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Milah Sicarus-Freyr - Echelon 5


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Milah_Jasper(Oct+Nov) small.jpg
Art by Lena B Wolf


In-Game name

Character Profile

Current Echelon
◊ Five

Chosen School
◊ Formistry (Life & Matter)

Chosen Specialization
◊ 'Augmentation' - Life (3) & Matter (1)

Spell Points
◊ 15

Jasper-Milah2 resized.png

◊ Andre Ursae - Eviscism (former)
◊ Kopii Grey - Formistry (former)
◊ Leofaren Venna - Formistry (former)

◊ Fronslin (shortly, former)
◊ Bliss (shortly, former)
◊ Kam (shortly, former)
◊ Sugar (shortly, former)
◊ Quill Emiryn (former)
◊ Lana Wake (current)
◊ Ruvan Kegheart (current)

Knack - Mark of The Nebula
Milah always looks to be in the best of health, with no amount of sickness or strain rendering her eyes bloodshot, her face pale or her hair tangled. Milah can manifest her Forma to tie her hair into an updo. Her icy blue irises swirl as if they contain water, with stars visible within the pupils if one looks closely. Her tattoos seem carved into her skin and will not fade. They can glow or pulse passively, and will always glow when Milah uses her magic.

Spells Designed
◊ Metamorphosis
◊ Arcane Augmentation
◊ Vitalis

Sustained Effects
◊ Replaced her right forearm with an Arcane Augmentation replica.

Current Status
◊ Vibing
◊ Arcane studies
◊ Pursuing a solution to spells causing weird effects

Sanctum Location
Her primary home, will place coordinates when able.

Jasper-Milah resized.png
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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Seal of an Arcane Pact - Augury (Retrieved by Magic)
Description: A ring of translucent glowing runes that hover around the finger of the attuned. The ring is tangible, though it appears to be made of nothing more than light, and can’t be removed by pulling on it. Abilities kept a Mystery OOCly.
+123 To all spells cast in addition to all other modifiers
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Frostwarted Shield - Commonplace (Sacrificed to Magic)

Description: A sturdy typical kite-shield, in a mix of blue and white, a magical heirloom of the School of Many Things.
Effect: This Magical Shield is caught in a perpetually frozen state.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Kraken Statue - Commonplace (Sacrificed to Magic)

Description: A dark stone statue of a Kraken similar in size to a candlestick, able to be held in one hand.
Effect: When shaken abruptly above water, a jet of ink will shoot out the bottom end. When shaken underwater, a cloud of ink will appear in a square of 3x3 blocks in any chosen direction around the wielder. To recharge, submerge the statue in salt water for 24 hours. Since it is ink, the stains it causes will stay.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Diver’s Pendant - Commonplace

Description: A silver earring set with a deep purple gem. The edges and facets resemble a constellation in the right light.
Effect: The wearer can hold their breath underwater for twice as long, and dive twice as deep without being discomforted by the pressure. The wearer is also insulated from cold temperatures while underwater, allowing them to endure icy water for up to an hour before risking hypothermia.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Onyx Ring of Chaos - Fabled
: A silver ring with an onyx gem.
Effect: The wearer conjures a swirling cloud of gray mist that expands to envelop a range of 5 blocks around them over the course of a single round (1 minute). After this round, the wearer dissipates into said mist and another cloud of similar size forms within 20 blocks. Between 2 to 4 rounds (1-2 minutes), the wearer reappears within the second cloud.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Lifeline - Fabled

Description: A set of two simple blue braided bracelets.
Effect: Should one of the wearers die, the other bracelet tightens and then snaps. If it is severe injury, it tightens almost painfully but does not snap, and only releases when the injury is not considered fatal.

Item Holder: Agnar Freyr/Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Heart of the Sea - Legendary (Sacrificed to Magic)

Description: The Heart of the Sea is an immense pearl around the size of a man’s head. Its iridescent sheen shifts and flutters of its own volition, as if perpetually bathed in light passing through the waves. The pearl may be broken by normal force; if hit by something like a hammer, it will shatter and go inert.
Effect: Wielded by a mortal, the Heart of the Sea offers limited control over the waters of its namesake. It has three ‘charges’ per day, which may be used for any of the following:
Propel (1 charge): Waters swell around the ship currently occupied by the attuned, bearing it freely upon the waves. While under this effect the ship may move up to its maximum sailing speed in any direction, as guided by the attuned. Lasts 8 hours. Does not allow a ship to exceed its maximum sailing speed, but will carry it at that speed regardless of adverse conditions.
Displace (1 charge): Water is driven away, and a bubble of breathable air five meters in radius surrounds the Heart of the Sea. This only works when beneath the water level in large, natural bodies of water. Lasts up to 8 hours, and ends if the Heart of the Sea leaves the water.
Wrath (2 charges): Raise a large wave from the sea within 100 meters, of size to disrupt the movement of a mid-size ship. Rowboats, canoes, and other similar-sized vessels are capsized. It deals no lasting damage to structures.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Gold Ring of Binding - Fabled (Sacrificed to Magic)
Description: A simple golden band that seems to fit to any finger.
Effect: Every day the ring seems to get tighter, and cannot be removed as if some great force keeps it there. By three days it has begun to turn the hand to gold, and this is a significantly painful process that cannot be reversed. If left unchecked it will grow from hand, to arm, and so on.
Item Holder(s): Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Sanctum - Legendary
Description: A kaleidoscopic tear in reality of varying hues and shades of iridescent purples and blues.
Effect: When a mage attempts to walk through this tear in reality, they find themselves transported to a whole new place. The room in which they find themselves is furnished in the ways of a typical stately study; walls lined with bookshelves, a large desk table and a blazing hearth. - No means of scrying or spying spells may be cast to find those inside this room; they instead fizzle and fail as though the person sought cannot be found. - Upon leaving the room, every mage must halve their remaining spell pool for that day. Those who have no use or capacity for magic, or those who are Divinely blessed, are unable to enter in the first place. - Everything that is done, said and written in this room must be OOCly documented in an ongoing log with the lore team and the divine coordinator in accordance with Magic's own surveillance in the room's goings on. This is the price they must pay for privacy from all other prying eyes.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Cuirass of Chagrin (Sacrificed to Magic)

Description: Dark, near-black steel is forged into the form of a dented and misshapen cuirass. The chestplate appears to have once been emblazoned with striking red hues, but the paint has chipped off and left only traces of its artistic outlines.
Effect: The item makes the wearer lust for conquest and victory, their eyes in full becoming a mixture of red tones.
Note: When worn with the rest of the Kilrox armour, all damage on the cuirass disappears, and the illustration returns to its former beauty. It is an ornate portrayal of a demon screaming in victory, over the armoured corpses of fallen knights. Should feats of violence be accomplished with this armour equipped, regardless of moral alignment, they are chronicled on its surface. The painted lines extend to recount the tale in the form of hieroglyphs.

Greaves of Torment (Sacrificed to Magic)
: Two pieces of dark metal are wrought into the shape of decorative greaves, though the artwork is unrecognizable, its surface eroded.
Effect: Once a day, the attuned can strike a foot against the ground and emit the sound of clashing steel. An invasive stab of fear affects all those in a 5b radius, before dissipating after a few seconds. For a moment the steel shifts into grotesque visages, of presumably demon origin, then return to normal as the effect ends.

Note: When worn with the rest of the Kilrox armour, all damage on the greaves disappear. The etched script cannot be read, and is assumed to be otherworldly.

Boots of the Sea-Legged - Restoration (Given to Kharn)
Description: A pair of black boots with an iron anchor for a buckle
Effect: Wearing these boots will help the wearer keep their feet balanced on any ship during heavy storms or violent movements. This doesn't account for earthquakes, and physical or magical displacements.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Touch of the Sea - Commonplace (Sacrificed to Magic)
Description: A rusted-green shaded scroll
Effect: The scroll is like any other scroll. But once the scroll is written on by a writer, with ink and intently signed at the bottom (with any name or persona)- it begins to be covered by an invisible wax. The scroll becomes liquid and fire-proof, carrying a sheen, and the words upon it have a deep blue-black hue. It's difficult to tear, puncture or burn. Only the original writer can dispel its magic on touch, dispersing the ink- into its original un-written form.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

The Bleeding Goblet - Commonplace
Description: A goblet carved of obsidian, ancient in origin.
Effect: Whenever someone tries to drink from the goblet, it unerringly cuts the lip of the person drinking it, by design. However, whatever liquid is placed into the goblet and then stirred slightly (such as just by moving the goblet) will cause the liquid to change into a sort of ambrosia. It assumes a deep red color that spreads through it from some indeterminate point like a drop of dye until the entire drink is a strange, opaque maroon. Pouring the liquid out into another container causes it, upon passing the lip of the goblet, to turn back into whatever liquid it was before instantaneously. But, drinking from it directly (and cutting one’s lip in the process) allows one to drink of the ambrosia. It is the single greatest tasting drink one will ever enjoy in their life, and what’s more, a single goblet’s worth of the stuff is enough to make even the hardiest person to become suddenly drunk as a skunk moments after drinking it.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Underdark Shield - Commonplace
Description: An extremely crude, unwieldy and poorly balanced shield about the size of a tower shield.
Effect: The shield is able to absorb into itself extremes of temperature. The effect is so powerful that it will actively sap the heat or cold out of the environment in a nine meter radius around it. This effect only triggers on sources of heat or cold that are either well below zero, or about the temperature of fire. On the note of traditional combat, the shield is utterly atrocious for it, because any blow will either shatter the shield or just pierce through it. However, the shield will regrow from its largest piece, as long as it is subjected to an extreme of temperature for a period of many days.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Blooming Circlet - Graced Trinket of Shalherana
Description: An Elven silver circlet that swirls like vines. Parts of the silvery vines meeting are closed silver buds.
Effect: Once a day, the circlet can be activated. Flowers budding and blooming around the circlet's edges into a flower crown of flowers to the holder's choice. The flowers last for 12 hours.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Vase of Aroma - Graced Trinket of Shalherana
Description: A vase made of plant life with white flowers.
Effect: The vase emits the smell of the plant inside up to 5b. The aroma depends on the plant that is inside. It will give off a foul or pleasant smell. The white flowers will change colour to the plant that is inside.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Silken Vest - Graced Trinket of Sallana
Description: A sleeveless vest made of silk with a folded collar and a pocket on the left chest
Effect: The vest contorts to fit the wearer’s torso. The patterns and colors on the vest change to the wearer’s will. The changes take effect once per day.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Reveal - Restoration (Lended to Ashna)
Description: A hand mirror of pure silver in the design of intertwining vines with tiny emerald flowers.
Effect: Anything invisible is reflected within this mirror, including the supernatural such as ghosts. Vyres invisible to other mirrors are also shown through this one.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Fungi Staff - Restoration (Sacrificed to Magic)
Description: A thin, wooden gnarled staff with a curve at the top.
Effect: The staff can remain simply wooden, or the wielder can begin to grow un-edible mushrooms upon it, of greenish, brown and white tones.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Everliving Candle - Graced Trinket of Shalherana (Traded with Lana)
Description: A simple candle scented of pine resting upon a base of pure silver, etched with vines and leaves.
Effect: This candle never loses its mass, and is able to be lit and extinguished at will so long as it is held in hand. The flame can be willed to be coloured any shade of blue or green, with its base setting as white.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Life’s thumb - Restoration (Given to Linden)
Description: A hand shovel with a curved birch handle, the spade end shaped like a curved leaf.
Effect: If a seed is planted, watered, and tapped with the bottom of the shovel. The seed would already begin to sprout. This can be done twice a day.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Cloak of Power - Fabled
Physical Description:
A cloak which appears to be made of bronze fibers.
Ability: The cloak is remarkably durable, resistant to wear and as tough as a bear's pelt. It absorbs limitless thermal energy without being damaged, diffusing it into the environment over time, but does not extend that immunity to its wearer. If enough heat builds up, it will ignite flammable materials on contact, leaving burns despite feeling cold to the touch.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Tapestry Shield - Commonplace
: A tower shield of steel, etched with various designs that expand as more battles are won with it.
Effect: It etches into itself the scenes of victorious battles that it has been taken to, updating over time as it goes into more of them. Contact Lore to add to the description with brief scenes that would be etched from this time onward.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Dark Sun Shield - Commonplace (Sacrificed to Magic)
Description: A tower shield painted black with a white sun upon the front.
Effect: All light in a radius of five blocks from the shield turns black and gives off half the light it should.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Sanctum Portal
A golden bangle.
Effect: A secondary portal that may be used to access the 'Sanctum' pocket realm.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr
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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper


Character name
Milah Reehd Sicarus-Freyr
Minecraft name

Link to normal character profile

Current Rank/Proficiency
Eviscism (Adept)

Formistry (Master)
Overall Rank

Spell Points

Active Student
Active Teacher
◊ Eviscism

◊ Formistry
Andre Ursae - Eviscism
Kopii Grey - Formistry
Leofaren Venna - Formistry

Fronslin (Adept): Teaching him more Eviscism spells in the absence of his teacher.
Bliss (Adept): Teaching her more Eviscism spells in the absence of her teacher.
Kam (Adept): Teaching her more Formistry spells in the absence of her teacher.

Sugar (Adept): Teaching her more Formistry spells in the absence of her teacher.
Quill Emiryn (Adept): Teaching her the ways of Formistry.
Lana Wake (Apprentice): Teaching her the basics of Formistry.

Current Magical Status
Adept Eviscist, passively learning by trading spells and practicing
◊ Master Formist (Master spells at disadvantage), focusing on her own studies and teaching Quill Emiryn the ways of the Formist

Pox Arcana
◊ Stage One: No symptoms.
◊ Stage Two: Experiences hot flashes, increased sweating, general irritability and her knacks have regressed to Sparked-tier.
◊ Stage Three: Has four oozing pustules, filled with a silvery liquid.

◊ Cured!

Seal of an Arcane Pact - Augury (Retrieved by Magic)

Description: A ring of translucent glowing runes that hover around the finger of the attuned. The ring is tangible, though it appears to be made of nothing more than light, and can’t be removed by pulling on it. Abilities kept a Mystery OOCly.
+123 To all spells cast in addition to all other modifiers
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Frostwarted Shield - Commonplace (Sacrificed to Magic)

Description: A sturdy typical kite-shield, in a mix of blue and white, a magical heirloom of the School of Many Things.
Effect: This Magical Shield is caught in a perpetually frozen state.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Kraken Statue - Commonplace (Sacrificed to Magic)

Description: A dark stone statue of a Kraken similar in size to a candlestick, able to be held in one hand.
Effect: When shaken abruptly above water, a jet of ink will shoot out the bottom end. When shaken underwater, a cloud of ink will appear in a square of 3x3 blocks in any chosen direction around the wielder. To recharge, submerge the statue in salt water for 24 hours. Since it is ink, the stains it causes will stay.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Diver’s Pendant - Commonplace

Description: A silver earring set with a deep purple gem. The edges and facets resemble a constellation in the right light.
Effect: The wearer can hold their breath underwater for twice as long, and dive twice as deep without being discomforted by the pressure. The wearer is also insulated from cold temperatures while underwater, allowing them to endure icy water for up to an hour before risking hypothermia.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Onyx Ring of Chaos - Fabled (Given to Sugar)

Description: A silver ring with an onyx gem.
Effect: The wearer conjures a swirling cloud of gray mist that expands to envelop a range of 5 blocks around them over the course of a single round (1 minute). After this round, the wearer dissipates into said mist and another cloud of similar size forms within 20 blocks. Between 2 to 4 rounds (1-2 minutes), the wearer reappears within the second cloud.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Lifeline - Fabled

Description: A set of two simple blue braided bracelets.
Effect: Should one of the wearers die, the other bracelet tightens and then snaps. If it is severe injury, it tightens almost painfully but does not snap, and only releases when the injury is not considered fatal.
Item Holder: Agnar Freyr/Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Heart of the Sea - Legendary (Sacrificed to Magic)

Description: The Heart of the Sea is an immense pearl around the size of a man’s head. Its iridescent sheen shifts and flutters of its own volition, as if perpetually bathed in light passing through the waves. The pearl may be broken by normal force; if hit by something like a hammer, it will shatter and go inert.
Effect: Wielded by a mortal, the Heart of the Sea offers limited control over the waters of its namesake. It has three ‘charges’ per day, which may be used for any of the following:
Propel (1 charge): Waters swell around the ship currently occupied by the attuned, bearing it freely upon the waves. While under this effect the ship may move up to its maximum sailing speed in any direction, as guided by the attuned. Lasts 8 hours. Does not allow a ship to exceed its maximum sailing speed, but will carry it at that speed regardless of adverse conditions.
Displace (1 charge): Water is driven away, and a bubble of breathable air five meters in radius surrounds the Heart of the Sea. This only works when beneath the water level in large, natural bodies of water. Lasts up to 8 hours, and ends if the Heart of the Sea leaves the water.
Wrath (2 charges): Raise a large wave from the sea within 100 meters, of size to disrupt the movement of a mid-size ship. Rowboats, canoes, and other similar-sized vessels are capsized. It deals no lasting damage to structures.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Gold Ring of Binding - Fabled (Sacrificed to Magic)
Description: A simple golden band that seems to fit to any finger.
Effect: Every day the ring seems to get tighter, and cannot be removed as if some great force keeps it there. By three days it has begun to turn the hand to gold, and this is a significantly painful process that cannot be reversed. If left unchecked it will grow from hand, to arm, and so on.
Item Holder(s): Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Sanctum - Legendary
Description: A kaleidoscopic tear in reality of varying hues and shades of iridescent purples and blues.
Effect: When a mage attempts to walk through this tear in reality, they find themselves transported to a whole new place. The room in which they find themselves is furnished in the ways of a typical stately study; walls lined with bookshelves, a large desk table and a blazing hearth. - No means of scrying or spying spells may be cast to find those inside this room; they instead fizzle and fail as though the person sought cannot be found. - Upon leaving the room, every mage must halve their remaining spell pool for that day. Those who have no use or capacity for magic, or those who are Divinely blessed, are unable to enter in the first place. - Everything that is done, said and written in this room must be OOCly documented in an ongoing log with the lore team and the divine coordinator in accordance with Magic's own surveillance in the room's goings on. This is the price they must pay for privacy from all other prying eyes.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Cuirass of Chagrin (Sacrificed to Magic)

Description: Dark, near-black steel is forged into the form of a dented and misshapen cuirass. The chestplate appears to have once been emblazoned with striking red hues, but the paint has chipped off and left only traces of its artistic outlines.
Effect: The item makes the wearer lust for conquest and victory, their eyes in full becoming a mixture of red tones.
Note: When worn with the rest of the Kilrox armour, all damage on the cuirass disappears, and the illustration returns to its former beauty. It is an ornate portrayal of a demon screaming in victory, over the armoured corpses of fallen knights. Should feats of violence be accomplished with this armour equipped, regardless of moral alignment, they are chronicled on its surface. The painted lines extend to recount the tale in the form of hieroglyphs.

Greaves of Torment (Sacrificed to Magic)
: Two pieces of dark metal are wrought into the shape of decorative greaves, though the artwork is unrecognizable, its surface eroded.
Effect: Once a day, the attuned can strike a foot against the ground and emit the sound of clashing steel. An invasive stab of fear affects all those in a 5b radius, before dissipating after a few seconds. For a moment the steel shifts into grotesque visages, of presumably demon origin, then return to normal as the effect ends.

Note: When worn with the rest of the Kilrox armour, all damage on the greaves disappear. The etched script cannot be read, and is assumed to be otherworldly.

Boots of the Sea-Legged - Restoration (Given to Kharn)
Description: A pair of black boots with an iron anchor for a buckle
Effect: Wearing these boots will help the wearer keep their feet balanced on any ship during heavy storms or violent movements. This doesn't account for earthquakes, and physical or magical displacements.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Touch of the Sea - Commonplace (Sacrificed to Magic)
Description: A rusted-green shaded scroll
Effect: The scroll is like any other scroll. But once the scroll is written on by a writer, with ink and intently signed at the bottom (with any name or persona)- it begins to be covered by an invisible wax. The scroll becomes liquid and fire-proof, carrying a sheen, and the words upon it have a deep blue-black hue. It's difficult to tear, puncture or burn. Only the original writer can dispel its magic on touch, dispersing the ink- into its original un-written form.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

The Bleeding Goblet - Commonplace
Description: A goblet carved of obsidian, ancient in origin.
Effect: Whenever someone tries to drink from the goblet, it unerringly cuts the lip of the person drinking it, by design. However, whatever liquid is placed into the goblet and then stirred slightly (such as just by moving the goblet) will cause the liquid to change into a sort of ambrosia. It assumes a deep red color that spreads through it from some indeterminate point like a drop of dye until the entire drink is a strange, opaque maroon. Pouring the liquid out into another container causes it, upon passing the lip of the goblet, to turn back into whatever liquid it was before instantaneously. But, drinking from it directly (and cutting one’s lip in the process) allows one to drink of the ambrosia. It is the single greatest tasting drink one will ever enjoy in their life, and what’s more, a single goblet’s worth of the stuff is enough to make even the hardiest person to become suddenly drunk as a skunk moments after drinking it.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Underdark Shield - Commonplace
Description: An extremely crude, unwieldy and poorly balanced shield about the size of a tower shield.
Effect: The shield is able to absorb into itself extremes of temperature. The effect is so powerful that it will actively sap the heat or cold out of the environment in a nine meter radius around it. This effect only triggers on sources of heat or cold that are either well below zero, or about the temperature of fire. On the note of traditional combat, the shield is utterly atrocious for it, because any blow will either shatter the shield or just pierce through it. However, the shield will regrow from its largest piece, as long as it is subjected to an extreme of temperature for a period of many days.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Blooming Circlet - Graced Trinket of Shalherana
Description: An Elven silver circlet that swirls like vines. Parts of the silvery vines meeting are closed silver buds.
Effect: Once a day, the circlet can be activated. Flowers budding and blooming around the circlet's edges into a flower crown of flowers to the holder's choice. The flowers last for 12 hours.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Vase of Aroma - Graced Trinket of Shalherana
Description: A vase made of plant life with white flowers.
Effect: The vase emits the smell of the plant inside up to 5b. The aroma depends on the plant that is inside. It will give off a foul or pleasant smell. The white flowers will change colour to the plant that is inside.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Silken Vest - Graced Trinket of Sallana
Description: A sleeveless vest made of silk with a folded collar and a pocket on the left chest
Effect: The vest contorts to fit the wearer’s torso. The patterns and colors on the vest change to the wearer’s will. The changes take effect once per day.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Reveal - Restoration (Lended to Ashna)
Description: A hand mirror of pure silver in the design of intertwining vines with tiny emerald flowers.
Effect: Anything invisible is reflected within this mirror, including the supernatural such as ghosts. Vyres invisible to other mirrors are also shown through this one.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Fungi Staff - Restoration (Sacrificed to Magic)
Description: A thin, wooden gnarled staff with a curve at the top.
Effect: The staff can remain simply wooden, or the wielder can begin to grow un-edible mushrooms upon it, of greenish, brown and white tones.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Everliving Candle - Graced Trinket of Shalherana
Description: A simple candle scented of pine resting upon a base of pure silver, etched with vines and leaves.
Effect: This candle never loses its mass, and is able to be lit and extinguished at will so long as it is held in hand. The flame can be willed to be coloured any shade of blue or green, with its base setting as white.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Life’s thumb - Restoration (Given to Linden)
Description: A hand shovel with a curved birch handle, the spade end shaped like a curved leaf.
Effect: If a seed is planted, watered, and tapped with the bottom of the shovel. The seed would already begin to sprout. This can be done twice a day.

Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Cloak of Power - Fabled
Physical Description:
A cloak which appears to be made of bronze fibers.
Ability: The cloak is remarkably durable, resistant to wear and as tough as a bear's pelt. It absorbs limitless thermal energy without being damaged, diffusing it into the environment over time, but does not extend that immunity to its wearer. If enough heat builds up, it will ignite flammable materials on contact, leaving burns despite feeling cold to the touch.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Tapestry Shield - Commonplace
: A tower shield of steel, etched with various designs that expand as more battles are won with it.
Effect: It etches into itself the scenes of victorious battles that it has been taken to, updating over time as it goes into more of them. Contact Lore to add to the description with brief scenes that would be etched from this time onward.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Dark Sun Shield - Commonplace (Sacrificed to Magic)
Description: A tower shield painted black with a white sun upon the front.
Effect: All light in a radius of five blocks from the shield turns black and gives off half the light it should.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr

Sanctum Portal
A golden bangle.
Effect: A secondary portal that may be used to access the 'Sanctum' pocket realm.
Item Holder: Milah Sicarus-Freyr


View attachment 120732

◊ Milah sustains a +2 to Insu spell casts, at the cost of a -2 to Herba.
◊ She finds she dehydrates at a slower rate, and may now begin to resist the allure of clean bodies of water.
◊ Although the sheen still indicates their proximity to clean water, they no longer experience an intense itch or compulsion to enter the water.
◊ Her scales have grown to be 2-3 millimeters thick, covering the majority of her arms and legs, and webbing begins to form between their digits. She is able to cast personal fluid Insu spells with their hands or feet due due to an odorless oil on the scales. Fitted armour can cause scales to be scraped off.
Known Spells
Insu - Vitae - Herba - Fortis - Vesti
{x} = Spell Points
[x/y] = Succesful casts/total casts
(x) = Amount of natural 20s

Vesti [15]

Kali {5,10} [12/15] (1)
Prana {10,20,30} [58/61] (6)
Layer {5,10,25} [10/19]
Dust Devil {10} [7/11]
Olfa {15} [11/17]
Elusive {15,25,50} [8/10] (2)
Fragrance {15} [17/24] (2)
Heiml {15} [2/2]
Mist {30} [3/3] (1)
Winnow {35,45} [1/1]
Thin {10} [1/1]
Thesia {50} [4/4]
Snuff {25,35} [2/2]
Buffer {25,35} [10/10]
Aroma {20} [1/1]

Vitae [31]
Numb {5} [109/121] (9)
Sew {5} [16/21] (2)
Soothe {15} [25/27]
Absolve {25} [7/7]
Retinoic {15} [9/11]
Greater Cleanse {40} [12/14] (2)
Cease {15} [22/26] (4)
Orphine {20} [26/27] (4)
Mend {5} [26/27]
Splint {20} [13/16] (3)
Bind {125} [1/1]
Flesh Fuse {30} [67/72] (3)
Restore {60} [13/15]
Viscera {100} [4/5]
Lingula {100} [2/3] (2)
Balm {35} [12/14] (1)
Enable {100} [3/3]
Centrasight {55} [6/6]
Imprint {20} [22/23] (4)
Cauterise {50} [5/5]
Perpetuate {50} [2/2]
Spondylo {70} [5/6]
Aphonic {20} [2/2]
Respirat {30} [1/1]
Tympanum {45} [5/5]
Filament {25} [8/8]
Settle {10} [1/1]
Augment {35} [2/2]
Lull {10} [4/4]
Branchia {35} [1/4]
Cadency {35} [1/2]
Renew {200} [3/3]

Herba [16]
Mutate {5} [14/17]
Capsule {5} [5/6]
Fairy Fire {5} [6/8] (1)
Bramble {20} [3/5]
Beanstalk {5/10/25} [4/8] (1)
Devour {45} [1/1]
Accelerant {variable} [1/1]
Bounty {5} [1/1]
Temper Seedling {5} [4/4] (1)
Living Seedling {5/20/30/50} [3/3] (1)
Enlarge {10} [8/9]
Amplify {10} [5/5] (1)
Network {10,20,30,40} [2/2]
Fortify {10} [3/3]
Cholla {5} [1/1]
Thorns {10} [1/1]

Insu [19]
Waterdance {5,10,15} [95/115] (3)
Identify {10} [10/23] (2)
Splash {5,10,25,50} [22/31]
Stingspit {15} [11/15]
Drain {10} [15/16] (1)
Boilblood {10} [1/1]
Rush {30} [5/6]
Grease {10,15,25,35} [2/2] (1)
Transfusion {20} [1/1]
Blood Duet {25} [2/2]
Purify {10} [14/14]
Flavor Drop (Season) {5} [8/8]
Haematid {35} [7/7]
Modi {25,35,50} [9/9]
Distill {5} [33/33] (2)
Viscous {10/15/25/35} [13/13]
Tension {30} [1/1]
Hydrogel {45} [1/1]
Coagulate {10} [1/1]

Fortis [18]
Fuse {5} [189/219] (6)
Weave {10,25,50} [24/31] (1)
Pigment {5,10,15,20} [70/81] (2)
Barricade {10,20} [3/6]
Fray {25,50,100,150} [10/19]
Thimble {15} [10/13] (1)
Sink {15, 25, 50} [21/26] (2)
Rend {10, 25, 50} [15/19] (1)
Glitter {15} [3/3]
Sculpt {10} [26/26] (1)
Tify {45} [1/1]
Plinth {10,25,60,100} [2/2]
Gesture {45} [1/1]
Shell {15,30,60} [2/2] (1)
Doline {25,35,45} [1/1]
Knit {5,10,25,50} [3/3]
Petro {45} [1/1]
Dense {30,40,60} [1/1]

Artwork credit

◊ Paw (gauntlet)
◊ Rapier

◊ Blue Sapphire (Activated)
◊ Violet Sapphire (Activated)

Heartstone Glow
Deep Lilac

+2 Kinetic | +2 Magnetic | -4 Penumbral

◊ Milah has gained a new fluidity to her movements, due to an ease to dexterity.
◊ Milah has acquired a minor resistance to knockback caused by being struck.
◊ Milah finds herself much better able to keep her footing in specific scenarios.

Known Spells
Electric - Evisral - Kinetic - Magnetic - Penumbral - Thermal
{} = Spell Points
[x/y] = Succesful casts/total casts
(x) = Amount of natural 20s

Apprentice [12]
◊Arcane Transmutation {5} [4/7]
◊Attract/repel {5} [99/102] ) (3)
◊Candlelight {5} [13/16] (3)
◊Compass {5} [114/114]
◊Dazzle {5} [7/9]
◊Sense Energy {5} [1/1] (1)
◊Shock {5} [9/9]
◊Temperature Control {5} [16/18] (1)
◊Grace {5} [42/42]
◊Heat Warp {5} [14/14]
◊Throw Pebble {5} [13/15] (2s)
◊Breeze {10} [28/30]

Journeyman [13]
◊Detect Energy {10} [5/5] (1)
◊Animate Metal {10} [99/102] (5)
◊Brume's Gloom {10} [11/16]
◊Deflect - Minor {10} [1/2]
◊Disruption {10} [12/14] (4)
◊Ember {10} [11/16] (1)
◊Heart's Light {10} [5/15]
◊Ice Minor {10} [8/12]
◊Heat Minor {10} [1/1]
◊Illuminate {10} [14/22]
◊Projection {10} [36/43]
◊Temperature Control (Shared) {10} [5/5] (1)
◊Lock/unlock {10} [3/4]

Adept [21]
◊Energy Bolt {50}
-Thermal - Heat [6/9] (2)
-Thermal - Cold [7/10]
-Electric [24/28] (1)
-Vis [6/8]
◊Glacial Shield {25} [4/4]
◊Invisibility Minor {25} [5/10]
◊See Energy {25} [20/22] (1)
◊Kinetic Wall {25} [7/7] (1)
◊Free Falling {25} [13/14] (3)
◊Breath of The Land {25} [3/4]
◊Empower {25}
-Thermal - Heat [2/2]
-Thermal - Cold [1/1]
-Vis [3/3]
-Magnetic [1/1]
-Penumbral [2/2]
-Electric [2/2]
-Kinetic [6/6]
◊Enduring Light {25} [5/6]
◊Heartstone Activation {25} [1/1]
◊Sparking {25} [0/0]
◊Ice Bridge {25} [2/4]
◊Kinetic Empowerment {25} [3/3]
◊Burst {25} [3/3]
◊Dragonbane {50} [2/2]
◊Kethron's Enduring Light {25} [2/5]
◊Flare {25} [3/3]
◊Deflect {25} [2/2]
◊Inertia {25} [2/2] (1)
◊Knockdown {25} [3/3] (2)
◊Pull Flame {25} [2/2]
◊Sunburst {50} [0/0]

Master [3]
◊Blizzard {150} [seen]
◊Major Arcane Bolt {50} [1/3]
◊Propel {50} [0/0]

Artwork credit
Last edited:


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
I may or may not have just reached the most time-wasting achievement of "100 casts in a single spell"


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
New AlphaN pic to replace the previous AlphaN pic


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Changed imagery around a bit to fit the section it's in
Milah for Milah info
Eviscist Milah for Eviscism
Formist Milah for Formistry


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
All of your fish food now belongs to me
True Eviscism-Formistry hybrid status achieved


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
What has gills, scales, two webbed thumbs and achieved dual-spec Mastery?
Screenshot_20200728-113424_Samsung Internet.jpg