Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Campaign Overview


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff

This campaign is slated tenatitively for some time in April, but we may do some events alluding to the campaign before that point, pending interest. This campaign is going to follow an experimental layout. The signup won't be for individual players - if you show up to an event it will be presumed you will be prepared to accept the consequences for your character's actions, if applicable. Instead, there will be a signup for groups.

The campaign is going to progress differentially than past campaigns. Instead of just linearly going through the paces from event to event, each group which signs up will be given hints of a plot to follow, and while mingling is of course allowed, bear in mind that the actions of one member reflect on all members of the group for plot purposes. To sign up, just make a conversation with me (and everyone in the group) on the forums, with the following template:

Preferred timezone:
Affiliation (why they're together):

Once that is done, and the campaign is underway, we'll start handling progression. If you want to do the group signup and organization over discord instead, that's fine too. BLargtheAwesome#8832

See you again in April.
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Lord of Altera
what if people don't have a group? can they still participate in the campaign?


Lord of Altera
Will this campaign be as drastic as earlier ones? Not going to lie, I’m still exhausted from Archon lol. Plus it is a little tiresome to have large chunks of time taken away from players who wanted to hold events in those times because the world is melting again.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Will this campaign be as drastic as earlier ones? Not going to lie, I’m still exhausted from Archon lol. Plus it is a little tiresome to have large chunks of time taken away from players who wanted to hold events in those times because the world is melting again.
That's sort of the nature of large server campaigns, and why down time in between them is so important. The downtime between campaigns gives players the time to do their stuff before the next world crisis hits.


Lord of Altera
That's sort of the nature of large server campaigns, and why down time in between them is so important. The downtime between campaigns gives players the time to do their stuff before the next world crisis hits.
Yeah, it’s not anyone’s fault that I haven’t had the time to do any events anyways. I guess I’ll have to wait and keep planning.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
There is still plenty of time from now until these begin to do events, as well.


Lord of Altera
Name: Rook Corvus.
Preferred timezone: GMT+1
Affiliation (why they're together): Blackrush.

Sorry for not signing up earlier, I didn't see it in time, plus I may or may not have gotten information all mixed up and wrong. Would I still be able to join a group? I understand if not, but I'm still able to, I'd like to join the Blackrush group. If not ignore this comment, and I hope that the campaign will be fun for all of those involved!


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Name: Rook Corvus.
Preferred timezone: GMT+1
Affiliation (why they're together): Blackrush.

Sorry for not signing up earlier, I didn't see it in time, plus I may or may not have gotten information all mixed up and wrong. Would I still be able to join a group? I understand if not, but I'm still able to, I'd like to join the Blackrush group. If not ignore this comment, and I hope that the campaign will be fun for all of those involved!
If you aren't able to join a group, you can join [Toasty and I's group], which is for anyone not in a group. This group is mainly OOC, so you'd be free to RP campaign stuff with Blackrush folks if that makes sense for Rook :)


Sorry for not signing up earlier, I didn't see it in time, plus I may or may not have gotten information all mixed up and wrong. Would I still be able to join a group? I understand if not, but I'm still able to, I'd like to join the Blackrush group. If not ignore this comment, and I hope that the campaign will be fun for all of those involved!
You can join any group that'll take you without asking Blarg.