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Cubey's Life in Skyrim




I just met the first person who is DEAF!

Like Northern Light, god I love it...

That's ME!

Lame.... horse meat.. I dont eat this :(

Oops... I thought he was enemy, I blame Eye Detection but I learned it now hehe

I love riding on a horse cause im horse rider in real life!

Nice view.

Candle Glitch.... (laughs)

Look like snow angel? or his legs has way too open... (No dirty please)

Skeleton Dragon GLITCH! (skins are missing)

Two moons? must be Fantasy.

Nice view in morning

Here comes trouble.... (what is he doing?)

My very own minion!

Dragon stucks in the air like paused


Dragon flying backward glitch!!

Finish him off....



awww thats my fav colour, I want it badly...

Colour is different!

Price is..... Hell's price! 666!

god I love BLUE lights...

OMG escape from this game!!! Glitch is coming and about to crash my game! (I did save it

before went crash after Im using forge)

My Another minion... ORC!

Black Moon glitch? I'm not sure if it were just New Moon... looks scary.

My very own horse! :D

*cries* I lost my horse from bear attack. For the reason I won't buy another horse because

they can't fight well and got killed by wild animals Grrr. I don't allow my horse to attack

enemies which I fighting enemies :( That's why I use foot around the world!

Lame. Frost. My weakness is Stamina. BAAAAH

Nice one guy.... I hope you enjoy having a broken big vase.

:O! My wolf spirit! (laughs at my name)

I can see clearly hahaha

Awww Made me want to cuddle them! They are so cuuuuute.



Dremora got owned by me.. I didnt know that I hitted him too hard and being threw out of


I thought Dremora was one of most tough enemies that I have seen it... Maybe my skills is too

strong for them? :p

erm.... A Drunk sabre?

Too many soul gems!!!


Finally I met Sanguine again, I managed to capture a screenshot of myself and Sanguine! We

rock! Dremora ftw!

Beware.. if you go visit misty grove again, Dont go there cos I got stuck inside of this! I can't get out and had to reload the save :s


Moderating the herps & derps
oh cubey ur stories are worth gold :D
altho i do say..u make to many beautiful screenshots >_< trying to lure me back into skyrim ugh


Lord of Altera
A deaf person in Skyrim? :O I'll use my ASL skills! Jk
Too bad there's no signing skill in the game :/


PC, Zane :)

Well I use BSL (British) But deaf woman does speak but I believe she just can't hear us -.-


King ForumStalker
The snow angel one looks like Lars :p

I must admit though, the graphics of this game are epic, wasn't as overrated as I thought.


errr she can speak cos she were talking to someone while im walking up on first floor, she was in prison I think


Lord of Altera
errr she can speak cos she were talking to someone while im walking up on first floor, she was in prison I think
I heard you say that she talks before, I was just wondering if she talks to the player (or how she understand you if she does talk to you).


Sorry Danie, I dont think you played skyrim. Go on.

could be yes, roopot.


New Screenshots Added!

WARNING: You may finding this graphic HORROR!

Skill increaseed: 666 !

I forced dragon to land!

Eat me for dinner, Bloody?

My minion Dremora did, not me! mage's head has been cutted off by him!

I used Wabbajack.... Dremora wants kill me!

It's me, waiting for Jarl to wake up and have a breakfast time that I need to speak her! -.-'

I'm spying on dremora!

Two Dremoras are guarding the chest from me that they dont want me to open it!! (I dragged both dead's over the chest)




I promised to post female version of Nightnale...



Me me me!

oh my god


Who am I?

No, not this horse, you silly shout power!

He he Shadowmare looks at this and wonders

Hey, Dremora behinds you!


My favourite minion! (summon a dremora)

Head has been cutted off...
