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i was banned? D:

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I have been banned for "Dark magic is forbidden in Altera!" i dont know what this means but the whole time i was mineing stone for rads and i brought everything i own, please please can you sort this out please i dont hack or bug its all throu mineing stone and tradeing. i like this server and dont understand why it was cut short :'(


hmm, i agree but i could not find the "ban" section, also i belive this is a bit unfair since i did not break any rules... :'(


The Anime loving Brony
Moved the thread to the appropriate section.
Banned for Dark Magic means that you have been found guilty of X-raying, an offence that is looked at harshly, and you would not be accused of it without ample evidence.
You should wait 'till the person who banned you posts.


thank you for moveing it. and i dont see how they have "evidence" if i have not done the crime, i can see why they might have thought since i had full diamond armour, but all my items where brought with rads, i had been mineing stone since the hour i joined and i only have about 1.2k rads left, so please un-ban me as i have done nothing wrong.


Zalenfal Guardian
23483162 2012-07-23 12:02:31 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 234,8,67 Diamond Ore
23483173 2012-07-23 12:02:34 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 234,7,67 Diamond Ore
23483179 2012-07-23 12:02:36 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 234,8,66 Diamond Ore
23484371 2012-07-23 12:07:46 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 163,3,198 Diamond Ore
23484375 2012-07-23 12:07:47 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 163,3,197 Diamond Ore
23484382 2012-07-23 12:07:49 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 162,3,197 Diamond Ore
23484505 2012-07-23 12:08:18 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 187,11,185 Diamond Ore
23484511 2012-07-23 12:08:19 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 187,12,185 Diamond Ore
23484567 2012-07-23 12:08:29 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 187,12,184 Diamond Ore
23484581 2012-07-23 12:08:30 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 188,12,185 Diamond Ore
23484585 2012-07-23 12:08:31 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 188,12,184 Diamond Ore
23484924 2012-07-23 12:10:09 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 188,6,152 Diamond Ore
23484930 2012-07-23 12:10:10 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 189,5,152 Diamond Ore
23485059 2012-07-23 12:10:42 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 200,9,145 Diamond Ore
23485061 2012-07-23 12:10:43 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 200,8,145 Diamond Ore
23485153 2012-07-23 12:11:10 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 193,4,121 Diamond Ore
23485157 2012-07-23 12:11:11 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 192,5,121 Diamond Ore
23485177 2012-07-23 12:11:15 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 192,4,122 Diamond Ore
23486542 2012-07-23 12:16:04 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 205,8,45 Diamond Ore
23486543 2012-07-23 12:16:04 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 204,8,45 Diamond Ore
23486551 2012-07-23 12:16:06 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 204,9,45 Diamond Ore
23486568 2012-07-23 12:16:11 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 205,7,44 Diamond Ore
23486572 2012-07-23 12:16:12 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 205,6,44 Diamond Ore
23486656 2012-07-23 12:16:26 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 217,8,43 Diamond Ore
23486660 2012-07-23 12:16:27 zakanater19 Block Break Eastern_Frontier3 217,7,43 Diamond Ore


the. hell. i mined 6... ¬_¬, *sighs* your system must be wrong, besides i allready have a new server :D, but your server was fun "while i was not banned under false accusations" and i bid farewell to you all and, long live your nice server.


Zalenfal Guardian
the. hell. i mined 6... ¬_¬, *sighs* your system must be wrong, besides i allready have a new server :D, but your server was fun "while i was not banned under false accusations" and i bid farewell to you all and, long live your nice server.
The system is never wrong.


i belive i must be, look im not asking for a silly internet flame war. But i do belive i didnot mine such a vast amount of diamonds, so i stand by my claim of your system being wrong


My mines where purely to collect stone, i mined the entire area, i must have come acroos diamonds from time to time, it was a strip mine. But i know i only mined around 6 diamonds.


Lord of Altera
I must say. Jolly good lying sir. But you didn't mine an entire area out, you went through other peoples tunnels and picked diamonds from several blocks in the ceiling and sometimes floor. I say!


I was also, Strip Mineing: "Strip Mineing: Where one or more players mine out a whole area in order to collect ores" was not collecting ores i was mineing the stone and any gems i found on the way.


King of the north!
Zak, you said you've found a new server, go cheat there. Our system doesn't just make up random entries to tell us. It has no bias against players. It just records what happens. If you break a block, it records it, if you speak, it records it. It's that simple. It's not wrong so arguing and lying to us is a waste of time.

Don't waste admin time please.


Lord of Altera
Yer didn't mine entire areas, you did when you started. Then got lazy. We don't just check some ore breaks. We check all ore breaks. So when I see this:
And you've done this:

You must think we're stupid :3
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