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Finished Building Contest: Shrine of the Pantheon {Winners Announced!}


Lord of Altera
I will be unable to finish this. I will have to be omitted from the contest, as I leave tomorrow for three weeks. :p


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I quit, school/RP needs me more then building, also I am can't compete against these epic builds


Lord of Altera

Completed! (more or less)
X: 269
Z: -1332
I would however like the 'pointers on the criteria' that you said you'd gladly give if that's ok. :D


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
solusrequiem Submission; Project Cathedral -

x: -56
y: 5
z: -1313

Status: Work in Progress. Just tweaking a few parts an stoof.

[Did I do that right.]
Yeah, you did that fine!

The Requirements and how these are judged has been included on the first post.

~Sofar, this build:
-Is the perfect size!
-Has enough Shrines for each Pantheon member, notably marked the three 'larger' spaces and plenty otherwise.
-Each Shrine is utterly neutral as requested (You didn't incorporate your own pantheon sigils, etc.)
-Built to be incorporated on a Plains biome
-Neutral materials used (No stained clay, etc.)
+As listed above, meets each Requirement.

On critique, there is not only visual and aesthetic appeal, but a lovely structure and its own foundation added therein. Something that is especially appreciated is how utterly neutral it is, as this allows us free reign to cater it to the server version- making this build an ideal candidate. The lighting seems rather decent, and the homesteads and buildings are especially wonderful. With excessively creative and breathtaking architecture, the only thing one might be wanting for in this build is a latrine :p

The entirety of this build is one of the best we've seen flying around and I would give it flying colours. Go go Solus :D

And thank you kindly for your contribution :)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
*wipes tears from eyes* It's alright, I can find this thread myself.

x: 118
z: -1154

The Requirements and how these are judged has been included on the first post.

~Sofar, this build
-Certainly isn't too large, which is always handy and appreciated
-Seems to only have areas for the three largest shrines, and no other besides- Which might create issues given how large the Pantheon is.
-Has shrines that are there are quite neutral, which is lovely in its self.
-Is built suited for a Plains biome
-Is built with neutral colours, also appreciated.
+And seems to only meet most of the Requirements.

I enjoy the beautiful and original design for the place of worship, and also enjoy the non-identifying style. The fountains are a lovely addition and the courtyards/gardens even more so, but it does seem a bit hard to see when walking through the inside at night (Not always a bad thing!). What is built of the homesteads are lovely, and I think them ready to produce despite this being still in construction. The absence of a place for a library is a bit saddening, but the entire build is yet coherent which leads me to believe it doesn't quite need one.
I'm happy there isn't any pesky basements!

There seems a bit more to be done here still, and I wish you well. May the best man win, thank you kindly for your contribution :)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Work in progress

... I need to start before I can finish.
x: -3.36603
z: -1514.34051
The Requirements and how these are judged has been included on the first post.


this was intimidating to walk into
You still have tons of time, and what I see so far is lovely :D
The only thing I can comment on is the size, which is JUST shy of being "too large" (I.e. you're in the clear and have a bit of wiggle room yet still). Good luck!

As always, thank you for your contribution!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Work in Progress.

X: 269
Z: -1332

Ack, your coords put me at the butt of the building! XD

The Requirements and how these are judged has been included on the first post.

~Sofar, this build
-Possesses three large shrine areas, but one seems a bit cut off from the rest.. (I'm not sure about the prayer mats, perhaps some seats there...?). A Grand Cathedral would ideally represent each Deity equally in the interests of not occurring anyones wrath.
-The smaller shrines are spaced out and hard to find- As well as there not seeming to be nearly enough!
-Has .. mostly .. neutral areas, with bits and pieces that would have to be micromanaged should this be the build for the server.
-Is well and decent for a Plains Biome!
-.. Is yet neutral from afar!
+And seems to only mostly meet the Requirements.

Its a rather beautiful thing, aesthetic wise, but seems to somewhat lack in function. I know I mentioned one of the Large shrines being apart from the other two and the little shrines a bit forgotten, but what I didn't mention is how amazing it is you took a traditional blueprint and made it quite appealing with a bit of material placement and welcome pzazz. The gardens and fountains are a large part of the beauty and certainly add to the area. And the wee graveyard is rather wonderful.
Unfortunately, I cannot find any homesteads currently on the build and thus nowhere for the Priests to remain. As I said, quite appealing- But a bit lacking in the technical functions.

Again, we'll keep in mind this is still under construction and I would love to take another look when you're done.
Thank you kindly for your contribution :)

Edit: You've mentioned it is completed- I will gladly point you to the mentions above, as they still hold strong :D


Lord of Altera
Right I suppose I can explain my design. :D Yes the evil shrine is separated from the neutral and good shrines, I assumed that anyone worshipping evil gods may want to in seclusion as not to be seen publicly or at least with privacy, not to discredit the evil gods in any way XD (I'm not too updated on the lore of evil god worship) if I am wrong I can just open up the entrance, no biggy. :p

-The smaller shrines are spaced out and hard to find- As well as there not seeming to be nearly enough!
There are 10 smaller shrines believe, it said 10-12, should I add more? the gardens take a path around the cathedral grounds which lead to each of the 10 shrine areas along the route, other than the 2 areas which are just inside the cathedral entrance.

-.. Is yet neutral from afar!
Yeah the large shrine areas, I did do up as to signify which shrine location was which, I can strip the decor if you want.

(I'm not sure about the prayer mats, perhaps some seats there...?)
Yes I wasn't sure about the prayer mats either, they seemed less obtrusive than more pews. I didn't want to cover too much floor space.

I cannot find any homesteads currently on the build and thus nowhere for the Priests to remain.
This was written as an optional addition and I was worried that it might get a little in the way of my design later so I opted to leave it out untill necessary (i.e.- now ;)), however I left space for it and I will gladly get to work on a place of residence right away as I already have a design for it. :D

Thank you very much for the feedback, I'll set to work on the improvements. :D


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
x: -189
y: 4
z: 290

Complete (Barring OCD tweaks)
The Requirements and how these are judged has been included on the first post.

~Sofar, this build
-Is a bit on the larger side, but doesn't break the block limit (So all is well!)
-Seems to have enough Shrines, but the spacing is a bit unnerving
-Utilizes absolute neutral materials
+And looks to meet all the requirements!

The imposing entrance of this Cathedral is most definitely a work of art- as long as you don't look to hard at the sides :heart:
It has many aspects which are an absolute aesthetic genius, but retains an odd 'blocky' feel, where edges seem a bit sharp or the walls too fragile or simply too much empty.. ceiling. While I do love the use of neutral materials, It could use a bit of greenery, or a courtyard. The pools are lovely, but the architecture seems almost barren (Save for about Shalheranas tree). The residence for the Priests is quite homely, perhaps a bit too much so? And I definitely mourn the lack of bathrooms :p
That aside, the shrine locations and pews are rather well done within their own squares- But spaced a bit too mechanically from each other.

I like it, but there seems to be a bit of a lack of RP Compatibility and Aesthetics.
The above aside, thank you so much for contributing to the Build Contest :D


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Will there be some kind of community vote on the ones that fulfill the requirements?
Check the first post for the criteria of judging. The one that best fits the requirements and gains the highest score on the criteria will be the winner. Runner Ups will also be announced.