Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Doctor Thomas Gregory's Whitelist Application [Declined - Charybdis]


About Me!

1. What is your Minecraft username?
2. How old are you?
18 a few week ago

3. What country are you from?
I am from France
4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?
I learned the basic to post this application and will keep on

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming is when you use information you've get from a non rp source like discord /forum and use it at your advantage when you are on the server like hearing about a betrayal on discord and preparing yourself for it
powergaming is the creation of a overpowered character (player or NPC) and is just fun for the one that use it like saying that you made your opponent loose his weapon when the fight barely started
6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?
Of course not , it gives an unfair advantage and I never heard about a server accepting it though

7. Name one of our current Mentors.

8. Tell us about yourself!
Well i am a bit associal person in real life so i spend a lot of time on video games where I am way less shy , I play a lot of league of legend and I really like RPG's
In point of music I can listen to praticly everything but I prefer Punk/rock or metal
I always liked Medival age settled story and fantasy (mostly Dark Fantasy)
I am new at RPing but its always something that amazes me so I want to try it by myself
And I just want to warn you that as a typical French person my english accent is the most horrible thing you can hear on Earth
9. Do you have any examples of your work?
No sorry i am not really an artist (I draw like a 3 year old blind child)

10. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
I just googled fantasy RPG server and found you site (really like the presentation though)

About Your Character!
This section is about the character you intend to use once you join the server.We ask that new players follow these guidelines during this portion of the application:

Character Name:
Thomas Gregory

Character Age:

Character Race:

Hair :supposed to be brown but some turn grey because of all the chemical he breathes while brewing
Eye Color :supposed to be brown
Skin color : Unhealthy white because his skin has not faced sun in years
Clothing : A plague doctor outfit used in our world medieval era
Height : 6’2ft
Weight : 110 lbs
(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
its a basic plague doctor skin that I found

Written Test!
Doctor Thomas Gregory as studied medicine since he learned how to walk , he was raised only by his father that used to be a famous alchemist in the foreign country he loved in
but years ago a terrible disease as rampaged this country . Thomas saw his father slowly dying from exhaustion trying to save the people but one day his father failed .
one of his landlord heir as being infected by the disease but the famous alchemist arrived to late and was sentenced to death for his failure and his apprentice banished from his homeland
Thomas do not feel any hate towards the landlord because is father always told him that the loss of a loved one can make the kindest man fall into hatred
but Thomas learned something that day , a simple sentence stuck to his mind <<Failure cant be tolerated >> .
Now Thomas have only one goal in life , The disease had torn his world appart so it will make it dissapear
he herited his father uniform , a suit of black lether with a white crow mask that he has to wear when facing a diseased giving him the aspect of a ghost because of Thomas's shape and a crossbow to defend himself from lost souls
and decided to wear his suit and mask constantly till he could see a world without his nemesis .
But solitude is a scourge for a scientist and to achieve his goal he need to settle himself in a laboratory with people to share knowledge with .
During his journey the doctor learned about a land called Altera where magic ,something that goes beyond logic and science existed so he decided to settle himself to this land
and investigate on magic , is it a threat ? is it what he needs to clean his father image?
His destiny appeared in the wanderer mind , he will settle his office in this county , gather money to build a laboratory , and continue what his father has started and who know maybe not knowing magic is what made his father fail
But for now he really lacked currency to achieve his said destiny , but <<how could there be glory without hardwork ! >> this sentence will now be his new motto for the time being
He recently arrived to Altera and know that his fight against the Scourge has taken a new step and this new land have a smell of great future for him.

this bio his 407 word long , as a doctor I had to make sure you dont exhaust your eyes scrolling throught .

Current Setting of the Server:

For days, it rained. The coasts were battered by bolstered waves, and the fields turned to lakes that could swallow a caravan. For some, it was an omen.

The evil promises came true. As the storms slipped back out to sea and the sun's auburn hues could again be seen rising over the horizon, something dark crept out from the cavern depths. A dangerous, and mysterious plague gripped Altera by ferocious surprise. At first, it was studied in quite isolation by academics, but soon it became clear that this was no mere curse of nature. Plague beasts, monstrous mutated abominations, stormed research facilities, escalating the situation into a full scale struggle. Across the lands, people became displaced from their homes as monster and plague altered their way of life.

The lands of Altera are poised in dire straits, but there is hope. The sun still shines, and opportunities for glory grow like tentative vines. All over, people are fighting, innovating and living in spite of the darkness below. Will you join them?
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I know my backstory says that my character already knows much about chemisty but perfectly know that I cant start with bonuses and wont ask for it
I just needed to say this so i dont write a story of someone who just wonders in a plague doctor outfit


Guardian Of The Vibes
Hello, thanks for applying. Unfortunately, your application has been declined for the following reasons.
  • Powergaming Definition: Your definition is close but not quite correct. Please take another look at our {King's Law} and try re-wording it.
  • Character Appearance: 110 lbs at 6'2" is severely underweight for a person of that height and would cause them to be very ill, and likely die.
  • Written Test:
    • We ask that skills beyond a novice level are learned not through backstory but through roleplay on the server, for fairness' sake. Such is especially true for having a 'famous alchemist' parent.
    • Your country written is not within our lore, and additionally, Altera is the world this setting is based in, not a landmass or place one can arrive to.
    • We strictly state in our guidelines to not mention magic in your written test. Please read our application rules more thoroughly.
    • While English needn't be your first language, there are a large number of grammatical and spelling errors in your test, and we as a server are English-based and require some amount of fluency and clarity. Please look it over and try to fix it as best as you can.
You are free to reapply in a week's time (November 11th) when you feel you have a better grasp upon our rules, lore, and setting. Please make sure to take these points into account. If you have any questions or concerns about your denial, please contact myself or a staff member.


Actually I would like to know what most of my gramatical errors are so I could be more carefull next time
Hope I dont ask too much
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