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Active |+| Orvar Sif Sigurd |+|

The Courier

Lord of Altera
This Is Now Considered A Legacy Character
- Orvar Sif Sigurd

Full Titles:

- Sir Sigurd, Knight of Knowledge, Friend of Silas, Champion of Blades, Hell Hound of Natri'Evar


- Landir
Bear - Given by Rue, Alanna, and friends
Knight of Knowledge - Self-Given as a way to represent Silas, Possibly accepted by Silas.
White Bear - Given to him by Sheila
Mister Paladin - Four year old Violet is adorable

(Dunno the author)



- 200 Human Years
- 27 Elven Years*




-Silver Elf

Social Status:

- Demon Hunter [Worldly]
- General [Anhald]
- Baron [Worldly]






- 225lbs

Date of Birth:

- 24th Day of Winterfeast -2129, Year of Rest

Date of Death:

-Body not found


-Northern village

Current Home:

- "Home's gone."



- From extreme and intense work outs that take place onto physical endurance and strength, he has formed a body of great muscle definition. He has used his medical knowledge to make his muscles perfectly balanced, resulting in a monster of a man.


- Light blonde hair which stretches down to the middle of his back. It's permeated
with sweat in these summer days.


- Angry, angry about heretics. His eye is an ice like blue color, which is beginning to grow more and more cold.


- A fair pale skin from his time north, slowly turning a bit tanner due to the climate in Anhald

Identifying Marks:

- A deep scar across the left side of his face, seared flesh is over it.
- Blue runes line all over his form, going from his biceps to his abdomen and back.
- His left foot, if he has his shoes off, is a wooden contraption.
- The right side of his face has a claw mark scraping down from his forehead to his chin from a Jaguar's claw.


- Sif keeps an appearance of ferocity. His eyes are cold and calculating, yet his voice keeps this placid monotone expression. His face holds a constant scowl now, little joy to be found in his expression.


- A large winter cloak, black with a white wolf's pelt across the top. It is made of bear furs and heavy wool, keeping him warm against the most tough winter conditions.

- A thick wool shirt with sleeves down to his wrists. Leather padding across the shoulders, a deep purple color from the worn out dyes.

- Black cloth pants, normally stuffed with straw and furs. Made to keep him warm and insulated against winter bites.

- Thick boots with 2" bottoms, they were given the thicker bottom for his traverse into the Nether, as to not have the soles be burned through by the scorching ground. Hard leather encompasses the toe.


- Sif needed an upgrade. . his time against Demons and Hell had shown him this. His armor was befit for murdering mortals and claiming his dominance in the field of mortal battle. Yet to kill those from Hell, you must become that of Hell. Sif has made his armor the apex of armors as he had it designed to fit the form much like Scardrac's old armor. The master smith, Urist Eisenfaust, had crafted it to complete and utter beauty.

- Helm: It is curved and rounded to make the blows of swords and hammers glance off it's form, allowing his skull to not be immediately caved in. It is solid especially at the top and the base.

- Curiass: It is 4.75mm thick, allowing him to effectively hold a shield of steel between himself and those in front of him. This allows a good solid defense coupled with the chain and gambeson underneath.

- Arms: Sigurd's armor from his rerebrace to his gauntlets are all roughly similar. They're at 2mm thick, resulting in great protection for his arms while keeping them light enough to swing his large swords.

- Legs: Along with his faulds, Sigurd's upper legs are covered by a cuisse. These are 3.5mm thick and the rest of his legs is similar to his arms at 2.5mm thick.

- Chainmail: Sif's chainmail is made at 3/8 inch rings and they were gauged ten times. Resulting in strong rings to stop heavier blows. He wears this chainmail at his chest, arms, and his legs.

- Gambeson: The last line of defense. Sif's padded gambeson allows him to be protected greatly from concussive forces. It's the reason he survived Visage's tail smashing into his chest plate at full force.

- Pauldrons: Sif's pauldrons cover his armpits at the front and back, since he hated the idea of bleeding out from somewhere he can't stitch. They are 3.5mm thick as well.


- Nothung: A great sword Sif had made just for the need of a larger heavier sword to face off plate armor, he dislikes hammers.

    • Total length: 160 cm [63 inches/5.2 feet]
    • Blade length: 122 cm[48 inches/4 feet]
    • Grip length: 33 cm [13 inches/1.1 feet]
    • Weight: 2.95 kg [6.5 pounds]
    • Blade thickness (base): 6 mm
    • Blade thickness (CoP): 6 mm
    • Blade width (base): 5.2 cm [2.04 inches]
    • Blade width (base): 5 cm [2 inches]
    • Point of Balance (PoB): 25 cm [9.4 inches]
    • Center of Percussion (CoP): 55 cm [21 inches/1.8 feet]
    • Oakeshott type: XX

- Skofnung: A large claymore that he originally had when he arrived from the North.

    • Total Length: 136 cm [53.5433]
    • Blade length: 106 cm [41.7323 inches]
    • Grip length: 18 cm [7 inches]
    • Weight: 2.64 kg [5.8 lbs]
    • Blade thickness (base): 5.3 mm
    • Blade thickness (CoP): 5.3 mm
    • Blade width (base): 5.0 cm [2 inches]
    • Blade width (CoP): 5.0 cm [2 inches]
    • Point of Balance (PoB): 16.5 cm [6.4 inches]
    • Center of Percussion (CoP): 34 cm [13.3858 inches]
    • Oakeshott type: XIIIa

- Misericorde: A small dagger designed to easily penetrate chainmail as a method of executing fallen knights who have no chance of healing.

    • Total length: 35 cm
    • Blade length: 21.5 cm
    • Grip length: 10 cm
    • Weight: 0.34 kg
    • Blade thickness (base): -
    • Blade width (base): 1.3 cm

- Crossbow
A "Medium" Crossbow, designed for piercing chainmail and poor plate armor. It's maximum distance is 350 yards, maximum efficiency is up to 250 yards.
[Pictured loader is not Sif's actual reloader]

Landir's Crossbow.jpg

- Warhammer:
Sif's own warhammer he made just for the rise of plate armor. It's force with his swing can be as powerful as a rifle bullet, denting armor easily and penetrating through it.

    • Total length: 67 cm [26.378 inches]
    • Handle length: 54 cm [21.2598 inches]
    • Hammer length: 3.5 cm [1.3 inches]
    • Spike length: 5.2 cm [2.04 inches]
    • Head width: 3.2cm [1.2 inches]
    • Weight: 1.05 kg [2.3 lbs]

- Stoneshatter
Stoneshatter is a longsword that had belonged to Scardrac, his dear friend, mentor, ally, and brother in arms. He holds this weapon in esteemed regard, so much that he keeps it delicately preserved. Every glance of this blade merely reminds him of times long lost. .

    • Total length: 115.5 cm
    • Blade length: 96 cm
    • Grip length: 18 cm
    • Weight: 1.44 kg
    • Blade thickness (base): 4.5 mm
    • Blade thickness (CoP): 4.1 mm
    • Blade width (base): 4.5 cm
    • Blade width (CoP): 3.3 cm
    • Point of Balance (PoB): 11 cm
    • Center of Percussion (CoP): 30 cm
    • Oakeshott type: XX

Prized Possessions:
- Jeweled Roses
- Plate Armor
- Stoneshatter


- Sif's learned that a clean body is a healthy body, he strives to be immaculate


- Over the years Sif has amassed knowledge of many subjects
- His physical prowess is quite obvious.
- Ability with sword and hammer.
- Ability within his plate armor and without.
- Tactical Prowess

- Undying Rage
- Refusal to Die


- Stagnation
- Being forgotten in history
- The Ocean/Kavdek


- Pointy objects
- He's still mortal
- Family
- The right side of his vision


- Rather intelligent, as he's a devout of Silas and old man.


- Arcturian: Basic
- Lavish/Lavoyard: Enhanced
- Elven: Enhanced
- Common: Enhanced
- Marrian: Basic


- Baron/Demon Slayer/Mercenary


- Bitter and hateful, Sif keeps a harsh mentality of others. He's stand-offish at first and will keep a "wall" between himself and others for a long while.

Religion or Cults:

- Silas
- Crusade


- Lawful Evil

Short Term Goals:

- Praise Silas
- Train men
- Finish Norumbega

Long Term Goals:

- Conquer
- Protect
- Immortality


- The North


- Feeling the rush and heat of battle.


- The delicious sense of steak.


- The spiced ale of Tauredal


- Yellow


- Goat

Least Favourite...

- The South


- Hearing pacifists try to reprimand him.


- Olives


- Water


- Trivial, but Grey


- Dragon



- Alanna
- Ailil
- Eira
- Alassea

- Lillium


- Silas
- Ben
- Violet
- Alustrum
- Jason
- Peter


- Spots
- Azariah

- Elora/Illya Lithdiir

- Pod Flanders
- Joseph
- Jyn Salazer
- William
- Ember


- The Moor Clique
- Kam

- Tzemik [Magus]

Unsure of:
- N/A

Wary of:

- N/A

Afraid of:

- N/A


- Anyone not listed
- Murdoc
- Tybalt
- Jacob
- Jack Blackwater

- Vitt'n
- Carolyn

- Jeroxia
- Althalos
- Lillinette


- Nikolche
- Ashna
- Sankera
- Illthilior
- Nwalme
- Nylarii

- Cymic


- Amalie
- Jeor

- Cymic

In-Depth Relationships


"Until death do us part."

Sif's beloved, the one woman who's been able to fully put up with his shenanigans and cold attitude. She's one of the only few people he'll drop the stoic act around. He misses her. Believes her to be deceased.

"My greatest mistake was taking my eyes off her."

Sif's little girl. There's nothing more terrifying than the compassion and love a father has for his daughter. He misses her. Believes her to be deceased.

"Letting my children go is the hardest thing I've done."
Sif's little girl of blood. She is his only blood child and is always held in his heart highly. He'll break anyone going near her. Currently living with him.

"Strange how war and life changes the tides for families."
Although he and his son have had many conflicting experiences, and he even assisted in killing him once, Sif finds a deep love for him. Although he refuses to admit it. Ever. He kind of misses him.

Lillium Hal'Shinkmaho
"You've done me more kindness in this short time than any other in my life time."

Lillium no matter hearing of Sif's past, his current deeds, and his future wishes has been there to offer her own counseling and thoughts on the matter. From listening to him rave over how much he wants to split open a man's skull to him brood over the current status of the world. She still opens her doors to him. The fact of recent events and the way the two had opened up lead him to realize the obvious. He fears this. And plans to act upon that fear.

Benjamin Beaumont
"You are more like your father than you realize."
Benjamin is one of Sif's most trusted friends, if not his only. He fully believes he could come to Ben for anything and about anything with no worry of Ben stabbing him in the back over it. Sif has already claim him to be like family in their conversations, indicating his undying will to protect Benjamin. "Man of the People" is his title from Sif.

Violet Hal'Shinkmaho
"The potential flourishes."
Perhaps one of the very few Moors that have gotten Sif to be able to stand their presence. He is always amused by this daughter of Lillium and is pleased to see that his nature has taken part onto her. He is eager to see what the future holds, yet holds a cautious hand near his blade. This girl has been needing of saving more than once by Sif.

Alustrum Godfrey

"It's been a long time since our meeting. ."
Gone from Sif's life for a time, Alu had returned to help him defend the world against the undead forces. It's been a long time for Sif since he's felt perhaps a true friend. This was renewed when Alustrum had appeared back in the New World and immediately assisted Sif in his tensed moments. This Grand Ranger is perhaps the only person Sif has ever seen as a Ranger.

Jason Breakwater

"You were the only one to come back."
Jason Breakwater, as he was known at the time, was the only man who had come back to assist Sif in the Siege of Breakwater. Against impossible odds the two men had fought beside each other. Sif need not know anything that he may have missed of this man, those who fight against the impossible with you and succeed are the most dear friends you can hold

Peter Hallon

"We've had a good long run."
Sif and Peter are long time partners in war and friends among it. The two were there together in the Order of the Fallen Light to Lavoyard to Anhald. Even now, while Sif is not part of Anhald, the two upkeep relations of friendship and trust. He is one of the few great men Sif still sees in the world. He is partially saddened he shall live long past his friend's death.


"You devour the flesh of the fallen, I assume it can only give you their power."
Spots is not a human. Perhaps that is why Sif has gotten along with the Raccoon so well. After a time of traveling with "Tennand" and "Eltsir" they had all watched the sighting of Spots as he stalked them. Soon after an eruption of ash and smoke, this companion had made it's way to Sif. Where he began to devour the bits of wolf meat off the man's plate armor. Sif found this adorable and recruited him into his Legion.
[No Player]​

Azariah Ralotumal

"Let's hope she's not as big of a mistake as her race."
Sif is currently training this woman to use a blade as per her request. Although normally he'd refuse to be near a Moor Elf Silas demands he teach and so he listens to the God that has saved his life. Even if it means going against what he believes in his soul. Recently, he's learned that she's already dealt with enough petty squabbles to fill a village.
Asirel Luik

Elora Lithdiir/Illya Lithdiir

"Your life, your soul, belongs to me."
Once, Elora was a mere hapless and helpless woman Sif had met in the tavern at Storm's Landing. Yet, after a small time of taking pity upon her, she had managed to weasel her way to get him to speak. The man had assisted her greatly and while the debt she holds to him is a void, he makes her pay no amount of it back. Her daughter and her own company is all he truly needs.


Joseph Hayrack Ser'Kyle
"At least you're worth your words."
Joe is a Ranger Apprentice of which Sif has taken in as a man of Norumbega. Joe has proven himself to be worthwhile in Sif's eyes and while he has many different areas that are his downfall, Sif has come to appreciate the lengths he will go to in attempt to please him. The boy has been trusted with watching over his daughter's health.
Wandering Ranger

Jyn Sharon Salazar
"You run a fool's errand."
Youth, it is something that he's seen to never change. This one is no different, she believes with naive eyes and overly optimistic heart in the things she chases. Alas, those things shall eventually end in a great despair for her. Warning was given to her and he had attempted to let her know when to cease, yet nothing had changed. So now he lets the future come.

Pod Flanders

"A highly amusing subject."
Pod is a man from the mass Flanders family. He has become a vassal under Sif in the recent times and he had been knighted by the man. Sigurd has watched him and noted his loyalty and lack of fear to charge into problems head on, this is something he deeply respects. Of course, he also has noted Pod being the only Flanders he's met of any merit.

William Thornrowe

"You need to learn when to shut up."
William is a boy who had gone to Sif for training. Originally, Sigurd had told him to actually gain some muscle and to form his body before he dared to tempt a blade. After a time of not seeing this child, the boy had appeared. He indeed looked to have improved his health and so Sif took him under his wing. The reason he is liked is because he is part of Norumbega.

"One of the most obedient servants I've met."
Ember is a Moor who Sif had met during his times in Storm's Landing. He was bemused partially by her silence before he would eventually decide to 'converse' with the mute woman. His time spent humoring her attempts lead to him bringing her back to Norumbega where she had offered her soul and her life to him. He graciously accepted.


The Moor Elf Clique

"What the f-"
They are an oddity, all four of them, but he always enjoys having new meat shields placed before himself in lines of fire. They have an aspect of life that he rarely sees, this aspect being one of actual enjoyment of each other's company.
Asirel Luik


Kam Hakiaz
"The last of a dying breed."
Kam, to Sigurd, is an Earthspawn attempting to hold onto what glory their race has left. Mellow in personality and uncaring for the general most part, she has been one to want his training. Sif has given it, if only for God demanding him to. The Earthspawn to him is but a possible ally, a person he is willing to go an extra length for simply to make sure he has one of the last Earthspawn on his side.


Tzemik [Magus]
"Why do you remind me of myself?"
Tzemik is a magus who Sif has refused to take the magic of. He refuses to become reliant upon it or even use it from his own wants. The two times that it was used, was because of Tzemik herself or others. However, from talks with this Nakat, he's become close to her. This is denied VEHEMENTLY by both of them, but it is something he cannot ignore. . nor stop.


"Failures are merely that, failures."

You try to keep peace, say you wish to be a warrior, yet you fail in all regards. People like you are the reason I exist.


"You fled instead of staying to face retribution. Disgusting."
Silas hates those who tamper with history.

"Running was always your specialty."
Do not be surprised when he who you exiled holds a dislike and want for your end. Despite all the two had been through, it appears that fate has lead these two once friends to be bitter enemies.
"Many masks, you wear. I know what that means."
Sif isn't quite sure he knows who Vitt'n is, yet he has a great feeling they're [Redacted]. He watches the man in a wary if not bitter sight. After the muttering of masks and faces, with the constant change of looks, he is certain that they're a Visage worshipper. Something he hates absolutely and greatly. However, the man has helped him in escaping the island, yet that could be due to him having no other choice in this situation.


"No mercy, no love, for those who desert the Legion."

Sif holds a great disregard and hate for those who desert their station and country. Drake and all those other's who fled to this. . island. . are certainly of dishonor and weaselly antics. He spits in their direction, no matter the wonderful memories he used to hold for them. Absolute disgust is held for their persons.


"Tricks and games are as honorable as feasting on the dead."
Sif's distaste and disgust for this woman have only grown over the months he's had the hated moments of being with her. Lately, his final straw to solidify his absolute dislike of her person was through the use of tricks in a fight. Everyday he ponders if he should have simply kept the swing moving or not.

Jeroxia Azerwind

"I hold distastes for those who joke of heresy."
Sif and Jeroxia hadn't exactly gotten off on the right foot. A joke went wrong and Sif had taken his joke as a mocking of his own standing ofthe Divine Law. After a session of nearly strangling the jester to death he had held a disliking towards him afterwards, more than he does the usual character.

Althalos H. Sadin

"A hyprocite is always unsavory."
Sif truly doesn't care at all of what Althalos thinks of him. No one's personal thoughts truly unnerved or made Sif wish to do something of it, other than when it is of heresy. He merely finds this hypocrite highly unsavory yet amusing. Like one finds a fool.

Lillinette Le'Roux

"You are an old oddity."
Lillinette was once a pupil of Sif who had wanted to learn to defend herself. However, Sif would come to see her as careless, impatient, non-intuitive, and above all she does not think. This was not sudden, but after leaving out an extremely important detail in a matter of recent, he holds little hope of this person. She is now disliked and not seen in favor, Azariah is the only reason he even casts her a glance.



"Your mind is boggled by your bleeding heart. You hold no will nor deserve the title of Prophet of the Goddess of Death."
Surely it is a sin to clam oneself to still hold the position of a Prophet of a God herself, yet to refuse to bring the Heretics to justice. Surely, the term "Goddess of Death" holds no understanding in your skull.


"Judged you were, guilty you are, and cursed your life and all the next shall be."
Sif had slain Nikolche in the holy grounds he sought to protect. Sif had given his blood to Crusade as a sacrifice for prayer. He deems him purged yet not redeemed. As the heathen blood deserve no rest.

"You're an incompetent, heretical, bastard. I want your head, no matter the good you've done for me."
Sankera has been a target for Sif's eyes for the longest time. His gaze wary around the heathen. Yet for some reason he can't bring himself to slay him just yet in the name of God. Sif bides his time for now, watching him and his terrible life continue forwards. One day he won't stop his claymore from slaughtering him.


"You're next."
The actions at the Rift is all Sif would need to hate this man, yet the conniving dishonorable method he lives and the actions this man has taken in his existence causes an unbridled unholy hatred.


"As dishonorable as your beloved."
He is not surprised, nor amused, at how she had tried to assassinate and kill all of Anhald at the surrender. He will remember, just as he will when he drives his blade through her body. Sif will not forgive, he will not forget.

Cymic Seymour

"Long live the King."
Sif originally did not care, did not hold qualm, nor did he mind the existence of this man. However, at him continuing to simply be a parasite to one of the few Sif had befriended, the man began to feel hate. He was all too eager to slaughter him when the chance arose outside the boundaries of law. The man has become another Damned in the eyes of Sigurd.

"You had a good death."

Somehow, some way, Sif found a unique and strong attraction towards this woman who had tried to end his very life, or at least make it bloody and full of arrows. He held her in his arms as she gave out her very last breaths, making her feel at the very least accepting and calm in death.

"You died doing what you thought was right."
Hateful as Sif was because of his lack of timing, he is saddened that the world has lost this man. He was a good warrior and a terrific soul, one who was stalwart in their beliefs. He wishes there were more like him in the world, his biggest regret being that he could never find the time to truly fight this man.

- Elfa Hansdotter
"I have not seen your death, I have seen your life."
Sif cannot forget the one who had brought him the ability to walk once more. Elfa is perhaps one of the few people he was truly able to rely upon in life. When he needed her, she had pulled through, and he is eternally thankful for this.

- Thor
- Old DnD Character
- The Hound

My in-game name is: Daratrixi

"Elven years" are 7.5 human years*

Through discussion with Readij Sif has been decided as a legacy character, his build is not nor will ever be the norm of a Silver Elf.
Last edited:

The Courier

Lord of Altera
It's a long one, get comfy and enjoy the read.
[Spoilers messed up, click the first and then last for the whole story.]

A hundred ninety-five years ago, that's the first memory Sif can recall. Screams, flames, and tears. It was nothing short of hellish and of nightmares. He remembers that there was nothing except the urge to 'move forwards'.

His second memory, however, was of a small room in a bustling tavern, where he sat upon his father's lap and listened to his tales. They were of war, of adventure, of countless discoveries and oddities of the land. Sif was enamored, listening to these with the eyes of a child yet to realize the world for what it is. The days for the next ten years were much alike this. Sif was a large boy, always being the one to do manual labor. He shied from no amount of work in his days at the village. Still, his eyes held a ponderous look on his youthful face.

It was during this day, he remembers, he was loading grain into an elderly man's cart after he had bought it from his family. It was then that he had caught words between his father and the man, speaking of an incoming army. One which would pass through the area, one which was taking from the villages of the land as they pleased and razing. The invading force, he learned, was one of the many mercenary bands in the world. Youthful and arrogant, he paid it no mind. He had no reason to not trust the guardsmen of his home, especially with the grand stories they told. Yet that's what they are in the end, stories.

He remembers the heat of that day, it was a constant heat, a burning sweating sensation all over his form. He remembers seeing flames, seeing red in the streets, in the snows, and watching as his home was burned. He remembers running, a fast paced run with constant blurred vision. Afterwards, he remembers the dust, the ash, the smell of burnt spruce and oak. He remembers the anguish, the suffering, the sorrow. He remembers the hate.

Sif had set out upon his own after this, yet the only place he could find true work was within a mercenary band. The very thing he had come to despise. Finding his situation hilariously dark and ironic, he simply swallowed his pride. It was here he opted for the name 'Landir'. He had not the heart to besmirch his family's name with his current occupation. The last he needed was to know they'd stare from their Realm of Reward, only to shake their heads in disgust. It was like this for a long time. The man would fight in wars, take lives, be paid by how much he could destroy. A man doesn't stay the same easily like this, schadenfreude was born from his humors. Yet still, he found himself able to laugh, able to smile.

A hundred years of warfare and struggles when war was lacking passed.

All of those he had long cared for were now gone. Those he had wanted to keep protected had withered and died of age or were butchered down by the warbands he repeatedly fought against. It was because of this that Sif continued to move, continued to transfer. His legend was nothing, his name rarely heard in any famous story. He did what he must to survive. It was all he could truly do for the time being. His skill with an axe was there, yet he had not yet given into the want for war to attempt sharpening his skill. Yet all that can change in time.

It was at his year of a hundred fifty that he had retired. Sif had let himself relax with his war axe, his claymore, and his equipment. His finances were not the best despite his long time spent in a mercenary band, as he had a habit of spending it upon drink and whores. However, after retirement, he had been endowed by Habin of Lydel to be the Constable of that small village. It was of shock to Sif, for he had never truly lead before. Alas, he accepted, taking with it the amount of radiants that was offered and the homestead.

It was at this time he had made friends with those he met. Lizzy, Goren, Rue, Alustrum, Drieg, Robert, and others his mind does not truly remember. It was these people he shared his laughs, his fears, his dreams, and his life with. The world he remembers with them is something of almost fantasy now. So youthful, so care free. It was much like his years as a young boy. The days came by quickly and disappeared ever faster. There were of course struggles and changes, but nothing as drastic as what was to come. For the time he had peace, eons of anguish were to come.

It started, originally, with betrayal. He heard his dear friend, Goren, had been slain. This caused fury to well into him once more, only for the Corruption to befall upon the lands. He had learned, seen, and known far too much during these times to keep a man sane. It was near the end of this, after the fall of Harateth and the usurpation of Rahas that Sif was growing cold. Those he once held close either betrayed or left him, he continued to feel only anger when it came to the day.

During the time with the Order of the Fallen Light, Sif was issued his plate armor. It was now he was deemed 'Landir the Witty' by Emperor Arthorias. It was then Sif had met a man who would shape his future in ways he thought unimaginable. Scardrac Dormus. Sif was taken as a squire to the renowned fighter of this world. It was here he fought and sparred with those of the Order of the Fallen Light. It was here he began to hone his skills and his blade, wishing to learn and do much more than he ever had before. It was here, he met Alanna.

Sif's past, like many, is not without it's. . . complications. Alanna Rhett was such a complication, but one he would endeavor to keep. Sif had perhaps managed to make this Princess of Marr elope with him from her betrothed. He had perhaps managed to steal her away for his own. It was truly a rush for the man and it was a time that he felt for a fair time, happy. The woman brought an end to his fearing heart and a calmness to his raging storm. This was. . to be short lived.

With her in his life, perhaps that is the only reason he did not collapse into madness after Kavdek. Where he saw a continent submerged and all it's people in the water, bloated bodies. Simply floating, without a care, with no one knowing why. This began his slip into the abyss. With Alanna, he stayed with, to try and fight off the coldness clamping him.
Yet while it remained, he had met one of the most influential figures of his life. God himself. Silas, it was pure chance, and Sif found him at a tavern he was occupying for some time. He was unsure of who the being was, as Silas was in disguise. Yet, from his defense of the innocent disguised being and his cover being blown by Vorar caused Silas to expose himself. It was then that Sif and the God began to share a bond. A bond so strong, that Sif had even managed to have the God come to his wedding. Where he was given an artifact, a jeweled rose, by Silas. He keeps it to this day.
It was also with the Order of the Fallen Light he had become monotone. 'Duty before emotion' the scrolls demanded. With this command, Sif followed through immediately. He found life to be much easier, far easier, when he was monotone. When he felt nothing. He began to enjoy it.

The Rebellion came. Sif, having been with the originally attacked group, survived and fled to Nether Edge. It was there he reunited with Scardrac Dormus and formed the rebellious group against the Lavoyarde Empire. It was during this time he had become estranged from his wife, Alanna, and the two had become held only by threads. Yet it was during this he felt the first feeling of which he shall learn to despite and fear the most. Uselessness. Tzemik and Naelwyn, Sif had enraged the both of them due to a man hunt that breached their lands. It was from these two that Scardrac had shown Sif perhaps from hindsight a glimpse into his future self. He had become enraged and killed one of their own, resulting into the disbandment.

Yet, Lavoyarde, had also crumbled from this. And from such, the South was silent. Sif, reunited with Alanna, returned north for his own home at Ensamhet. He was here when his monotone and stoic practices, when his distant life style, caused his daughter to disappear from his home. Once more, Sif was engulfed in his ever common blackened flame. The only thing to fuel this fire, the loss of Alanna. Assumed dead, at the collapse of his home from a sudden avalanche. Sif gave into this hatred, the bitterness that encompassed him.

This hell fire inside only continued as his life went on. Tragedy beget tragedy. A never ending spiral, it was as fate is. Yet instead of moving up this spiral, he had descended. His heart, his soul, into the abyss. He lived for fighting, lived for killing. He soon found the only way he could truly feel anything was to be near the edge of death. His comfort was found in warfare, his mind sharpened to battle. With the loss of Scardrac, the loss of Alanna, the loss of his friends and close ones, Sif began to surpass them. His sword play reached heights never before felt by the man, never before seen by most.

It was here that an unlikely face from his past appeared, Lillium, with her daughter Violet. Sif was estranged, as always, protecting himself from fear of loss. Fooling himself into believing it was to protect them from him. The kindness was enjoyed, yet he refused to give into assistance. As he deemed himself to forever stand, alone, forlorn.

It was with these feelings of anger and abandonment that he had struck into Azerport. After standing before the gates, ahead of numerous enemies, he taunted. A shot to his pauldron, it ignited him. The man, that day, slaughtered twenty-seven men in a few hours. It was there that Sif finally gave into his rage. He gave into that which made him grin his sadistic smile. Even with his right eye's final gaze being a heart of a man in his hand before he crushed it, he laughed.

His life continued as a warrior, as a knight, as a mercenary, as a lord, and eventually as a Baron. He himself climbed, fell, but always fought. He searched for stronger and stronger opponents, to test his mettle. When the realm of man no longer had those of pristine quality and blade, he searched to the wilds. When the animals of even the deadly jungles of Riseport would not offer him contest, he grew stoic. Coldness wrapped his flame, he was at a lost. There was nothing for him to fear or face, nothing in this world he could not out fight.

The undead came. They were unexpected, but as the bounds of the world were ripped apart and none heeded the words of Sigurd, they came. He set forth to Mottle Addler, where he stayed to fight and guard himself and others against the horde. It was here he felt fear once more, an emotion which sparked to him a fury he could barely withstand. The men of Anhald beside him, they fought and slaughtered a thousand of the foe. Yet even that defense was perilous, they had to retreat, the mass of bodies and dead finally caving in the fortress.

Sif returned to the world of old, blood stained and battle scarred. It was here he would notice the lack of care of everyone. Except for perhaps one, yet she was something he dared not approach. It was here, he with Anhald, moved to discover and scour the New World. It was here he saw the gallantry of a few men save the world. It was much like many other times in this land, in this world. Parasites. It is what he called them.

Upon this new world he searched for hire, once the last Bastion had been taken and brought to this land, he looked for employment. At Azerwind, he found such, yet found their laws to be absolutely ridiculous. He found their punishment to be something akin to a mere slap upon the wrist. He despised this weakness, despised the government, and so he left. With this hell fire of his, he left.

Sif's path now has been that of bloodshed, anger, and fear. Still, however, he will struggle, fight, and claw his way to life. It is not so easy to tame this man. Something the new found demons of Hell shall learn soon enough

Right eye is missing

- Major PTSD
- Becoming more cynical
- Completely monotone

[Some may contain language, deal wit' it.]​


Ever wanted to see what Landir would look like without his beard and scar?

Fun times in the Nether


Asirel Luik
You thought I wouldn't. Warning, L E W D
Last edited:

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Major updates.

+Armor Section
+Spacing of Sections
+Prized Possesions
+Thoughts of Self
+Goals, both Long and Short


Lord of Altera
Being under liked, Befreinded, and included in Marr:Azerport as should make an "it's complicated" section

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Being under liked, Befreinded, and included in Marr:Azerport as should make an "it's complicated" section
He doesn't see Tybalt as part of Marr just yet, more or less he sees him as the voice of it. For all he knows, Tybalt left Marr but still lives there.