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House de Courtnay


Bored Brit
September 16th, 2014

House Name: Courtnay.
House Words: My right, by God.
Sigil: A golden lion upon a field of blue.

A noble House that has existed through the rise and fall of Lavoyarde and the three
Imperial Reichs, de Courtnay endures and thrives with faith and glory in mind. It has
seen ties formed with the bloodlines of Varyn and Arcturus,

Lands and Claims:
The Duchy of Artois
-The Castle of Knight's Haven
-The Township of Le Havre

The Duchy of Eberbau
-The Castle of Eberhall
-The Township of Eberbau
-The Keep of Ackerboden
-The Township of Ackerland
-The Castle of Rammbar's Motte/Motte Eiche*

The County of Wellenbrecher
*de Jure Claims

Political Relations:
- Kane | Vassalised to.
- Varyn | Non-Aggression-Pact.
- Flanders | Allied.
- Eberhall | Vassalised.
- Longtree | Neutral.
- Hardanger | Neutral.


Lord of de Courtnay:
1. Mathieu de Courtnay (Current)
2. Arielle du Lavoyarde (Not of Courtnay dynasty)

Duchy of Artois
1. Mathieu de Courtnay (Current)
2. Podric Flanders (Not of Courtnay dynasty)

Duchy of Eberbau
1. Mathieu de Courtnay (Current)
2. Nil. (Not of Courtnay dynasty)
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