Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Xwen4102s Improved Application [Declined - Sally]

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Loyal Servant of Altera
  1. 1. Your Minecraft username: xwen4102

    2. Age: 18

    3. Gender: Male

    4. Country: United States

    5. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before joining, and use our Tome of Citizenship to look up any questions you might have. Do you also agree to consult these two guides before asking any questions ingame or on the forums ? Yes, I have read the Tome of Citizenship and all of the Dwarves page.

    6.Provide an in-character introduction.
    Key Terms:
    - When a Dwarf becomes 50 years old, they officially become an adult.
    - Korog, god of mountains, dwarves, hard alcohol, craftsmanship, permanence, solidity, steel, stone and labour.

    I wake up to the sound of my old man clashing steel numerous times. Wake up you lazy dwarf!
    We have much to do today, the roof has to be fixed and you need to learn how to run the family business. What business, the family blacksmith of course; son we have had our blacksmith since Korin Undar II took over. In PC362 is when my great, great grandfather established this small blacksmith of ours on Pyr Castle in the Southern Altera. And ever since our family has passed it down from generation to generation; and one day it will be yours, but father I'm only 35 years old; a wee lad. Yes Xwen you are a young lad but its your destiny to run the place. Now, enough of burning day light lets head to the woods of Daggerfall, we need to cut some wood to fix the roof. When we arrived back from Daggerfall we right away tend to the roof. After fixing the roof my father and I went to the shrine of Korog located in Thraall. We brought two stacks of stone and three stacks of steel to our glorious God as offering of worship. After coming out of the lands of Thraall a group of bandits attacked our pigs in which we ride, the scums without delay start javelin arrows towards us. When suddenly an arrow plunges my father down onto the dirt, father speak to me! Its was no use, my father died mins after the bandits flee. With anger and haterade in my heart I returned home to give word of my father's death to my mother.
    Weeks passed, but that horrible memory of that day was still vivid in my mind. I would go to Daggerfall to cut wood in memory of the last thing I did with my father. I gathered everyday 2 stacks of logs for a month. Until one day I decided to head down to the docks, and a trader was talking to a group of sailors. The trader mention to the sailors that he will pass through Port Silver on his way to his destination. Over hearing that I jump with joy, I told the trader that if he gets an appointment for me to meet the mayor of Port Silver; I will compensate his good deal by giving him my 62 stacks of logs. But you must get me that ticket to go to Port Silver as well, if not the deal is not valid. When I arrived back home I told my mother of the deal, she only said "Your father would have love for you to take over the blacksmith". I know mother, I know; that's the only thing I could of said. A year passed and still no sign of the trader, when suddenly from out of the blue, the trader docked one late night. Running to find out my so waited answer I rushed to the trader, the trader quickly answered. Your request to meet the mayor has been accepted, but your ticket to Port Silver depends on someone called SallyRose. Thats all I can tell you kid, and then patted me on the back.

    Will Xwen get his ticket to Port Silver...

    7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies and why you would like to be a part of our community in around 8 sentences or more.

    Hello, I am Xwen. I like all types of gaming, however the Elder Scrolls series is one of my favorites. I have been playing Minecraft since 2 years ago. I personally live and breath RP, most of my friends are fans of RP.We all play Skyrim and other rp games and are looking forward to The Elder Scrolls Online .
    My favorite game is Oblivian.
    I'm christian so you would never see or hear me curse or say something inappropriate, besides that I'm very nice.
    I'm a working guy, love little brothers and anyone that is a role model to me by attitude and actions (No matter the age). Not much more to say, but if you think I'm holding back. By all means please tell me, I will dig deeper... Spiro told me to dig deeper so I will. My favorite color would have to be red , also I have a dog named Reble his a pitbull.
    I have 3 brothers in which they also play minecraft, and soon they will apply.
    Favorite shoes would have to be Vans , love football ( Dallas Cowboys 5 time superbowl champion ) I live in Dallas. Enjoy walking on the mornings... :)
    Say the word and I will give social security... -_-

    8. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.

    9. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
    10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xraying, xray texture packs or mods for locating ores) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
    Yes,I'm aware. Honestly don't even know how you do that stuff...
    11. How did you find about us?
    I found about the server waching my cousin play it.
    I have been voting for it all week, but finally had the courage to apply.​


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