Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Poster] et Convertimini de Custodibus Hospitalis


Lord of Altera
im honestly tempted to bandwagon and tear down the haven poster just for laughs

i must resist


Edmund uses the Haven poster to start the fire to heat his morning mug of tea.


Lord of Altera
*The poster within Aeroch Nor would have even been removed as the town wants no allegiance with the man, nor his order, who betrayed his side to join those he fought against.*
I just find the additional stuff thrown into the 'action post' hilarious.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Could have sworn there was a rule a while back saying you have to actually go and put posters up in game to claim you did so on the forums. That rule get relaxed at some point?


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Could have sworn there was a rule a while back saying you have to actually go and put posters up in game to claim you did so on the forums. That rule get relaxed at some point?
Was never a rule as far as I'm aware it was simply a player consensus we all agreed on. Problem was you got exactly what you have now on the forums only with players books who were never returned and that got expensive so I can't blame folks for going back to this.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
*Lord August wanders through the town and notices the pieces of paper on the noticeboard *

- an old, dirty and faded note, barely readable -
{hmmm, blacksmith is still looking for an apprentice, wonder if he'll ever find one}

- a neatly written pamphlet announces the re-opening of the inn on the town square -
{I'll have to visit that sometime soon, see if they have some meads or liquors I don't know of yet.}

-a couple of various posters, pointing out some properties up for sale or rent-

- a torn out first page of a book, the logo of the city's library is still visible, asks for the return of the Tanners (chubby) teen twin boys who went missing recently, offering any reward of choice to the one who finds them-

*He smiles while removing the notice* {those little rascals were found stuffing their faces in the Keep's pantry room. Their parents were expecting reprisals from my guards who found them, not a basket with the finest sausages, hams, cheeses and wines... They already have so little to spare...}
*he mumbles*
"This one is no longer needed"

"What's this? "
A small, torn piece of newer, thick, nice quality paper is still attached to the noticeboard with a freshly crafted nail. A part of some scaled animal can still be seen, but nothing more.

*he shrugs*
"Probably already solved or taken care of, nice paper though"