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[NationStates] Rules of Engagement


Lord of Altera
Rules of Engagement:

Be confident in the other person agreeing to an engagement.

2. Pick a suitable location for the engagement to occur.

3. Time the engagement to best serve both persons.

4. Give an ultimatum in the form of a question.

5. Provide a ring as an offering.

6. Await a response.

...and now for the true purpose of this thread:

This thread will serve to outline basic guidelines to follow when engaging in war with another nation or set of nations. The basic guidelines are based off of Civ 5 with some additions and are as follows:

Rules of War:

1. Wars do NOT have to be consensual.
If a player is away in RL, and has stated as such, then work around RL schedules as best as possible. However, a player is not allowed to simply "decline" to go to war. If a player does not want war, then they should sue for peace in RP.

2. Each nation may field one "unit" per 10 Defense Forces points. A "unit" is a military force that occupies one hex on the map and is designed to operate under its own line of command, accountable only to the President, Department of Defense, Shogun, or other "military leader" of a nation. "Units" must be specified to be either "Army", for land units, or "Navy", for sea units; "Air" units are assumed to be complementary to other units and need not be depicted as separate units. The total number of combined "Army" and "Navy" units a nation has in the field must not exceed the "one "unit" per 10 Defense Forces points" limit.

3. Battles between "units" must be RP'd. The victor may be determined by d20 rolls or whatever other means the nations involved agree upon, but stats may only be used as guidelines for determining the victor and nothing more. In other words, nations cannot simply say things like "I have better Arms Manufacturing, so I win" to determine the course of battles.

In addition to the above rules, I have highlighted suggested additional rules for players to war under. The following rules are more guidelines than actual rules, per say, that are merely suggestions for players to agree to when first determining how to conduct battles and the course of the war:

Suggested Additional Rules:

1. Nations may replenish their "units" using Sector: Agriculture and Sector: Manufacturing stats. The limit for how many "units" may be fielded at one time, as outlined under Rule #2, still applies, first and foremost. However, if a "unit" is defeated in battle, a new "unit" may be created to take its place, if a nation has sufficient Agriculture and Manufacturing stats to do so. One "unit" may be replaced per one Agriculture point and per one Manufacturing point. A nation with 5 Agriculture points and 7 Manufacturing points, for example, could replenish up to 12 "units", over time.

2. Nations may compare Religiousness and Political Apathy stats to determine the zeal and/or morale of their respective "units". Morale may then be used as an X factor in RP engagements.

3. Consult and check each involved nation to determine more precise troop numbers for more detailed RP.

Additional Rules and Suggestions may be added over time, if there is demand for them or an unaccounted for situation arises that requires clarification.

I will post an example war, sometime later, using maps, but that may not come until tomorrow.


Lord of Altera
Rules of Engagement:

Be confident in the other person agreeing to an engagement.

2. Pick a suitable location for the engagement to occur.

3. Time the engagement to best serve both persons.

4. Give an ultimatum in the form of a question.

5. Provide a ring as an offering.

6. Await a response.
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This sequel to ''Cooking with Sinclair'' was brought to you and sponsored by the Linkron(TM) car industries!


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
This effin' thread, I'm laughing.
