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[Port City] Queensport {Violent}


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Queensport also has a new marketplace for people to sell their IC goods. No OOC chest shops allowed unless to sell IC items. I'd like to get these full of shops with various different things for sell. So if you're part of a house, organization or just simply have something to sell or trade please contact me so we can get you your own stall free of charge. There is limited space and currently only 3 large stalls left and 7 small ones.
Just bumping with this bit. I'm considering a kind of market event sometime but it'd be better if it had more shops - So they won't cost money but should be IC and acquired via RP. Feel free to send me a message about RP if you're interested.


Lord of Altera
hey if you RP here i will get more RP so please do so :)


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Sorry for taking up so much space; forums thinks the files are too big when they shouldn't be. Thanks to Elz and BrianAT16 for letting me take a few pics.

The Roman Emporer

Lord of Altera
What resource pack are you using Brian? Those screenshots are gorgeous! Looks similar to conquest but I can't tell if it's been updated in a while.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Figured the thread needed an update. In Brian's stepping away from HW, he has given me Queensport as its sole owner. I'm going to give folks a week ish to clear out their houses if they have anything there, and eventually in the future I'll allow people to return with a better system for it.


The city of Queensport has been extremely quiet following the months after the rift tore through the cathedral. A massive amount of the populace were killed in the attacks, and homes stand empty and raided by scavengers. The Kane family have moved to Ironhaven for safety, overseeing the capital from the castle to the south. In recent days there has been a glimmer of activity as Alison Kane has declared the cathedral of Ignis be put to ruin, instead of rebuilding it. The stone and gold is to be used elsewhere. The Slayer's guild is to be stripped of it's Rahas colours.


Lord of Altera
*Psst* Can a bruddah try to get a house here or are apps still closed?


Events Staff
Very Sweet
I'll allow people to live in the slums, I'm not decided on what to do with houses in the city walls just yet. I won't charge OOC money just go with TAXES ic.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Construction continues with stone and lumber imported from the Eberlands, and the citizens have began to fix up what they can of the docks to make it habitable. Sea travel has yet to begin again, however, and the bay is unsafe for vessels.
Only those with permission from the Kanes to enter the city are allowed within the walls.

(I am building very slowly when i have time to hop IG - piece by piece I hope to replace palace with something I spent a long time on, even if it takes longer than January. :) )