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[Public Posting] Eventine's Call for Arms


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
Fort Toil Flag.jpg

As time continues, we continue to hold Fort Toil. Injuries happen, but we continue to stop the Undead that walk into our grounds. We stand tall and firm in the hell Skraag has brought upon us. Though we continue to stand, the Undead armies come in a larger force each attack, and our numbers must increase to match. Today, seven brave defenders held their own and killed at least two hundred Undead. As our numbers grow and dim as time continues, with new arrivals and old friends leaving for the safety of themselves and their loved ones, then we may be unable to hold. Trained swords are required to help hold this Fort. A man named Victor Roichstead will be waiting in the Crossroads for anyone who answers this call. Though, know now cowards will not be tolerated. Anyone who requires payment for their services shall be given five hundred radiants, and an extra hundred for each day they continue to stay and help Fort Toil and Eventine, though unless clearly stated to one of the people of the Fort upon arrival, payment will not be given. Merchants are welcome to sell their wares, as long as they stand out of the way or help if Undead attack during their stay. We've stood against incredible odds thus far, and we will continue to do so.

Endure, and Overcome!

The Defenders of Fort Toil

Eventine does has a set of rules and requirements for regular RP, which can be found here:
We seem to be getting attacked at around 3 PM EST/8 PM GMT every day, unless people need it to be brought back for availability's sake.
Being payed for this is completely optional, unless you tell someone in the Fort (Myself, The Tottot , or Jazzper ) you will not be given payment.
Any questions can be brought up here, or PMd to me or Piratep00f



friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
Welcome, our new Defenders!
- Berdnt
- Helios
- Alustrum Godfrey
- Ellethwen
- Azrai​
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Berndt would likely be willing to come and fight with you folks, I just need someone to remind me to show up xD


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
*This has been torn down, and replaced with a poster saying Fort Toil has fallen, and it's inhabitants have retreated North*