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[Safe Haven] Fort Sevren {Violent} (Closed)


The Brainz
Retired Staff
This is a WIP. The town will not be finished and open to the public for some time.
Due to the modifications I have in mind no screenshots will be posted until completion.
To those who wish to help, more info at the bottom.
None of the following information is known ICly unless told differently! DO NOT META.

Beautiful banner made by @Lady Alec
Settlement Name: Fort Sevren, (pronounced SEHVRAHN) (Previously Valleyforge) (Name subject to change)
Mayor: Roran Campion - @BrianAT16 (If revived)
Current Wealth: 30,000r
X: 9826, Y: 70, Z: 11659
Population: N/A
Link to location on map: >>Click Here for Link!<<
Daily Tax Rate: None- Housing will be free upon completion.

Description / Introduction:
(Upon Completion) Fort Sevren is a safe haven to all those who need it. All will be accepted, no matter their background or history, and protected within the walls of the fort under a few conditions. Those conditions shall be posted below. Thieves, bandits, murders and commoners alike can seek refuge within these walls. Those found breaking the conditions of protection will be swiftly executed on spot without trial.

Conditions for Protection:
-No blood shall be spilt within the fortified walls or around the walls of the fort. To do so you forfeit your right to live. (Plain and simple, do not kill anyone in the region.)
-The above rule applies to those coming in hopes of seeking blood.
-Do not take what is not yours. Those caught with stolen possessions are banished and outlawed from the protection of the fort.
(No stealing.)
-Do not ever tell any outsiders of others that live in the region. This is a safe haven to keep people alive. Keep a tight tongue about the fort unless you feel they need help and protection. (Simple, don't talk about the fort to outsiders. People might know about the fort but no one should know that it seeks to aid and protect criminals.)
-Do not lead anyone to the fort unless approved by the leader himself. Upon doing so you risk the lives of all those in the fort and must be banished. (We are trying to keep safe and productive RP here. Bringing the enemy is against the IC rules.)
-Protect the valuables of those around you. Repeatedly breaking another's property without consolation will get you banished from the fort. (Griefing is not allowed.)
-Respect authority. Disrespect of those higher than you in the town is treason and could result in your death. (Listen to the region owners ICly.)
-Protect your neighbor, it is essential that if a threat arises we all help to protect ourselves. (Help others that live in the region. It is essential for survival IC.)
-Make sure all residence uphold the law and if they do not report them to the highest authority, Roran Campion. (If you catch someone breaking the conditions tell me ICly and OOCly. If you do not you may face the same punishment as the rule breaker.)
-Remain active in the community. Inactivity may result in lose of your home. (If you go inactive from the server for more than two months you consent to lose of your home and valuables which become property of the town. If you plan to take a leave of absence that is more than two months please contact me and we can work something out.)
-Those caught breaking the conditions of protection forfeit their lives and the region instantly becomes Violent for their character. Their character may be asked to leave or they may be killed depending on the offense.-
(Will add upon completion)

So this is my current project. I have many plans for the region but before I can begin any of those I need to modify a few things in the region. A to-do list shall be posted on the next reserve post.

If any wish to help please contact me via PM or simply comment here. I am accepting aid in builders, supplies, funds, and positions within the town ICly.

With time regardless of aid this will be finished and I will update the read accordingly.
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The Brainz
Retired Staff
To-Do List:
-Reconstruct and Modify the walls
-Expand further into the valley
-Add the underground
-Spruce up the tower a bit
-Fix the gates
-Will add more as stuff comes up
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The Brainz
Retired Staff
Gonna begin working on the region tomorrow as I got most of my other projects finished or to a point that satisfies me.
Hopefully we can get this place up and running and get the RP rolling. :D

Ohhh ho hooooo?
Yep, Roran will likely wanna talk to Bal once they both are revived. Us criminals gotta stick together, am I right? xD

Hmmm... An awful cough you are having. You may want to have that looked at by a doctor
If you see me online would you mind poking me? Just so you can show me which house is yours so none of your property gets effected by renovations and such. :)
Or if you wanna just take a screenshot of Dynamap and mark your house that works great too!


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
Gonna begin working on the region tomorrow as I got most of my other projects finished or to a point that satisfies me.
Hopefully we can get this place up and running and get the RP rolling. :D

Yep, Roran will likely wanna talk to Bal once they both are revived. Us criminals gotta stick together, am I right? xD

If you see me online would you mind poking me? Just so you can show me which house is yours so none of your property gets effected by renovations and such. :)
Or if you wanna just take a screenshot of Dynamap and mark your house that works great too!
Yes. That is quite evidedent XD.

The need for such a place is quite obvious


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Walls have been deconstructed with the help of @Fishymatt. I shall be rebuilding them in a new style once I have the money for plots to cover the new area.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Update: Doing a bit of terraforming around the region. Gonna build the gate soon and hopefully the walls if I can ever get the land to look good with the walls. And so people just don't *Jump* over the walls. >_>

Also the farms are being moved, their new area to be determined, I am probably gonna place it across the river with the lumber mill.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Update: Gate has been built, looks a little weird without walls. Will post screenshots whenever I get some walls attached. Will continue to work to make it looks nicer.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Update: The gate and walls (-towers) that will soon surround the town! :D
I need to get forge working on my computer so I can get my shaders back.. ;-;
2015-04-08_22.26.04.png 2015-04-08_22.26.21.png


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Guess who finally got shaders to work again- :D
(My screenshot skills are still terrible but at least now it is terrible screenshots with shaders xD)