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Pizza Stains (Sketches)


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
So lately I've started drawing a bit more... passing time in lectures when I ought to be taking notes..
I have a tablet... but I prefer to draw with a pencil and paper (tablet seems a bit laggy). Because of this there are quite a few erase marks within the pictures. Trying to get better at the sketches, so hopefully improvement is seen over time.
Things I have trouble with: Hands-Noses-Mouths. Another, I suppose, is clothing... trying to get used to drawing all the wrinkles.
So here they are so far, in order!
IMAG0329.jpg IMAG0334.jpg IMAG0341.jpg IMAG0346.jpg IMAG0357.jpg
I'm liking doing scenes more so than profiles- I have two more to add, but I need to take the photos first.

So I'll set up a 'request' I suppose... but I'm mainly looking for ideas so I can 'challenge' myself to get better at it. Just give a some information on the 'character' and I'll do my interpretation of it.

I also like looking at other folks artwork, and if you pay close enough attention, you may see other's styles slightly worked into the drawings... or not... dunno... Pizza Stains


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
Alllrighty, a couple new additions....
1: Albiorix and of course a victim.... (Can't sketch him without a victim...)
2: Eammon, Layne, and Lathan. I only have somewhat of an idea what each character looks like... so these are just my interpretations. Wasn't sure what to do with the background.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
wow man, it's almost the same as when I started drawing stuff! so peculiar similar! haha :p Only you are way better in drawing scenes. I like them!


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
wow man, it's almost the same as when I started drawing stuff! so peculiar similar! haha :p Only you are way better in drawing scenes. I like them!
Haha, I do often incorporate other peoples styles into my own... actually drew a face to see if I could draw in your 'face drawing' style... never uploaded it, did it in pen during some class... so no erasing...
And two more photos on there way... I just don't like the background on one so much... Oh well..


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I started with pencil without erasing too! O_0 I love this section of the forum... Artwork


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
Alrighty, here they are! Probably not done as much as they could be.. but I got lazy...
IMAG0374.jpg IMAG0372.jpg
1: Vallahad and the old prune....
2: Eammon and Layne


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
The grand and almighty Pizza God has taken up the art of Ceramics (need dem fine art creds...for business...)
He's an average Joe.
IMAG0479.jpg IMAG0478.jpg IMAG0482.jpg IMAG0483.jpg IMAG0485.jpg IMAG0486.jpg


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff

How long did it take you to make them? ;-;
The face one has taken 6ish hours so far. I got two faces left to do on the other sides. Sad + Apathetic

The "Cactus Vase" took 10-15 hours, I don't recall exactly... dem triangles took forever.

I have one other piece made out of red earthenware clay, but I dislike it. Would be more interesting in its... hmm... "clean form". I had to design it to have some contemporary issue, so that is a bit cheesy, thus I didn't add it. The 'clean' form however is a bowl supported by three kneeling figures... kinda neat.