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Ddaug02's 2'nd Ban Appeal [Resolved - Tempban]

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Lord of Altera
Reason for being banned: Abuse of a bug in the system for my own good.
IGN: Ddaug02

Dear, HollowWorld

As you all know, I was caught after using a bug in the system to illegally gain items. And I illegally gained a LOT of items. There is no hiding that. I know there is nothing I can do to make my actions seem less horrible, because they really were just all that horrible.

It has been about 20 days since my ban, though to me it feels like much longer. I am sure most of you will say something along the lines of "weren't you just banned like- last week?". I know this, because that is how I always felt when seeing my friends post for appeals, claiming they have been gone forever.

But no, I have not been gone for all that long. And no, I have not become a whole new person. And no, I have not matured all that much. But yes, I have greatly changed the way I value HollowWorld and its community.

Every day since my ban I have come home, completed my homework, and walked to my computer. I think "Yes, I finally get to get on HollowWo- ohwait..". Every. Single. Day. It has made me notice how much of an impact HollowWorld REALLY had on my life. And how important it all really was to me. While being banned, I tried various different rp servers. None of them are the same. None of them can replace HollowWorld. HollowWorld is something unique and truly special, and I hate knowing I cheated the community. I hate knowing I am an exile from this community.

So yes, I do ask I can return. I ask for a second chance. I know in returning it'll never be the same. I will always be scarred with doing what I did. I will always be shunned for it. I understand this, but plea for the chance. Plea for the chance to return to something I truly love. HollowWorld.

Sincerely, Ddaug02


Retired Staff
Alright. Decision has been made to change the ban from a permaban to a 2 month tempban. You were originally banned on 26th August, so you're actually nearly half way through your ban period.

I'm not going to get into what you did wrong, or give you any grief over it. We all know the deal there. As far as I'm concerned, once that tempban is up, you're more than welcome back, and it's a fresh start.

Having said that though, you need to be aware - you will have nothing when you come back. No house, no town, no inventory, no donator rank either. Again; I don't want to hassle you over what's now in the past, but this is a part of the consequences.

I really appreciate that you've been genuine and remorseful through out all of this, and haven't tried to shift the blame. Looking forward to having you back soon.
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