Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Abysmal] Sylvia Adva

Fluffy Bristle

Lord of Altera

Character Name: Sylvia Adva
Race: Human
Type: Abysmal & Infernal
Dealer: Dranoden, the Night Star
Purpose: Power. That's all she wanted. So she bargained for it.
Description: She can shift between two forms. One is more akin to her old appearance, with green eyes, but the horns remain. The other is more demonic in nature and is described below.

"Her skin becomes black, fading into red at the end of her limbs. Her eyes are black, and she appears more slender. Her features sharpen."

March 9th - Sylvia finds an earring, and becomes Possessed.
March 23rd - Sylvia is empowered after a bargain, selling her soul.