Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ruu Darling

ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎
Aware Single
Retired Staff
So this is updated.. I couldn't be bothered highlighting the updates though so you just gonna have to go find them.

Ruu Darling

ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎
Aware Single
Retired Staff
Haven't been here for a while, big upnoot!

If I missed anyone on relations, just give me a boop :heart:

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them

Ruu Darling

ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎
Aware Single
Retired Staff

Que the lights. A flame lit atop of a candle as a pale face bearing the soft, wary pools of blush blue eyes appeared from the pitch black of the room, thin hardened hands caressing the heat that radiated around the single blaze before they gently lowered themselves into the barely lit darkness. The flame grew ever so brighter as it was lifted higher and the pale face became a tired woman, the blank scene around her becoming more visible as a small study area, cut off with wall dividers. The woman moved with the flame, it being the only source of light as it would paint a scene along the dark blank canvas around her.. Her long raven hair, of which that used to grace the wooden floors with glimmering coils, no more. Instead only comforting her bare tattooed shoulders, the rest of her body left to faintly shiver under a non-existent chill..

Isabell's expression and attitude was always a serious poker face, whether she was around people or alone. To her, neither mattered. Once upon a time she used to care so much, her sweet personality would blind her judgement from right from wrong. Because she believed she could help, make amends and even fix, which would just end up hurting both ends. Now she only lets a selected few see maybe a small beam of tender friendliness and love from her. But for now, Her new concern.. Was her hair.

Did she feel glad her hair was gone? No. Was she glad it was cut by someone she loves? Yes. On how it happened? No. Most of these questions were no. No no no. You may think it's just a massively long lock of hair, a haircut. But the meaning behind it, meant much more to her than any of you will ever realize. She was mixed in her feelings once again, the main emotion being disappointment. She would of thought, surely.. James had more common sense in noticing her strange act in willingly giving up her hair? Not to mention, does.. she trust him? Really.. Truly..? She knows his response, to not think. To just go with it. And she does but, it cannot stop her from thinking "Gods, what the fuck am I doing..".

The small tired woman stepped up to her quiet piano as silvery blue eyes stared down to it. A few thin digits slowly ran over the lid that hid the keys underneath as she lowered herself down onto the stool. This poor instrument, neglected for so long she had almost forgotten it ever existed. Maybe on purpose... It was an exact replica of her father's piano, the original one she had lost in the old world.. but how she got it, will always stay with her. It hurt her, the memory- and the rest of the memories that flooded afterwards.. She will never say or admit it but she misses those times. With.. him. There was no doubt, there was no grumpy behaviors, no chaos, no arguments, no disappointments, no.. secrets. She regrets giving up on waiting. But she knows he doesn't care anymore...

She ponders back on more memories, or at least the ones she clearly remembers. Needless to say, how she wanted to take those memories by the neck and strangle them until they no longer existed. Although she has moved on with her life, she's still disgusted with herself. But she only does that to remind herself..

With a soft sigh escaping through her nostril, she stood to her feet with the flame in her hand, the blank canvas being painted once again by the small orange blaze as she began to move back to bed, the thoughts in her head continuously rolling, though troubling, they don't worry her by the slightest anymore. Only the sense of longing lingers within her being now... She stops at the end of the large bed, James sleeping on one end as Bliss hogged up as much space with her tiny body. She stares over two of the many people she holds dear with.. a sense of pity almost. She feels they deserved something.. someone better than her. But y'know? As long as they will have her, she will have them..


I felt like typing. :heart:
( mind the music's title btw, I only put it there because it sounded nice )​
Last edited:


Lord of Altera

Que the lights. A flame light atop of a candle as a pale face bearing the soft, wary pools of blush blue eyes appeared from the pitch black of the room, thin hardened hands caressing the heat that radiated around the single blaze before they gently lowered themselves into the barely lit darkness. The flame grew ever so brighter as it was lifted higher and the pale face became a tired woman, the blank scene around her becoming more visible as a small study area, cut off with wall dividers. The woman moved with the flame, it being the only source of light as it would paint a scene along the dark blank canvas around her.. Her long raven hair, of which that used to grace the wooden floors with glimmering coils, no more. Instead only comforting her bare tattooed shoulders, the rest of her body left to faintly shiver under a non-existent chill..

Isabell's expression and attitude was always a serious poker face, whether she was around people or alone. To her, neither mattered. Once upon a time she used to care so much, her sweet personality would blind her judgement from right from wrong. Because she believed she could help, make amends and even fix, which would just end up hurting both ends. Now she only lets a selected few see maybe a small beam of tender friendliness and love from her. But for now, Her new concern.. Was her hair.

Did she feel glad her hair was gone? No. Was she glad it was cut by someone she loves? Yes. On how it happened? No. Most of these questions were no. No no no. You may think it's just a massively long lock of hair, a haircut. But the meaning behind it, meant much more to her than any of you will ever realize. She was mixed in her feelings once again, the main emotion being disappointment. She would of thought, surely.. James had more common sense in noticing her strange act in willingly giving up her hair? Not to mention, does.. she trust him? Really.. Truly..? She knows his response, to not think. To just go with it. And she does but, it cannot stop her from thinking "Gods, what the fuck am I doing..".

The small tired woman stepped up to her quiet piano as silvery blue eyes stared down to it. A few thin digits slowly ran over the lid that hid the keys underneath as she lowered herself down onto the stool. This poor instrument, neglected for so long she had almost forgotten it ever existed. Maybe on purpose... It was an exact replica of her father's piano, the original one she had lost in the old world.. but how she got it, will always stay with her. It hurt her, the memory- and the rest of the memories that flooded afterwards.. She will never say or admit it but she misses those times. With.. him. There was no doubt, there was no grumpy behaviors, no chaos, no arguments, no disappointments, no.. secrets. She regrets giving up on waiting. But she knows he doesn't care anymore...

She ponders back on more memories, or at least the ones she clearly remembers. Needless to say, how she wanted to take those memories by the neck and strangle them until they no longer existed. Although she has moved on with her life, she's still disgusted with herself. But she only does that to remind herself..

With a soft sigh escaping through her nostril, she stood to her feet with the flame in her hand, the blank canvas being painted once again by the small orange blaze as she began to move back to bed, the thoughts in her head continuously rolling, though troubling, they don't worry her by the slightest anymore. Only the sense of longing lingers within her being now... She stops at the end of the large bed, James sleeping on one end as Bliss hogged up as much space with her tiny body. She stares over two of the many people she holds dear with.. a sense of pity almost. She feels they deserved something.. someone better than her. But y'know? As long as they will have her, she will have them..


I felt like typing. :heart:
( mind the music's title btw, I only put it there because it sounded nice )​
And now insert my own depression, ;-;


Retired Staff

Que the lights. A flame light atop of a candle as a pale face bearing the soft, wary pools of blush blue eyes appeared from the pitch black of the room, thin hardened hands caressing the heat that radiated around the single blaze before they gently lowered themselves into the barely lit darkness. The flame grew ever so brighter as it was lifted higher and the pale face became a tired woman, the blank scene around her becoming more visible as a small study area, cut off with wall dividers. The woman moved with the flame, it being the only source of light as it would paint a scene along the dark blank canvas around her.. Her long raven hair, of which that used to grace the wooden floors with glimmering coils, no more. Instead only comforting her bare tattooed shoulders, the rest of her body left to faintly shiver under a non-existent chill..

Isabell's expression and attitude was always a serious poker face, whether she was around people or alone. To her, neither mattered. Once upon a time she used to care so much, her sweet personality would blind her judgement from right from wrong. Because she believed she could help, make amends and even fix, which would just end up hurting both ends. Now she only lets a selected few see maybe a small beam of tender friendliness and love from her. But for now, Her new concern.. Was her hair.

Did she feel glad her hair was gone? No. Was she glad it was cut by someone she loves? Yes. On how it happened? No. Most of these questions were no. No no no. You may think it's just a massively long lock of hair, a haircut. But the meaning behind it, meant much more to her than any of you will ever realize. She was mixed in her feelings once again, the main emotion being disappointment. She would of thought, surely.. James had more common sense in noticing her strange act in willingly giving up her hair? Not to mention, does.. she trust him? Really.. Truly..? She knows his response, to not think. To just go with it. And she does but, it cannot stop her from thinking "Gods, what the fuck am I doing..".

The small tired woman stepped up to her quiet piano as silvery blue eyes stared down to it. A few thin digits slowly ran over the lid that hid the keys underneath as she lowered herself down onto the stool. This poor instrument, neglected for so long she had almost forgotten it ever existed. Maybe on purpose... It was an exact replica of her father's piano, the original one she had lost in the old world.. but how she got it, will always stay with her. It hurt her, the memory- and the rest of the memories that flooded afterwards.. She will never say or admit it but she misses those times. With.. him. There was no doubt, there was no grumpy behaviors, no chaos, no arguments, no disappointments, no.. secrets. She regrets giving up on waiting. But she knows he doesn't care anymore...

She ponders back on more memories, or at least the ones she clearly remembers. Needless to say, how she wanted to take those memories by the neck and strangle them until they no longer existed. Although she has moved on with her life, she's still disgusted with herself. But she only does that to remind herself..

With a soft sigh escaping through her nostril, she stood to her feet with the flame in her hand, the blank canvas being painted once again by the small orange blaze as she began to move back to bed, the thoughts in her head continuously rolling, though troubling, they don't worry her by the slightest anymore. Only the sense of longing lingers within her being now... She stops at the end of the large bed, James sleeping on one end as Bliss hogged up as much space with her tiny body. She stares over two of the many people she holds dear with.. a sense of pity almost. She feels they deserved something.. someone better than her. But y'know? As long as they will have her, she will have them..


I felt like typing. :heart:
( mind the music's title btw, I only put it there because it sounded nice )​
Amazing writing Mum
Last edited:


The Green One
Retired Staff

Que the lights. A flame light atop of a candle as a pale face bearing the soft, wary pools of blush blue eyes appeared from the pitch black of the room, thin hardened hands caressing the heat that radiated around the single blaze before they gently lowered themselves into the barely lit darkness. The flame grew ever so brighter as it was lifted higher and the pale face became a tired woman, the blank scene around her becoming more visible as a small study area, cut off with wall dividers. The woman moved with the flame, it being the only source of light as it would paint a scene along the dark blank canvas around her.. Her long raven hair, of which that used to grace the wooden floors with glimmering coils, no more. Instead only comforting her bare tattooed shoulders, the rest of her body left to faintly shiver under a non-existent chill..

Isabell's expression and attitude was always a serious poker face, whether she was around people or alone. To her, neither mattered. Once upon a time she used to care so much, her sweet personality would blind her judgement from right from wrong. Because she believed she could help, make amends and even fix, which would just end up hurting both ends. Now she only lets a selected few see maybe a small beam of tender friendliness and love from her. But for now, Her new concern.. Was her hair.

Did she feel glad her hair was gone? No. Was she glad it was cut by someone she loves? Yes. On how it happened? No. Most of these questions were no. No no no. You may think it's just a massively long lock of hair, a haircut. But the meaning behind it, meant much more to her than any of you will ever realize. She was mixed in her feelings once again, the main emotion being disappointment. She would of thought, surely.. James had more common sense in noticing her strange act in willingly giving up her hair? Not to mention, does.. she trust him? Really.. Truly..? She knows his response, to not think. To just go with it. And she does but, it cannot stop her from thinking "Gods, what the fuck am I doing..".

The small tired woman stepped up to her quiet piano as silvery blue eyes stared down to it. A few thin digits slowly ran over the lid that hid the keys underneath as she lowered herself down onto the stool. This poor instrument, neglected for so long she had almost forgotten it ever existed. Maybe on purpose... It was an exact replica of her father's piano, the original one she had lost in the old world.. but how she got it, will always stay with her. It hurt her, the memory- and the rest of the memories that flooded afterwards.. She will never say or admit it but she misses those times. With.. him. There was no doubt, there was no grumpy behaviors, no chaos, no arguments, no disappointments, no.. secrets. She regrets giving up on waiting. But she knows he doesn't care anymore...

She ponders back on more memories, or at least the ones she clearly remembers. Needless to say, how she wanted to take those memories by the neck and strangle them until they no longer existed. Although she has moved on with her life, she's still disgusted with herself. But she only does that to remind herself..

With a soft sigh escaping through her nostril, she stood to her feet with the flame in her hand, the blank canvas being painted once again by the small orange blaze as she began to move back to bed, the thoughts in her head continuously rolling, though troubling, they don't worry her by the slightest anymore. Only the sense of longing lingers within her being now... She stops at the end of the large bed, James sleeping on one end as Bliss hogged up as much space with her tiny body. She stares over two of the many people she holds dear with.. a sense of pity almost. She feels they deserved something.. someone better than her. But y'know? As long as they will have her, she will have them..


I felt like typing. :heart:
( mind the music's title btw, I only put it there because it sounded nice )​
Beautiful writing bab~ :heart: