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[Normal] The Meeting.


object oriented
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Feedback: I just wanted to say that it made sense to summarize all the events together, and /then/ think of a solution, or a plan forward. I get that we were interrupted, but calling it off in the end because of the corrupted getting wind of it, and that only a select few should discuss things further because we can't trust anyone kinda derailed the whole open event thing here.

I may be wrong, but the idea was to get ideas from everyone so that a clearer solution could be thought up. I know one day or one meeting will not solve it, but small steps are good too. And bringing everyone on one task would be helpful.

I guess I'm sad there wasn't much discussed. More like, bieng told something and then having questions answered and then being interrupted was... :( kinda put a damper on things.
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Puppycat Herder
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Feedback: I just wanted to say that it made sense to summarize all the events together, and /then/ think of a solution, or a plan forward. I get that we were interrupted, but calling it off in the end because of the corrupted getting wind of it, and that only a select few should discuss things further because we can't trust anyone kinda derailed the whole open event thing here.

I may be wrong, but the idea was to get ideas from everyone so that a clearer solution could be thought up. I know one day or one meeting will not solve it, but small steps are good too. And bringing everyone on one task would be helpful.

I guess I'm sad there wasn't much discussed. More like, bieng told something and then having questions answered and then being interrupted was... :( kinda put a damper on things.
Interestingly, nothing was discussed after it was... called off.

Milky Joe

Lord of Altera
Grrr... i was online and saw everyone at thill... i hadnt seen this so i didnt know anything about it and didnt want to intrude. damn it korim desperately wants to do something about the corrupted.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
If there is ever another event like this I would like to be there, I was sick all yesterday and I'm feeling better now. Anyway- how was it? Sounds like there was a lot of different opinions and questions that made people not get to the solution of calling such a meeting the first place.