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New Race proposal "Rythgard" or "Rythgardian" (In progress, to be improved upon)


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Hey all,

thanks for taking an interest as to reading this thread, hopefully you read on and i would encourage you to voice your opinion on this, as i would love some feedback! (but please if i could ask you to try and restrain yourselves from saying that it is too cliche and un original as to be honest that is my opinion as well but it is an idea from when i was about 12 and has been improved upon ever since. Ive always loved writing, and this is a story and race that ive been adapting through the years so i hope you will at the very least appreciate me sharing it with you all :) I also dont want to throw that all away now just because someone says its un original! lol). I also am aware that with races, there will be rules coming out soon, so i want to see if you all think this is too "OP", although i dont believe it is. They have amazing advantage in close combat, but have maaaany other weaknesses.

Also quickly i will say ive been meaning to post this for a while but my internet doesnt like me so it kept saying no. I finally got permission to though :p I am going out on a limb here, and am highly unsure if this will be acknowledged as a race but i can only try and see what you all think at the very best and who knows what will happen. I hope you do however enjoy and leave a comment at the bottom! Lets do this :D

The "Rythgardian" race, or "Rythgard" is something i have come up with. I like to be creative, and will write down anything i come up with when i do get such an idea. This one however has been with me for a while, since around my playing time of Guild Wars (about 7 years ago now). It is basically my take on a new human sub-race that I would like to share with you. I will provide a basic information sheet on the characteristics of these people, there history, and i will also share with you an improved back story to my character who happens to be of this particular made up race.

The Rythgard is inspired by many different races combined, may i have come accross the race from a game or movie etc, ive taken certain characteristics to make this my own. I am not copying once you have read the lore and fact file of a typical Rythgard i do want your opinion. Here is a list of some races that have inspired the Rythgard:
-Saiyans (Dragon Ball Z)
-Mandalorians (Star Wars)
-Mongolians (Real life :p 14th - 15th century)
-Romans (BC lol)

Fact file
The Rythgardians are a warrior race, born on the outskirts of Altera, Roarkhelm was once a healthy land now turned ugly through the many scars of battle it endured over the centuries. Roarkhelm was a fabled land as no Alteran would ever dare to venture through into the depths of the Rythgards Tundura, because if you did there is surely no escape. Rythgards have a distinct appearance with typical human features (nose, ears, mouth etc), all with icey blue eyes with at least lightly tanned skin as a result of lack of shelter. The average Rythgardian's physic is naturally defined like an orc (and nearly equal them in strength) yet they are very short people (the tallest Rythgardian male recorded was little over 5'9). . Their hair only grows from when they are born until they reach the age of about 14. If they decide to cut their hair it will never grow back as a result of a specific hormone which dies for unknown reasons. (That goes for facial hair aswell, so they typically do not have facial hair considering the age they stop growing hair lol). Hair colour is usually dark brown and on an incredibly rare occassion blonde (If they are blonde they are considered magically gifted as the Uthgard race is which by coincidence they also prodominantly have blonde hair. Blonde Rythgardians are usually killed shortly after they are born unless they are of a high noble bloodline). It is also myth and legend that Rythgardians will never "die" as their bodies may, but their minds will always be present and watching over the decendents of their specific house.
Basic Lore
Roarkhelm was predominantly ruled by two different races, the "Uthgards" and the "Rythgards". Constant war besieged the land, as the Uthgards, a tall and technologically advanced race aimed for peace, and the Rythgardian barbarians aimed for Strength, and the rest shall follow. However through time and war, an imperial legion arrived in the land of Roarkhelm and stationed themselves on the Rythgardian front. After a brief time of battle, King Achroth (later re-naming himself King Lucious "titus" Rythgard as a tribute to their imperial allies) decided it would be in the best interest of his people to start an alleigance with the imperials too learn all they can and gain more technology in order to break the main threat, the Uthgard.

There was however a time in the wars when the Uthgard had devised a plan to eliminate Rythgard through cross breeding. Anybody in current days considered a noble of Rythgard must be full blood. However this plan had backfired as now, the Rythgardian warriors had taught there way to these much larger half breed slaves, and turned them into strong warriors, and so war waged onward.

Strengths and weaknesses
These people have a lust for power, and are naturally gifted with mass amounts of strength. Pride is everything for a Rythgardian, as to die in battle would be an honour. In battle, these people are cerebrally smart, and patient working well with organised and well structured strategy. They prefer close combat fighting as they have a strength advantage over most others. On the battlefield they are highly skilled with most weapons including the blade and bow, and high tactical units are set up including a very structured leigionary cohert for the swordsmen, and Velites for ranged units. In one on one fair combat however the Rythgard prefer their bare hands as pain from blades can only do so much.. When in trouble, they call to the winds of their anscestral race, and it is believed when they answer the call, the wounded Rythgard will lose all sense of mind (being controlled by their anscestors) and will double in size and strength (meaning they are now almost equally strong as a beserking orc, only with a little less killing everyone, still someone controlling them).

However with all this strength and battle cunning comes great weaknesses as many Rythgardians are untrained in the arts of magic, and many more fear it. Pride and loyalty comes down as a weakness aswell. Although in a battle to the death Rythgard warriors will stop at nothing, if a friend is in trouble they will put their lives on the line for them. Tradition can cost Rythgardian warbands many lives as a result that every man and woman of this race must be present for a formal burial of their fallen leader whenever they pass, meaning no matter how far away from home, may it be a 10 year journey, they MUST make it back in time for the ceremony or face ultimate consequence. Family comes first and a Rythgardian will stop at nothing to bring glory to their name. It is believed that the Rythgardian's were essentially split up into 4 different tribes in the beggining and that the Rythgard and Uthgard are really of the same race, just split up in slight different appearances. Within the Rythgard their are now many different clans (too many to count) however it is believed that the strongest clan was the Rythgard and hence the race was named after them. It is unlikely you will ever find a naturally fast and quick paced Rythgard, however it is a skill that is taught to all young warriors for many years. If you are not quick, you will die. Rythgard as a result of tradition and the many wars they have been in are very few in number, especially considering they are a relativly new race to the world.

(I will add more later including my characters quick bio as it will give you a greater understanding of this race, but for now i need to stop because my head is aching... lol, but i hope you like it so far. leave comments below!)


Sounds.....interesting... I like it :3 just one thing though. What do they look like? Im not sure if im just dumb or there isnt much description there xD at the moment I have a mental picture of a short orc with white (lightly tanned) skin and blue eye :p
Could just be me being dumb though.


I think I might like it here
hahaha tbh i see what you are saying im not very clear with that.. my head really hurts right now though but to get an idea (ill probably edit this later) they are small and stout with tan skin and similar pysche to an orc, although their facial features are very reminicant of a human, but their eyes are all ice cold blue (not normal blue eyes, alot lighter and sharper). Something ive left out aswell btw is that their hair only grows from when they are born until they reach the age of 14. If they decide to cut their hair it will never grow back (That goes for facial hair aswell, so they typically do not have facial hair considering the age they stop growing hair lol). Hair colour is usually dark brown and on a very rare occassion blonde (If they are blonde they are considered magically gifted, and usually killed unless they are of a noble bloodline).

All i can think of right now... hope its sufficient xD


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Can I draw your attention to this..

And suggest players don't waste so much effort working on stuff like this when we have a Council behind the scenes responsible for such creativity and contribution. No suggestions like this will ever be considered unless you are a member of the council. I therefore recommend you consider an application.

Furthermore we have a set of core races already under development and players will be notified in due course of the changes coming.


I think I might like it here
Can I draw your attention to this..

And suggest players don't waste so much effort working on stuff like this when we have a Council behind the scenes responsible for such creativity and contribution. No suggestions like this will ever be considered unless you are a member of the council. I therefore recommend you consider an application.

Furthermore we have a set of core races already under development and players will be notified in due course of the changes coming.
haha thanks cherbert :) although as you can see through that link.. ive already applied :p but ya i do understand you already have a set of core races, this is more just a general idea i wanted to throw out there though to get peoples reactions and hopefully if it gets enough good reviews we can steer it in direction of core races :p However i doubt that would happen lol, always good to try though!