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Deceased Dravos Slynt


Lord of Altera
Status: In Recovery
Name: Dravos Slynt
Titles: Sangrian Soldier
Nicknames/Aliases: Drav, Dirty Mongrel

Cymic Art

Gender: Male
Race: Moor Elven
Age: 19
Weight: Slim, Probably 170
Height: 6'3
Eyes: Purple
Skin: Very dark grey
Hair: Silvery-white, fashioned into a mohawk
Face: A hooked (and now crooked) nose, pointy chin, and high cheekbones, thin face, very elven
Voice: Brooding moor elf
Illnesses: In good health
Scars: Two scars about two inches from each other where he was shot in the right shoulder with a crossbow two times on two seperate occasions

» Current Mood: Content
» General Personality: The type of person nobles frown upon

Beneficial Traits:
» Strong-willed
» Tall
» "Clever" at times
» Ambitious
» Doesn't mind dabbling in grey areas
» Loyal
Detrimental Traits:
» Uneducated
» Low social class(this may change)
» Alcoholic
» Gambling Addiction
» Rude
» Immature
» An odd sense of humor
Sexuality: To be determined
Humor: laughs at most jokes
Greatest Joy: Clutching a bag of coins in one hand, a woman's breast in the other
Greatest Weakness: Depends, if asked he'd probably say his lack of judgement
Greatest Fear: Dying a nobody
Greatest Hatred: Getting humiliated
Priorities: Romance » Getting Power/titles » Staying true to Jax's doctrine
One Wish: To be rich and royal (50% progress)

Dress: Fashionable
Favorite Outfit: His new red and grey one
Jewelry: Doesn't care for it
Wealth: Lots of it
Possessions (Carried in Purple):
» A single patched, worn, and dirty faded green outfit, kept visible in his home so he always knows where he came from
» Radiants. Lots of them. He keeps a good amount buried.
» A pouch of dust/dirt/ashes
» A pair of dice
» A worn deck of cards

» Leather boots with holes Burned.
» A simple linen blanket
» A 80 pound wooden bow with an accompanying leather quiver and arrows
» a small hand-crossbow with accompanying bolts
» a regular sized crossbow that can be reloaded using a lever
» A steel dagger (dirk, no hilt) given to Frost
» 8 decks of Sangrian Bakara
» a large amount of chips from the Rogue's Hearth gambling hall
» A gold watch
» 3 expensive bottles of wine Squandered on women.
» A furred outfit fit for Halbed's cold climate
» a solid gold brick
» 2 healing potions
» black dress boots
» Balatro's ponytail [USER=15380]Balatro[/USER]
» Half full vial of palewort potion
» Vial of poison [potion of poison II]
» 120 Pound Elven Longbow (Unbreaking III)
» Sangrian Molotovs
A steel norman sword that Drav keeps in good shape and keeps well polished
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