Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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An Intuitive Explanation of what Corruption does to a Planet. (Eventually)


Lord of Altera
Thanks for letting me put a name to some of my night terrors. Actually slightly better feeling right now even if I saw what is probably the most disturbing thing on earth (thanks estes :p)


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I figured out why it bugs me so much! It reminded me of a photo I saw recently... A lotus pod photo shopped to look like part of one's flesh... triggering a slight 'trypophobia' within myself... Once again... it is a sick fascination that I cannot look away... but it bugs the hell out of me... Here is a not so gruesome photo of what I mean.... (Photo is bigger than I like... so just a link.)
I am with you on this one. I can't help but stare, but damn do I want to tear out my eyes while doing it.

Freaks me out.



The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
A part of me wants to create some 'fantasy' disease that... makes that happen...
And sponges and most 'holey' objects don't bother me... Just flesh... Like there is a frog that lays its eggs on its back (or something)... then they grow into the flesh and underneath... bunch of little holes where they stick their little tadpole heads out of... bleeegghhhh


A part of me wants to create some 'fantasy' disease that... makes that happen...
And sponges and most 'holey' objects don't bother me... Just flesh... Like there is a frog that lays its eggs on its back (or something)... then they grow into the flesh and underneath... bunch of little holes where they stick their little tadpole heads out of... bleeegghhhh
*Hug.* Exact same feeling, yo.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
A part of me wants to create some 'fantasy' disease that... makes that happen...
And sponges and most 'holey' objects don't bother me... Just flesh... Like there is a frog that lays its eggs on its back (or something)... then they grow into the flesh and underneath... bunch of little holes where they stick their little tadpole heads out of... bleeegghhhh
Surinam Toad. Thats the surinam toad.
And I too find it quite disturbing.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I actually found a massive spider in the shed today.

I had intended to take a photo, but by the time I returned with a camera it had gone.

...See, I don't mind spiders. When I can see them. ;-;


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
ey man same here except for the spiders thing (and only real spiders. Fake spiders do not bother me) But yea that thing in the hand... *shudders*