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Tamriel the woodelf


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Tamriel, son of Anduil
Nickname/Alias: The Shadow
Age: 56 (21 in Human years)
Gender: Male
Height: 1.70
Weight: 68 kg
Hair: Medium curly brown hair
Eyes: Very faint blue, almost grey
Skin: Light skin color, but not pale
Identifying Marks: Has a scar above his right eye from a close enouncter with a blade. Has a big scar running across his left arm from an encounter with a ferocious beast
Appearance: Tamriel is a young man but he has seen a lot of gruesome events and the trauma's they brought along are clearly visible in his facial expression. He's not very tall nor very small and he isn't very muscular, his prowess in battle relies mostly on his agility and speed. Most of the time he wears the outfit standard to a ranger, comfortable and hard to spot in the woods, though in times of battle he dons his battledress composed of a very rare kind of wood: light as a feather but hard as steel.
Strengths: His dead eye makes him very lethal with a bow, he knows how to defend himself with a sword but isn't particularly skilled at it. He is very fast and agile even for a woodelf. These skills make him a proud ranger.
Weaknesses and fears: He knows how to defend himself in melee combat though it is clearly his weakness, he should only rely on his sword in times of great need. His greatest fears are spiders, though he won't run away like a lil' girl when he spots one, he's not the person to go hunting for them. Tamriel is a woodelf and is used to the open, he will rarely venture into a dark cave alone (especially when it has spiders!) he also dislikes being in big cities, though it seems he must get used to that now.
Besides these fears his greatest weakness are mages. He has only read about magical powers and has never seem them at work, he doesn't know what to expect.

Religion and cults: Tamriel only believes in himself and his bow, his so called gods have abandoned him long ago.
Profession: He was a warrior serving as a ranger in the army, but now he no longer has a profession. He wanders the land and offers help to strangers in return for a good meal and a place to spend the night. Though he has left the army he still has his skills that made him one of the best rangers and he still knows how to use them.

Backstory: (I'm a lousy writer, so excuse me for the horrible story, I tried)
Tamriel was born 21 years ago in the woods of Elisania, a land unkown to most citizens of Altera. His mother Sinda died when giving birth to him and his father Anduil was a retired captain of the rangers who now lived as a farmer. When Sinda died it was up to him to raise the newborn Tamriel and his 2 year old sister Gilraen. With the help of his elven brethren he succeeded in raising the two young woodelves as worthy members of the clan. When Tamriel reached the age of 16 his father died of an illness, his sister had already married a nobleman and Tamriel himself wanted to see the world. He went to the captain of the rangers and offered his services. The captain, who himself had served under Anduil many years before that, saw in Tamriel a great warrior and gladly accepted him as a ranger.

Tamriel quickly made a name of himself and became one of the best rangers. His speed, agility and stealth earned him the nickname of "The Shadow" or પડછાયો in Elven. He would often go hunting beasts with his fellow rangers to train their abilities. It was peaceful in the lands of the woodelves as there were no wars waging, nor were there any enemy raids. This peace didn't last however.

It all went so fast, it was a regular night besides the fact that it was raining very hard. Tamriel was on guard duty that night and he sought shelter in one of the highest trees in the forest. It was then that he heard an unusual noise, he heard footsteps. Not the footsteps of a single man nor that of a what he heard were footsteps of an army. Tamriel grabbed his bow and quietly climbed closer towards the noise. He saw something he had never seen before. They looked like elves but they were bigger and they lacked the tall and pointy ears all elves have. "Maybe these are the humans the council warned for?" Tamriel uttered. Not sure what to do Tamriel grabbed his horn and blew it as hard as he could. The noise would surely alert his clan of the danger, but it would also alert the enemy. It wasn't long till both forces met. The elves were greatly outnumbered yet they stood fast, but not for long. Tamriel tried to kill as many of these humans as he could but it was all in vain. The captain of the rangers quickly rallied all his men into the great hall of the royals where they would try andhold out for as long as they could. It didn't take the humans long to ram down the great doors of the hall, and eventhough the elves fought bravely, it was a lost cause.

After the battle the humans stole allthe valuables and left. It was then that the unconscious Tamriel woke up and saw all his brethren killed. He crawled towards the captain who showed some signs of life. With his dying breath he told Tamriel about the secret passageway of the nobles and how sister could very well be alive. He gave Tamriel his sword and bow and promoted him to captain of the rangers, as long as there's a captain, there's hope. Tamriel quickly left his home, not knowing where to search for his sister and his elders. His travels now had brought him to the Northern Kingdoms, a land strange to him. He had almost given up hope of ever seeing his brethren. Almost!


The original mute
Don't put yourself down (I'm the only one allowed to put themselves down here) it was a decent story, better than some I've seen. The only thing I can critisize you on is I think your weaknesses and fears make your character better than perhaps is fair. Maybe add a couple of things to it, for example, when forced to face more than x amount of spiders begins to panic. Or is very bad in caves.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Don't put yourself down (I'm the only one allowed to put themselves down here) it was a decent story, better than some I've seen. The only thing I can critisize you on is I think your weaknesses and fears make your character better than perhaps is fair. Maybe add a couple of things to it, for example, when forced to face more than x amount of spiders begins to panic. Or is very bad in caves.
Thanks, I added some now and I'll add some more when I think of them. :)

I would say try and change your age a bit as 21 is juvinile age for an elf.
Edited! I hope it's better now.


The original mute
That's better, the weaknesses aren't too debilitating but make it fair. Hope to Roleplaying with you at some time Xenai, the mute musician (me).