Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Assisting Development


Lord of Altera
Ahoy there!

The idea of creating this thread popped up in my mind when reading the posts in the Game Concepts, Ideas & Suggestions thread. This thread is for anyone that needs help with development of their game, program or whatever they're working on.

If you require help with coding, art, or anything within development of your project, this is the place for you to reply to. Then wait and see if anyone replies, saying that they would like to help. It's free, and might be easier than having to hire some professional :p


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Sounds like a great idea, considering how many people know or are interested in coding on the server :D


King ForumStalker
Example I grabbed from the web of the most simple code, a dialogue code:

#dynamic 0x800000
#org @start
msgbox @text 0x6
#org @text
=Hey im Lance , I no you don't know me \pBut i have been watching\n you \pand your pokemon grow \pThere are some crazy people\nout there \pIn fact there are 10 people \pwho are trying to create a\nnew pokemon\pThere going to call it Suicune\pI need you to help me stop this\pThere Planing to use\nthis Pokemon\pfor evil , to take over\nthe world \pwith this pokemons power it wont be hard\pWe will meet again , when it is time
hidesprite 0x05


Lord of Altera
Any programmers out there willing to help wit Tactical Operations? :3

We're about to launch the project. And I really don't want to do all the coding myself :p


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Any programmers out there willing to help wit Tactical Operations? :3
We're about to launch the project. And I really don't want to do all the coding myself :p
I'm not all that confident in my coding skills as of now, but I'd be willing to help with some psuedo or flowcharts, if you tell me what you need? I might come up with some ideas, maybe!


Lord of Altera
The IndieGoGo project was taken down because we rushed it. We weren't ready.

The thread will be unlocked when the project continues. I might as well unlock it when I come home, so people can discuss it.