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Deceased Banshee | Laisa


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Seems I have not poked this in a year, despite my fiddling with it every now and then. Anywho. Updated.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Some updates. I realised I hadn’t edited her personality since she was a teenager so it still read like it was about one. I fixed it to sound better and added some new things. New home. New goals. New relations. New main theme. Some relation themes if I could think of them. Laisa is my only char who gets any rp atm so I’m focusing my attention on her for a while.
Oh and I added my new divider I made for her.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Been playing her quite a bit recently and she's been working through a good deal of emotional baggage. Updated some relations and fiddled with some themes. Also added new art cause i really liked both the pieces I did of her recently.
Dont think I have forgotten anyone but if I did poke me.

As a side note just to be clear, if you're interested in Animancy stuff hmu.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Another update cause I hadn’t poked it since Laisa went off the deep end into intense existential crisis territory…or since she hit master.
I fixed relations to have the format I use on my other profiles, gonna work on more quotes as I go.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Updated for new magic stuff, completely redid the colour themes and reference images and stuff plus adjusted lil bits. Sorted out relations for people she hasn't spoken to for a long long time.

Also I haven't updated since getting very lovely art from Veradite which is above relations and is perfect.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
A couple small updates as I've played her a bit more. Laisa has gone full ghost mom and become entirely apathetic to living people. As such, I don't really feel that writing relations for people who she doesn't feel anything about makes sense so from now on there's only people she loves and people she has lost. Sorry if I had to delete you because of that.

Other than that, some new ref pics, some aesthetic updates, some personality and health changes etc.. etc..


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
A couple small updates as I've played her a bit more. Laisa has gone full ghost mom and become entirely apathetic to living people. As such, I don't really feel that writing relations for people who she doesn't feel anything about makes sense so from now on there's only people she loves and people she has lost. Sorry if I had to delete you because of that.

Other than that, some new ref pics, some aesthetic updates, some personality and health changes etc.. etc..
OooOoooooooOoOoooOooooOoo ghost


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Those who have seen the ghost woman recently note her haunting the same locations. Like clockwork, she follows the same routine, never interacting with anyone and yet always talking to someone.
Until one day she isn’t there anymore. It is an absence that likely doesn’t trouble the people who have known her presence in recent weeks, if it is even an absence they notice. Perhaps they assume she has simply moved on, slipped beyond the veil to the realm in which she belongs.


Laisa is now missing for a time while I work on some things with her. I don’t expect it to be that long but it’s an actual IC disappearance so that’s why I’m updating this. She is not technically being shelved, nor is she technically completely impossible to reach. If for whatever reason you would like to find her let me know and I will point you in the right direction​


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
A very large update without too much actually changed. Not sure how permanent this will be but I’ve really enjoyed it so far.

Will expand on relations once I get the hang of things, expect more edginess


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Been trying to get some writing done for my weekly creative writing journals so I put Six Lethargies on for about an hour and wrote this.

She feels the earth sink, the soaked soil shifting with her weight. The grass flattens beneath her calves as her legs sprawl out in front of her. For the briefest of moments, while her mind is focused on getting comfortable, there is silence...Then the voices start.

Before long she is circled by her ethereal audience, some familiar, some strangers. She mutters some greetings; asks how they are. She was never very good at small talk. It is dark now, and the graveyard is quiet, so she slips her hood down and reaches up to pull her helmet off, her crumpled curls bursting free from their constraints.

“I’m looking for the fishmonger” a dowdy man in ragged clothes, a member of her ghostly entourage, leans down and looks her dead in the eyes as he speaks. A simple enough request, and yet she knows she can never answer it. By the desperate look in the man’s eyes, she believes part of him knows it too.

She allows her eyes to drift away from the man who now seems to be pleading with her to give him directions. Instead, she focuses on the helmet, pulling her sleeve down to shine the metal façade. She peers at her blurry, distorted reflection in the freshly buffed surface. Stray strands of grey are plastered to her forehead from where they have pressed against her all day and her undereyes are dark, especially in contrast with her corpse-like complexion. The helmet is tossed aside.

She closes her eyes and breathes deeply.

In an instant, the colour seeps away from the graveyard, leaving the jumble of headstones and their accompanying flowers in dreary black and white. Beyond the graveyard is nothing but deep, black void. She stares into it, knowing and unknowing all at once. It does not scare her anymore; fear is a part of the woman she left. The woman she clawed free from. She knew that woman would be the death of her.

Shadows creep forth from the void, drawn to her glowing form. They slip around her ankles and up her legs. She knows that shadows are prone to mischief, but when they do this, she believes they are inviting her to stay, and each time she feels more inclined to accept.

“How can it be that you are so dead but still living?” she hears someone ask. “There is no heart left to beat and yet it does.”

It takes her a moment to realise the words are her own, the question asked of herself. Her ghostly companions loom over her, their glazed eyes somehow incredibly focused. They listen to her, as if what she says is an answer to their many questions.

It could be so peaceful in the planar, she thinks. So peaceful and calm. It would be so easy to linger and simply forget.

But monsters do not deserve respite.

Her eyes open. It is still dark, and the graveyard is quiet...apart from the dead.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Small but very important update + return of Laisa’s profile. She will still be taking on the role of Banshee occasionally but it’s not a coping mechanism anymore.

Poke if you want a relation.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
I've been re-watching Bones again, which always makes me think of Laisa, and I realised I never really gave her a proper send off. So, I thought I'd do the same as I did when Odette died and write a death scene for her. I was being a little bit experimental with the structure, with time markers that increase more and more each time and each part increasing in length too, trying to put across this sense of losing track of time/time running away from you and a feeling of not being able to stick to one train of thought which is how I imagine this process feels.

Though I know I moved her profile on my character list, I realise this may be the first time some people see that she's actually dead so if you have any questions about her/her possessions or whatever DM me.

(Also please bare in mind that not all of this is necessarily canon.)
5 minutes

In that moment, everything was quiet. The ethereal forms of the dead were lingering nearby, and yet they did not speak. It had been the first time in a decade that she couldn’t hear someone muttering in her head and, ironically, that was the moment when she wondered if she had finally cracked.

20 minutes

She focused on the feeling of weightlessness, the complete lack of strain on any inch of her body. It was a remarkable feeling, one she had grown much too comfortable with and longed for often. Despite the incomprehensible vastness of the planar, she could almost feel at home. She began to picture it, four sturdy walls, a comfortable seat beside the fire, a shelf filled with books. She pretended she could feel it, the warmth and the comfort, and wondered if it could be enough.

2 hours

An elven man in his 30s was sitting across from her. He was the first to break the silence, repeating his same set of phrases over and over. His voice was desperate, begging her to hear him. She had learnt not to let it get to her.

Something about the man was familiar, with deep, sad eyes set in a face curtained by black hair, almost as dark as the void around them. Her vacant gaze examined the blurry details of his form as he finally left her. A line of spirits followed after him, mumbling their own questions.

10 hours

She hadn’t thought to wonder why no one had woken her yet. She couldn’t be sure how long she was gone, nor could she quite remember where exactly she had left her body. The tavern? No she hadn’t been there in months. Her home? She glanced about herself to see if she could pick out any details in the greyscale surroundings, but realised there were none. So, she was somewhere open, maybe a field.

That’s right. A field. She remembered it all now. She’d gone walking again, somewhere off the east coast. So there was no one there to pull her from her reverie. No one but herself.

This realisation dawned on her with an odd sense of…lacking. Lacking importance. Lacking warning. She couldn’t worry. Didn’t worry.

3 days

Faces came to her mind and faded just as quickly, each one seeming less and less relevant. A few lingered longer than they should have, but she struggled to remember what about them was so crucial. Soon they were just features, bright blue eyes on a pale face, ink splattered across war-torn skin, auburn hair pulled into a ponytail, a sword held firmly in a gloved hand, black hair…Black hair.

The elf from before?

She glanced about herself again, but the train of thought escaped her when she realised there were about thirty more lost souls than the last time she looked. Every single pair of eyes was turned towards her expectantly. She couldn’t remember why she was the one they were staring at, what she could possibly do to help them.

She looked to herself. She looked to them.

They were all bundled up together like a school of fish. She was the outlier. She must have been standing with them and broken away. That’s why they were staring at her. They wanted to her to re-join them in their huddle, they were waiting for her to step back over. She could feel in her chest that she longed to be with them and she couldn’t understand why she had left them in the first place. She belonged with them.

And so she joined them

8 days…

12 days…
