Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Elenaril


Lord of Altera
Updates will be made in this Color
{Consent Rules: I consent to everything but if you intend to murder/maim/kidnap..etc just let me know beforehand}

General Information:
Name: Elenaril
Other Names: None
Titles: None
Age: 75
Race: Silver Elf
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current Residence: No where
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: Commoner fisherman

Physical Appearance:
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 156 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Distinguishing Features: His piercing blue eyes
Build of Body: Elenaril is a lean but toned man, and supports an average frame for his race
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: He lets his hair flow down his back and shoulders, taking only two long strands down the front of his person cascading on the sides of his face.
Posture: Elenaril has a straight posture
Scars: None that can be seen
Voice: He has a soft, deep voice that is always calm and somewhat soothing

Likes: The ocean, water, meditating, relaxing, reading, fishing, sailing
Dislikes: Hot places, loud places, the color orange and red
Strengths: Swimming, fishing, can handle stressful situations with a relaxed mind
Weaknesses: Is sometimes uncaring in situations which lead to indecisive decisions.
Fears: Being lost in the ocean, killed brutally
Values: Relaxation and self care
Education: He is only a commoner and has only learned how to read and write with some basic math
Common - Fluent, written & spoken​
Elven - Fluent, written & spoken​
General Attitude: Those who are around Elenaril often enough will see he holds a calm and relaxed expression throughout conversations and almost all situations. He'll crack the occasional smile but only if something amuses him or he is genuinely happy
Religious Inclination: He accepts the gods and respects all the good and neutral, and doesn't really care about the evil ones
General Intelligence: He's a very logical and thoughtful man, using his basic set of reasoning skills to get him through any situation
Alignment: Neutral good

+ - Done
/- In-progress
x - Failed
~ - Abandoned

Short Term Goals:

Long Term Goals:

Relevant Family Members: None
Romantic Interests: None
Trusted Friends: None
Friendly With: None
Loose Acquaintances: None
Disfavored Individuals: None
Hated: None
Wary Of: None
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