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Assassin's Creed Characters


Hello! Since Assassin's Creed is one of my favorite games... I'll start off-
Who is your favorite Assassin? And why?


The random ones that you recruit in brotherhood. Because they're the only ones that don't look like they soiled themselves when they're running >.>


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Um.. Yeah..

I pick Altair, because he badass.


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
I'd say Ezio when old. He had class :)

Oh, and beware the new one, it has a lot of class, I can tell you !!!! :D


Lord of Altera

People say Altair is the best just because he was the first one. It's starting to get annoying... I like Ezio the most because he's got class and we've played as him a lot. Got to know him better than the others. And Brotherhood is my favorite one so far. Followed close by Assassin's Creed III and Revelations of course.


Lord of Altera
I never said anything about liking him just because he had class, he had an awesome personality where he acted from his own will and didnt always do what he was told, which is something i really made his an intresting character. I also like his outfit the most because its the simplest and looks most like "Death" Ezio had alittle too much bling if you get my meaning :p And i really didnt like connor because of his lore...


Lord of Altera
I love Ezio's clothes. I think Altair's clothes is too boring. Way too simple. And I'm more a detailed person, therefor I like Ezio's clothes.




The other assassins DID give a backstory, but Ezio SHOWS you his entire life, from start to end.
There is no other game that will show you his story. A story from a weak and mischievous teenager to an old an well-trained assassin of old.

His story, his personality, sometimes backs you laugh, sometimes makes you cry.
But one thing is for certain....Ezio hit the game market, and everyone loved it.

Ezio's story helps me with Roleplay today.


Legend of Altera

He is the one that started it all. Yes there were other assassins before him, but after him the order really took off. His entire life from birth until death was dedicated to the assassins. His clothes are amazing, the hood, the white cloak, red sash, the vambrace that houses his hidden blade, and those bad*** over-the-shoulder throwing knives! His story is truly made complete in Revelations. Thank you Ubisoft!

And for all those who think "Ezio is baller! Connor is American! blah blah blah! Just think, there would be no Ezio/Connor/etc. without Altaïr.