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Pirapple Watches Movies (Spoilers!)


Lord of Altera
I've seen a lot of movies for the first time this year, so I though that I could write about what I've seen because it's been a pretty damn good year for movies.

I'll start in reverse order of movies I've seen. Spoilers, probably, for like 3-4 month old movies.

Batman V. Superman
Alright movie, it's a summer blockbuster that came out much too early. Notable performances, Jesse Eisenburg: Very, very good as Lex Luthor. Genius in his work. I enjoyed Ben Affleck's performance as Batman, because it was not as bad as most critics have said.

Very good acting all around, sets up for a sequel very well. The end sequence with the gas is very well done, and the stress and fear is good from the cast. Jeff Daniels is INCREDIBLE. omg.
OMG, these animated movies are incredible. This is my 3rd favorite movie I've seen in the past year. (and the only one I saw twice in theaters) It is absolutely amazing. Ginnifer Goodwin is incredible as Officer Hops, and Jason Bateman plays the sly fox perfectly. I also LOVED the plot of the movie, as it was a twist at the end that I really did not see coming until 5 minutes before it did. 5/7 Perfect Movie.

Mamma Mia
First time seeing this movie, and it is so good. I loved Meryl, and could not stop dancing the rest of the night.

The Witch
This is a horror movie, but it doesn't scare you with jump scares and blood, it scares you on a personal level, and changes your soul in ways that you didn't think possible. I was very, very scared by this movie. 2nd favorite movie, and for a VERY good reason. In another way, it is also a perfect movie.

It was funny as hell, and the action was incredible, but it left me wanting more from the movie in a bad way. It feels really short, especially because the opening sequence, with the highway scene, is outrageously long. The plot of the movie from the start to finish seems like 45 minutes without all of the backstory. Don't get me wrong, the movie is incredibly good, but it really made me want more from this movie, and I couldn't get it.

Star Wars: TFA
I liked the movie the first time I saw it, because it set up for a sequel well. The only thing that pissed me off was the end, with the helicopter shot that was entirely unneeded. Harrison Ford finally got to kill off Han Solo, and I really am proud of him for that. It was a perfect way to continue a legacy of characters. It's really good, but not on my top movies of the past year.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay pt.2
Well done, good end to the movie, the filming of Snow so he looks like a victim was beautiful, and really made the death of Coin, who looked like a dictator/hitler-esque, really well done. Everything was perfect, and I really liked the acting from Josh and J-Law.

The Night Before
It's a cult classic that just has to become a cult classic. Seth Rogen is incredible in it, as well as JGL. The acting from everyone involving this party has been so awesome, and the scenes with Owen Wilson just really blow you away. JGL singing with Miley is also hilarious. I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!! So funny. It made me cry, laugh, and a little scared too. This is my 4th favorite movie of the past year.

Dirty Grandpa
Good, not great. That's about all I have to say about it.

Kingsman: The Secret Service
This is my favorite movie of the past year. By far. The scene with Free Bird is gorgeous. It literally made me laugh so hard, and I honestly thought it was a beautiful movie in all aspects.

Will update more later.
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Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
I'd have to disagree on Batman vs. Superman, yes it was enjoyable, but the Lex performance killed it for me. I won't go into details because spoilers.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Suggestion, while I've seen most of these, there is some content is that is very spoileresque. Might want to use hidden spoiler text. Especially TFA.


Allegiant Very good acting all around, sets up for a sequel very well. The end sequence with the gas is very well done, and the stress and fear is good from the cast. Jeff Daniels is INCREDIBLE. omg.
You saw this movie? WAS IT AWESOME? I haven't seen it yet but I'm Dying to!
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