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Deceased Asleif Lindstrom


Lord of Altera
(Character lore-approved by Faelin c.2015)
(Character lore-approved by Squidzoid c.2019)

“Salt of the Earth, blood of the seas, the flame born of ashes, the chill on the breeze.”



Name: Ásleif Lindström
Ásleif meaning 'revered relic.'
Lindström meaning 'the linden tree at the river'.
Nicknames: People mispronounce her name often, but it is not something that she minds terribly.

Alias: Áslief believes that a man who does not honor the name he was given is not a man of merit.

Titles: They are toys for Southern men and women to play with, meaning no more than the respect they earn from their counterparts. A man is no King without an army.


Age: Late twenties to early thirties. {34}
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.
Culture: Full-blooded Norvägen, descending from the ancient Aervägen clan.

Social Status: Low on the food chain.
Height: 5’10"
Weight: Around 185 lbs.

Homeland: The North of the old Lands; Myrneth.
Current Home: On the move.

Profession: Former stable hand, warrior. Somewhat of a mercenary when the opportunity presents itself.
Marital Status: Unmarried.

Date of Death: 6.15.19, blown up with Calder by an elemental after delivering a killing blow at the final campaign event.

art by me


Build: Strong, broad, and tall, but still womanly.
Hair: Blonde, not often washed. Worn in various styles and with a collection of meaningful beads, feathers, and bones that change daily depending on her mood.
Eyes: A pale, limpid blue, framed by blonde brows and lashes.
Skin: Pale resulting from her Northern heritage, some blemishes such as freckles/moles/birthmarks/scars.

Appearance: A woman with a generally hard and unbreakable exterior. She is true to her Norvägen heritage in how she dresses and behaves when in the company of others.
Hygiene: Not exceptional, and certainly not her first concern in rough conditions.

Posture: She is proud and holds herself as such, but is no stranger to relaxing when in good company.
Gait: Strong and confident, not exactly trying to be quiet unless she needs to be.
Dominant Hand: Right.

Accent: Her accent is similar to an English-speaking Dane. {Brita}
Pitch: On the lower side for a woman, but not deviating too much from average.
Diet: Full and healthy.


⇴ || Many small scars from brawls past.
⇴ || A scar across her left shoulder blade, about 4 inches long.
⇴ || An inch-long scar on her left upper arm from an arrow graze.
⇴ || A small scar on her left cheekbone.
⇴ || A crescent-shaped scar on the back of her head, hidden by hair. [Healing]
⇴ || Several faded and/or poorly done tattoos: {x} {x} {x} (Chest, knuckles, forearm, neck)

⇴ Left her homestead in search of work as a 19-year-old native of the Northern region of the Old World.
⇴ Found work as a stable-hand in Myrneth under Thane William Eldsvart.
⇴ Helped to plan the revival of the Norvagen people, which fell through around the exodus.
⇴ Had a child which she named Sigrid. The father was never in the picture.
⇴ Raised Sigrid on a small homestead in the north, managing to avoid the effects of the Blight for the most part.

{ ??? }

⇴ Arrived in Storm's Landing as a twenty-eight year old in search of more of her kind.
⇴ Dueled Calder for sport, lost when he took a slice out of her shoulder with his sword.
⇴ 'Brawled' the Elf King Cymic, bit a chunk out of his cheek.
⇴ Attended the White Stag Campaign Event, didn't do much besides observe.
⇴ Aided in the tracking and slaying of a giant spider for the Fuvurian contest.
⇴ Attended the 'Tunnels' Campaign event where she slew a cultist and witnessed an Elemental rising.
⇴ Apprehended 'Southgate' for the King-Bishop of Veraci in Storm's Landing for the price of 14k radiants.
⇴ Witnessed a meteor shower. She chose to share the location of a Heavenstone with Calder and he betrayed her, striking her face and forcing her to leave. She took his steed as payment for such a valuable object, but that is not the last of what Asleif plans to take from this man.
⇴ Traveled to Veraci to cache in her check and deposit her horse and Calder's. There, she purchases a finely bred stallion to be her new champion while the ordeal blows over.

⇴ Calder finds her in the Landing with a payment of 20k radiants. She presents to him a deal; she will listen to his side of the story in exchange for a mirroring injury to the one that he gave her. Instead of striking him with the pommel of her blade, she kicks him in the face and places a dagger to his throat. Ultimately she decides to spare his life, and walks away from him for good only after telling him that she is pregnant.
⇴ Effectively stops a bar fight between a plagued Lisbet, an injured Podric, and Jaden by means of a pommel to the woman's temple.
⇴ Asleif is ambushed at a meteor site and hit in the back of the head with a hammer. She is incapacitated and the others flee with the Heavenstone, stealing her horse as well. During this state, Asleif has a vivid dream. (click here:
x x) Karn and Viktor were her primary attackers, with some help from Cassandra Glade and Achilles Major. (All names unknown to Asleif except Karn)
⇴ She worries that her injuries will cause her to lose her child and has a small talk with Calder, but still feels as though their situation is unchanged.

⇴ Asleif accompanies others to the final campaign event. After losing her child due to combat with others over a Heavenstone, she has developed into a more emotionally reserved person with plenty of pent up anger to take out on cultists.
⇴ The fight against the massive elemental ensues. Calder and Asleif remain at the impact site to ensure its death while most others flee, and both deliver killing blows to the elemental. The beast explodes and they are both killed in the blast. Calder is killed on impact and Asleif lives for several minutes. She is at peace with her death.



{ ✓ } = Completed
{ ✗ } = Failed/Abandoned
{ ⇢ } = On Hold
{ ~ } = In Progress​

{Short-Term Goals} --
⇴ Find more Norvägen and true northern men to stand beside her. { ⇢ }
⇴ Gather wealth: not in coin, but in weaponry, armor, horses, land and men. { ~ }
⇴ Make herself known in the South as a warrior. { ~ }
⇴ New attire; chainmail, and a new roundsword smithed by Podric. { ~ }
⇴ Bring them to judgement.

{Long-Term Goals}--
⇴ A great home of her own. { }
⇴ Vallaryn. { ✓ }
⇴ Sigrid. { ✗ }
⇴ Coin. { ✓ }
⇴ Collect her dues. { }

Religious Values: The Path of Fire and Ice; a heathen, one might say. She will defend these beliefs to her death if the need arises. Her dreams have great influence over how she interprets the steps of her path.
Alignment: Asleif's alignment lies with her own morals. She has the capacity for both good and evil, lawful and neutral; however in the end only her Path can dictate what she believes is right in the world. (Currently: True Neutral)

Beliefs: Asleif believes that Southerners have, over the centuries, allowed themselves to grow weak of mind and spirit. They have bound themselves to paths of Wanderers and dare to forget that the Gods are held in balance by both good and evil and will not meddle in the affairs of mankind unless it is for their benefit. She even considers men that have traveled north and established great cities to be Southerners unless they walk the Path of Ice and Fire; they live beneath the Northern Lights and yet do not see their true promise nor the tale that they tell. Only a man born to the North and a man prepared to defend its honor is one worthy of calling its great beauty his own.

⇴ tbd


Common: fluent, mostly illiterate. She recognizes a few words and can write her name.
Ancient Norvägen Language: fluent, literate. {Lore-approved.}


Peaceful or Violent: Recently she has gravitated toward violence as a means of solving her problems.
Ability: Somewhat untrained, aims to improve greatly.

Strengths: Athletic, tall, good headspace.
Weaknesses: Needs more practice, I'm not suburb at CRP.

Daggerplay {5/10}: She can wield one without harming herself but does not particularly aim to improve this skill.
Bowmanship {1/10}: She knows how they work, could not hit a target over 15 feet away if she tried.
Swordplay {6/10}: learned from watching and participating in duels. She aims to improve this skill.
Hand to Hand {8/10}: learned from watching and participating in brawls. 'Innovative.'

⇴ Bested Cymic in a brawl.
⇴ Slew thousands of Forest Spiders on the Broodhunt.
⇴ Slew a gargantuan Brood Mother on the Broodhunt with Eltsir, Lothaire, and Calder.
⇴ Apprehended Southgate for the King-Bishop of Veraci for the price of 14,000 radiants.
⇴ Killed a cultist at the Tunnels Campaign Event.
⇴ Delivered a killing blow to the final Elemental with Calder Dormus in the final Starfall event.



⇴ A simple longsword of decent make.
⇴ A multipurpose dagger.
⇴ A round wooden shield with an iron boss at the center. (x) Lost in combat with Stonecipher at the Tunnels Campaign Event.
⇴ A single-handed broadsword kept in a simple scabbard with a somewhat ornate silver hilt. A 'gift' from Calder.
⇴ A chunk of flesh, preserved by salt and strung on a piece of twine. It once belonged to the cheek of a man that dared incite a bar fight with her and call her a whore.
⇴ Various fur and leather garments.
Heidrun, a silver mare. Well-kept in the Veracii stables. {Worth: 1,000 radiants, sentimental}
⇴ A chestnut steed that once belonged to Sir Calder Dormus. Well-kept in the Veracii stables.
⇴ Åse, a pure black stallion bred in Veraci. Currently traveling with Asleif. {Worth: 2,000 radiants}
Coin: 32,000 radiants.
Land: -
People: Cymic Seymour. Or at least a part of him.

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Lord of Altera


⋄ Calder Dormus: Asleif feels as though their situation has grown stagnant. His debt has been paid accordingly, and she hopes that he does not abuse the fact that she chose to spare his life, nor misconstrue it as a moment of weakness. She had to stop herself from killing him, something which took great willpower on her behalf. The fact that she carries his child does not dissuade her from keeping the man at a great distance. Scardrac

⋄ Cymic Seymour: A man with the mind and verbal tactics of a young boy. He dared cohort with the old Evil to cast a spell upon her and in return she took something vital from him: a part of his face. On the principal of an eye for an eye, she no longer sees this man as a viable threat nor a target for further revenge.Cymic_

⋄ 'King' Rogerius Ricci: If fourteen-thousand radiants was enough to buy her sword hand for ten minutes, she wonders how much wealth the man truly has at his disposal. For now, he knows her name; and that is enough, should he seek her out again. Blorbis83

⋄ 'Southgate': Asleif wonders if she should have taken her offer but does not regret handing her over to King Rogerius.

⋄ Eria D'Amryun: She is grateful that this halfling saved her life, and for her kindness. Galaxy

⋄ Podric Flanders: She somewhat regrets lashing out at Aleksandar in front of him. Luam

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Better than sliced bread
I was just about to use that very same serpent in my own character profile, only, it had color


Lord of Altera
I was just about to use that very same serpent in my own character profile, only, it had color
That is disturbing to be certain because it was a very hard to find serpent. i am concerned


Lord of Altera
hmmm I did some big updates Asleif is finally my main (only?) character I'll be playing for now! enjoy stinky people :^)