of three possible proxy forms of Xenosareil (zen-osh-ah-reel) the formless one.
Xen’s task is normally to observe the life of the dominant species in a realm and draw conclusions from what e sees, this is because while Xenosareil is over 25 billion Alteran years old, this is still young for his race. And so, as such, he has not learned all there is to know about how humans work. The end result is that Xen is a very close imitation of a human, but he is essentially heartless. You see, he doesn’t have the ability to feel love, or pain (even in a literal sense, his nerves just go dead when he gets hurt), or anything caused by those two emotions.
This is not to say Xen is an emotionless husk but rather can’t understand why humans do things out of love. He can still feel compassion, and an array of other emotions but not love or pain.
I’ll add more when i feel like it, and i will also make a profile for Xenosareil, the formless one


Lord of Altera
so... question:
the formless ones are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, right?
so what could be the distinction between individuals?


The original mute
generally they don't name themsleves, but are named by the others in the race, also each type of energy they control is unique, so they can't merge without willing it.


Lord of Altera
generally they don't name themsleves, but are named by the others in the race, also each type of energy they control is unique, so they can't merge without willing it.
... huh.
I figured that in such a situation, they would just sort of... end up being one entity. like if you put released 3 bags of sulphur gas into a room, it would end up just being one thing of sulphur gas in a room.
non-solid beings are confusing!


The original mute
well this is energy not gas, energy reacts differently than matter to things. so electrical energy cannot combine itself with electrical energy, it can however produce electrical energy. This would mean that the formless ones energy wouldn't merge, and seeing as they are sentient energy they would have more control than normal energy.


Lord of Altera
well this is energy not gas, energy reacts differently than matter to things. so electrical energy cannot combine itself with electrical energy, it can however produce electrical energy. This would mean that the formless ones energy wouldn't merge, and seeing as they are sentient energy they would have more control than normal energy.
I'll pretend I know what you said.


Lord of Altera
Wait, do you mean proxy as in computer proxy or something else?
he means "proxy" as in "this thing is bigger than 100 Alteras, and my char is simply a physical extention of his vastness."


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ah so thats why thier's a 3 above his head (check my character bio for an explination.)


Loyal Servant of Altera
the number where originaly ment to be the 1s and 0s of computers (I just remembered I've missed out 2) but its no evolved it to something bigger. And Matyio I'd get this under control soon before it blows up in your face.


The original mute
and how, cfdj, could i do that? hmmm. Yes Xenosareil is massive, no i don't rp as him. I rp as a smaller semi autonomous entity that, while still powerful cannot use much power for fear of converting his matter disguise into pure energy. In other words, xen can focus alot of power to peoples minds but not their bodies.


Loyal Servant of Altera
If I may suggest not using an RP quite so complicated as this, as others will have a harder time understanding it and reacting to it (Ahem, me)
But I do like the creative, original ideas that you have :D


The original mute
to be honest its quite simple when you cut out the physics, xen isn't really human just an alien that would otherwise be invisible if he wasn't disguised, he's basically a slave to xenosareil, who is a much bigger stronger quicker and host of other things than xen (yes including smaller). basically xen is his ambassador/ researcher come to learn about, and negotiate with humans among other races. There that clear things up a bit?


The original mute
weeellllll, go try and learn basic physics (which to be honest isn't easy for some) and then you may understand just a little bit more.


The original mute
side note, xenosareil cannot be rped as a character, however if you want to learn more about formless proxies, then msg me in game or on forum, that way I'll be able to help.