Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Deceased Percival A. Pearl

Creampuff Boy

Percival Arthur Pearl

Nicknames: Percy, Poicy, Perci
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190-200lbs.
Hair: Deep black silky hair; shaved on the sides, combed over to his left. With goggles adorning his hair
Eyes: Color varies from a dark Teal in colder months to a bright sea-green in the warmer months.

Skin: Dark but light cream colored skin with scars around his arms, hand and legs.
Identifying Marks: Orange colored goggles. An anchor tattoo on the back of his right hand.

Build: Muscular but thin build. The type of body you'd see on an Olympic male swimmer.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Voice: Refer to the voice of Nathan Fillion

Tattoo: An anchor with a spear and a trident crossing diagonally behind it.

Sidenote: Percy has blue hair in this version since in another server I had him on he was blasted with magic changing him a bit, including the color of his hair.
Percival is a happy go lucky type of person going wherever the his mood takes him even though sometimes it may take him to point where he could get decked. He tends to watch situations rather than get involved in them but from time to time when he is bored he will partake in the odd or suicidal situation presented to him. Patient and persistent, he will wait for the right time to strike whether it be for a job, a target or whatever is high on his list of priorities. Percy is persistent as well, never giving up on something no matter who the person, object or situation. He is wise as a result of spending lots of times with old kooks/outcasts/hermits in his hometown, though most are surprised when they see this side of him as his personality never hints at it. He is a friend that is devoted to others when their friendship comes to flourish (refer to the friendship of Connor Blackwood and Percy). When a friend or even anyone he talks to is lost on their path on what to do with their life he will spring into action and do his best to make the person see the brighter side of the coin to cheer them up or to simply help them get a better outlook on life. Confident in his ability, crafty in his execution, and cunning in the words he uses he will never give up the full story to just anyone as he sees stories are better when told from different perspectives. He is quite oblivious when it comes to women

Skills, hobbies, Desires/Wishes
Percival's skills range from astronomy, Short to mid to mid/long range combat, fishing, basic medical care, sailing which he is a moderate level of, cooking which he is well versed in thanks to his mother, ship building, though only of moderate level, and a beginner at tinkering. As for his hobbies he is excited and anxious to take up magic lessons to start his journey on the road of magic using. He also hopes to learn more of astronomy, combat, and possibly learn a new skill that he has yet to learn. He is an avid reader and constantly studies on his free time in hopes of learning more by himself. Finally for Percival's desires/goals/wishes. He has many wishes, just to name a few: he wants to settle down when he is older and have a family, wants to have a lover or love interest and hopes to have his own Galleon with his own crew to captain. In short Percival wants to experience life to its fullest and try a little bit of everything but by no means does he wish to become a jack of all trades master of none. His deepest desires is to get a new shiny and well made trident that lasts a lifetime and hopefully have it become magically imbued. A goal of his to acquire a large library of books ranging from tales and myths to books he can study to journals of others he has collected to maps of the world.

Percy's motivation in life is that of following Jax's Doctrine to the tee. Not so much as following it strictly but following what it states and working with what he wants himself. Such things are taking every opportunity given to him no matter the what is is just for the sake of the journey. Honoring all debts and oaths though he strives to make as few debts as possible. He plays to the fact of never revealing his entire hand quite well never telling anyone the full story but always asking for the other person's as much as he can without pestering them. And he evens prays from time to time before taking risks though sometimes he will go into the risk head first just out of excitement alone.

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Creampuff Boy

I will update this more as I expand upon Percival through out time and will delve into more specifics the more I think and write about Percival.


Lord of Altera

Creampuff Boy

Greetings everyone! I am sad to say I will be leaving this community and retiring Percival as a character in the World of HollowWorld. This is due to the fact that I will be leaving for the military very soon and I have no rough estimate on when I will be back with enough time on my hands to participate within the server and its story. As for anyone that knew him very well or just plain talked to him enough, assume that he either died at sea or is gone and going forth with his life somewhere else. If you wish to continue this character yourself as a alt character please feel free to contact me. I thank you all for the wonderful time and experience we had. As for Specifics on his belongings, his Trident his father made for him would be left on the second floor of the tavern in Storm's Landing on the bench to the left most and closest to the front side of the tavern when facing the the tavern from the outside. He also carried with him maps and fables from his home that are also left near the trident stacked neatly with a few pieces of string keeping them tied together.

Again thank you everyone for the wonderful time and I wish you all the best of luck with HollowWorld and any of your future endeavors.


Creampuff Boy aka TheGodOfTheSea


Lord of Altera
Greetings everyone! I am sad to say I will be leaving this community and retiring Percival as a character in the World of HollowWorld. This is due to the fact that I will be leaving for the military very soon and I have no rough estimate on when I will be back with enough time on my hands to participate within the server and its story. As for anyone that knew him very well or just plain talked to him enough, assume that he either died at sea or is gone and going forth with his life somewhere else. If you wish to continue this character yourself as a alt character please feel free to contact me. I thank you all for the wonderful time and experience we had. As for Specifics on his belongings, his Trident his father made for him would be left on the second floor of the tavern in Storm's Landing on the bench to the left most and closest to the front side of the tavern when facing the the tavern from the outside. He also carried with him maps and fables from his home that are also left near the trident stacked neatly with a few pieces of string keeping them tied together.

Again thank you everyone for the wonderful time and I wish you all the best of luck with HollowWorld and any of your future endeavors.


Creampuff Boy aka TheGodOfTheSea

Connor will be so sad now. Another friend gone. ;-;

That said, I hope you have great luck in your IRL endeavors and it was great RPing with you!

:Edit: Spoke with CreamPuff and he'd agreed to allow Connor to discover Percy's belongings and claim them. Connor will hold onto these things for the foreseeable future.
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Lord of Altera
My Publix co-worker is going into the military for bootcamp . . . Best of luck my dude.