Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

[New] Astrum Island - Recruitment


Lord of Altera

House Tek‘ton sends out a call for those from any race or background, offering homes for those upon our shores, to join with the Islanders of. Any professions are welcomed, each worker shall recive a fair wage and every potential islander offered one of our large homes - free of deposit or up-front charge. We will not provide you a guarentee that upon visiting you shall earn vast wealth and success (for few can indeed promise such). However what we can offer is an escape from the bustle and noise from large industry cities: live with the nature that provided for you, dance with the friends you will indeed make, drink to your successes, and grow upon your failures. Chart your own course, let no man bear your stern - may the tide guide you home.

- Lord Lune Tek’ton

- We are looking for Characters to bolster the people in Astrum and continue growing our RP base. As stated in the letter the houses are free, without charge or deposit (provided the character is willing to work a job and contribute to Astrum as a whole. If interested please fill out the form below! If you have any questions or would like a tour before ‘taking the plunge’ into joining us, do not hesitate to pop me a PM on the forums or in-game, and ill be sure to respond as soon as I can!

What We Have to Offer:

Astrum has many houses suited to a wide variety of both classes, races and the style of RP you desire! We try to cater for each tastes and make sure our houses aren't simply cookie-cutter copies of the same build over and over. Whilst remaining in the same style, each house on Astrum has something different to offer. Maybe you'll have a secret hatch leading to a hidden basement? Perhaps an extra floor towering over your roof? Or you might even have a balcony overlooking Astrum's gentle waves - perfect for hosting your own events! The possibilities are quite literally endless, and if you have something specific in mind, simply message Icanra , Moo_bot , Galaxy or any other town official and we can customise an existing house (free of charge) to encapsulate exactly what your vision holds.

However we do not simply have simply one type of house that we'll customise for you. In fact, Astrum has a grand total of Five Districts to choose from - each with their own style of Houses and RP to offer. To find out more about the ranges of Houses we offer, see below.

The Slums:
Situated on the lower end of the Docks, our slums are the smallest house we offer. The Houses are cramped together, only connected by cramped streets and dark alleyways, perfect for a player looking for a less well-off character setting, surrounded by more questionable dealings. The Houses consist of two floors and an attic space, with no basement.

The Pier District:
Situated on the outskirts of Astrum's main body of housing, these Houses are perfect for Peasant characters, perfect for a more working class character setting. The Houses consist of two floors and an attic space, with a basement.

The Centre District:
Situated in the heart of Astrum's residential area, these Houses are perfect for Middle-Class characters, those who (whilst are not insanely wealthy) never go to bed hungry. These houses are suitable for almost anything you can think of, featuring three floors, an attic space and a basement - the possibilities are numerous.

The Garden District:
Situated on the outskirts of Astrum's main body of housing, these Houses differ from the Pier District, with them seperated and spread out around the gardens. Usually for characters in the upper middle class - but not yet noble. The Houses consist of two floors and an attic space, small garden, and with a basement.

The Noble District:
Situated high above Astrum's main residential area, the Noble district consists of several large, grand houses that represent the epitome of wealth and class. Perfect and Reserved exclusively to Established Noble Families and their Staff. To inquire about these Houses please message one of our Officials (as mentioned in the section above).

Astrum's Bastion:
For those interested in more militaristic style RP, Astrum's Bastion offers comfortable and spacious barracks for those who'd want to focus solely on defending Astrum's Lands and it's People. These are Reserved for those within the Astrum Vetrium, please contact Moo_bot for more information regarding joining the guard.


For those joining Astrum to perminantly live there, Houses can be yours for Free, with an additional interior decorating service available at an additional charge. Those wanting to have a house as a Holiday House or a Home away from Home, will have to pay a fee depending on the House. This is so as we do not have lots of people taking up properties on Astrum and only using them every other month. We do however, have a variety of 'Safehouse' Locations for those looking for a place to lay low or just have as a spare property for some RP reason. These consist of: Warehouses, Storage Houses and Rentable Rooms. These are smaller and found scattered across Astrum, some hidden and some in plain view. PM for more details regarding 'Safehouses'.

OOC Housing Rules:

1) All locked chests and doors are fine as long as they stay within the confines of your own home!

2) Interiour decorating can be whatever you want (as long as it stays within the server's rules)
3) You have the right to your own house OOC, if people are breaking in or not leaving OOC when you've asked them too - contact the region owner.
4) Please, Please, PLEASE! Do not build large basements or basement expansions without prior permission. Basements without permissions are fine as long as they are ONE floor deep, build with identical scale to the first floor of your house.
5) Don't massively change the exterior without prior permission.
6) Don't strip-mine under your house, that's what the sorrows are for, I cant believe I have to make this a rule - but there we go.
7) If you vanish for over two months, (without any kind of reasoning or explanation) then we reserve the right to repossess your house and possessions so as to allow for another player to have a house. We will message you on discord a several times in the weeks following the deadline so as if you simply forgot to give reasoning then we can sort out the issue. If life gets in the way we completely understand, just please make sure to let us know that you haven't just suddenly left the server.

8) Make sure to let the region owner know if you need anything or want anything built. A majority of requests we get are granted, we just need to be notified about these areas so we can discuss if they fit lore/would be feasibly possible (as well as staying in the style of the city).

Application Form:

Discord -
Occupation -
Character Profile (Optional) -
District Preference (Optional) -
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Very Sweet
Big Voter
He/Him, They/Them
Time to get active again, so I guess I should re-apply haha :^)

- Zitrine
Discord - I prefer to not write it openly right now, but you already have it so :^)
Character - Kazu!
Race - Human
Occupation - Hunter/Archer
District Preference (Optional) - Centre district. :heart:


Lord of Altera
Time to get active again, so I guess I should re-apply haha :^)

IGN - Zitrine
Discord - I prefer to not write it openly right now, but you already have it so :^)
Character - Kazu!
Race - Human
Occupation - Hunter/Archer
District Preference (Optional) - Centre district. :heart:
Sorry for the delay, this got lost in my notifications. I already have your discord so ill pop you a message.


Lord of Altera
Update! Sooo basically after some questions over the manor houses, I just wanted to confirm. Whilst most of the Houses on Astrum are free of charge to citizens, those wanting to buy a second home will incur a cost. As for the manor Houses, even to citizens, the requirements of such mean they cost money, and are intended for more than one player (unless in certain circumstances)


Lord of Altera
Thought i might find it cool to be back on the island oocly and icly lol

IGN - Niarn
Discord - Sune#8552
Character - Charles Roberts
Race - Human
Occupation - Sailor
District Preference (Optional) - I dont really care


Lord of Altera
Application Form:

- Sky_Crasheur
Discord - Fryer#3867
Character - Rolland Schiff
Race - Human
Occupation - Recruit
District Preference (Optional) - Centre District!


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
for the census:
IGN - Rustard
Diecord: you've got it
Character: Clement
Race: Human
Occupation: Justiciar/Guest
District Preference: Gardne District
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Lord of Altera
IGN - TinyBlueberry
Discord - I'd rather not give it out publicly.
Character - Seraphine
Race - Human
Occupation - Traveling Artist.
District Preference (Optional) - Centre district.


Lord of Altera
IGN - alcremies
Discord - hero#0003
- Auren Rey
Race - Human
Occupation - Barkeep
District Preference (Optional) - I don't care !
IGN - Darnokthemage
Discord - Darnokthemage#4276
Character - Darnok
Race - Dwarf
Occupation - Painter
District Preference (Optional) - Centre district.


Lord of Altera
IGN - Juvix_
Discord - you got it
Character - Quill Emiryn
Race - Human
Occupation - Uhhhh we'll talk about that
District Preference (Optional) - Garden District


Lord of Altera
IGN - UmbraNight
Discord - UmbraNight#7268
- Umbra Night
Race - Sangrian
Occupation - Herbalist/Traveler
District Preference (Optional) - Garden or Centre


Lord of Altera
The Garden District and the Slum District are both now, unfortunatly FULL! We’re working as hard as we can to expand these areas to continue giving you the widest variety of homes we can. Custom Housing is now AVAILABLE! PM me or REPLY to this post for more info!

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
The Garden District and the Slum District are both now, unfortunatly FULL! We’re working as hard as we can to expand these areas to continue giving you the widest variety of homes we can. Custom Housing is now AVAILABLE! PM me or REPLY to this post for more info!
Never in the history of Hollowworld, do I think, has lack of housing been an issue. This is a good problem to have! What an epic achievement! :D


Lord of Altera
Never in the history of Hollowworld, do I think, has lack of housing been an issue. This is a good problem to have! What an epic achievement! :D
Its honestly madness. A new district is in the works right now. And the New Market district should hopefully ease the load off people buying homes to convert into businesses. Exciting times indeed!


Lord of Altera
IGN - Olligreen
Discord - Olligreen#0718
Character - Jin Elsattir
Race - Human (Sooleran)
Occupation - Tailor
District Preference (Optional) - Market, whenever that's available :)


Lord of Altera
IGN - Olligreen
Discord - Olligreen#0718
Character - Jin Elsattir
Race - Human (Sooleran)
Occupation - Tailor
District Preference (Optional) - Market, whenever that's available :)
I have something in mind for you! Lemmie message on discord.


Ur mom
Retired Staff
IGN - lovelyninja567
Discord - Wuvwey#8696
Character - Sophie Velour
Occupation - Barkeep/Cook
Race - Human
District Preference (Optional) -
Any, no preference

Fluffy Bristle

Lord of Altera
IGN - FluffyBristle
Discord - fluffy boi#2051
Character - Isla Vawdrey
Occupation - Currently a Fisherman, but she's looking to learn something new, so if there's someone willing to teach, Isla's willing to learn!
Race: Human!
Character Profile (Optional) - here's my BABY
District Preference (Optional) -
None, put me where there's open spots!