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Defence of Azerport


Events Staff
Very Sweet

The Defence of Azerport

Wednesday 6th July
6pm EST // 11pm BST // 10pm GMT


While the land to the south east has been more protected with the efforts from Fort Toil and Motte Adler, those of the south west has not. The people must bring themselves together for another defence lest the dead pass through unhinged, to overwhelm Avignon, Tu'raun, Torsomme, and onward. Some who remain within Azerport have cleared the initial stragglers and have began preparations for the next horde, but they are too few in number. Rumours of luring the hordes away from south of Avignon and directing them to Azerport are heard, but nothing is clear yet.

Markus Reed has began defences. Letters to Hawklight and Anhald are in progress.

You have 3 OOC days (More or less!) to complete any defences within Azerport. It classes as up to 5 IC days, but no more. The more people assisting the more that can be done, though stone walls cannot be acceptable. Wood only, with whatever items around Azerport you might decide to use.
mokwar is region owner, and so permissions should be asked for or I can assist with materials given to me.

Iamme123 - Has hosted, and it is up to him for how public this will go.

+ For the sake of keeping things fair and balanced, no OOC armour will be permitted at this event. You have masses of defences and should not need to, and it simply negates damage where there needs to be more risk to running into a group of ten and somehow being untouchable. It saves you OOC armour damage as well.
+ If you are IC armoured, wear an armoured skin.
+ Weaponry can be enchanted but I do not care for enchantments IC and they won't do anything major. Do not use a bow if your character does not know how to use one.
+ Bites are caused if you die OOCly against them. I can TP you back if you've not set a home, and I'll ask you to roll. 8 and under is a bite that is diseased.8-12 is regular infection. If you are fully armoured, it's armour damage at 8 and under. (3 and under it gets through somehow and I'll have you roll a second time for infection.)
+ Lag is not an acceptable reason to avoid injury - I am aware lag happens but in large scale events like these I always say it isn't a reason because it's the most fair. On that note, this will be a heavy PvE (And probably players too) event. If you're on a potato, I've warned you.

A loose guide for their direction.

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Events Staff
Very Sweet
Note; I'll consider temps if you can't play a character but Cap's right in that it holds more weight. I've not really gone out my way to murder anyone at these events though. c;


Lord of Altera
She really hasn't... Lena can always find someone to sit the twins if she is needed, she does after all live there.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Berndt has arrived early to help set up defences, so whenever the current defending party could log on, that would be wonderful.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Will provide stragglers later tonight probably. Lets check those defences. ; )


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Can you give a hint when the stragglers will show up Elz? I plan on RPing there to bring supplies point out some defensive spots Azure noticed when he was here with Anhald taking the city. He ICly was all "don't worry I'm not go to go off to some foreign city and fight when undead have shown up at home". I'd love for him to accidentally get in trouble :3


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Is this today? :eek:
No. Tomorrow. I'm just throwing some zombies their way tonight.

Can you give a hint when the stragglers will show up Elz? I plan on RPing there to bring supplies point out some defensive spots Azure noticed when he was here with Anhald taking the city. He ICly was all "don't worry I'm not go to go off to some foreign city and fight when undead have shown up at home". I'd love for him to accidentally get in trouble :3
Ahh- Let's see. Around 2 hours from now.Might be 30 mins sooner or after.

And I've added some notes that I forgot about before. Added to main post too but here;

+ For the sake of keeping things fair and balanced, no OOC armour will be permitted at this event. You have masses of defences and should not need to, and it simply negates damage where there needs to be more risk to running into a group of ten and somehow being untouchable. It saves you OOC armour damage as well.
+ If you are IC armoured, wear an armoured skin.
+ Weaponry can be enchanted but I do not care for enchantments IC and they won't do anything major. Do not use a bow if your character does not know how to use one.
+ Bites are caused if you die OOCly against them. I can TP you back if you've not set a home, and I'll ask you to roll. 8 and under is a bite that is diseased.8-12 is regular infection. If you are fully armoured, it's armour damage at 8 and under. (3 and under it gets through somehow and I'll have you roll a second time for infection.)
+ Lag is not an acceptable reason to avoid injury - I am aware lag happens but in large scale events like these I always say it isn't a reason because it's the most fair. On that note, this will be a heavy PvE (And probably players too) event. If you're on a potato, I've warned you.



Events Staff
Very Sweet
Also currently considering this being a 3 day long event - Today, Wednesday, and thursday. Similar times, with sporadic moments through the day so a few timezones are covered. If agreeable, I'll make each OOC day 2-3 days ICly. c: