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Royal Law


Lord of Altera
*as you walk the streets of Port Silver in the morning, you see following posters hanging all around the capital*

Royal Law

  1. The Queen is the highest ruler and the highest judge of the realm. Her word is law, disobediance is punishable at her own discretion.
  2. The Crown is the governmental body which supports the rules of the Queen over the realm.
  3. The Crown prohibits High Treason. Following qualifies High Treason:
    I. Assault on the Queen
    II. Betrayal
    III. Disclosure of royal secrets.
    IV. Assault on members of the royal family, heirs and members of the Royal Council.
    The list of crimes regarded as High Treason is not limited to the aforementioned list. The punishment is to be executed regardless of the Queens health and wellbeing.
  4. The official religion of the Northern Kingdom is the High Church of Altera. Worship of gods that are not part of the pantheon is heresy. Heretics have to be given over to the Inquisition. In case a citizen detects heretics, he has to notify the Silvercloaks or report directly to the Inquisition.
  5. Members of the nobility, regardless of their position, are subject to the same laws and punishments as every other citizen.
  6. The Crown prohibits killing. In case of a violation the perpetrator faces a lifelong imprisonment or an execution, depending on the severity. Killing as an act of self defense or defending others from an assault is excluded from the punishment.
  7. The Crown prohibits theft. In case of a violation the perpetrator has to return the stolen goods or compensate them and serve a sentence depending on the value of the stolen goods.
  8. The Crown prohibits the damaging of other citizens property. In case of a violation the perpetrator has to compensate the damage and pay an additional fine.
  9. The Crown prohibits torture. In case of a violation the perpetrator has to serve a lifelong sentence. In case of a violation the perpetrator will have to servea sentence In case the victim dies during the torture or as a result of the sustained wounds, the case is also regarded as murder. The Queen may allow the use of torture under certain circumstances.
  10. The Crown prohibits citizen to draw their weapons in case that their are not guards on duty. Weapons drawn as an act of self defense or defense of others are excluded. In case of a violation the perpetrator has to serve a sentence of three years and his weapon gets confiscated.
  11. The citizen have to respect the guards and follow the orders given to them. Disregard of the guards orders results in a fine or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the case.
    The guards are given their powers in order to protect the citizen. Intentional abuse of power will, depending on severity, result in a fine, a loss of rank and imprisonment.
  12. The citizen have to respect the official bureacracy of the Crown and adhere to the rules for the standard procedures.
  13. Marriage is to be regulated by the official royal bureacracy. A marriage which is not registered is unofficial.
[Royal Sigil]


Carpet Monkey
The Inquisition is still above the law though, right?
always dangerous to say it like that. If Albareth attacks the Queen just like that it would have consequences too. I would say, for higher inquisitors, breaking some of the laws is tolerated as long as they have reasons ;-)


We demons of our solemn hour
Can I still claim prisoners of arcturus?
And draw my weapons even though I'm not a guard but a member of counselling?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
*Breaks out mop to clean up this thread*

The Inquisition is still above the law though, right?
Only in relation to their service to the Inquisition. (Catching Heretics, nothing else.)
That doesn't say anything about Royal favours, though~

Can I still claim prisoners of arcturus?
And draw my weapons even though I'm not a guard but a member of counselling?
No and no... Yet.

Crown this Crown that! :p I will simply commit these crimes for the sake of committing them~! ;)
I want to break the rules; but the character that'd do that is on a trip until the event... :(
I've broken almost all of these already....
You guys are adorable. Can't wait for the Royal Architect to work on a stockades and Asylum myes.

What do you mean? Arcturus has the royal support to do whatever it wants...
Gee, I never saw an announcement saying that. :D


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
These new laws puts me up for life in prison, death or possibly a life in the asylum when it's built. Lovin' these new laws! It' time for Happy Fun Time! :cool:


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
That is if certain party decide to open their respectable mouths...