Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Slaymachine's Profile V2


Lord of Altera
Name: Roger Slay
Nickname/Alias: Slaymachine/Slay
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11
Weight: 169
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Skin: White but tanned
Identifying Marks: Scars all over.
Appearance: A rugged man that many fear to approach. At first glance one can tell that this is someone who knows no luxuries. His hands are calloused and his face is marked with countless scars. He is dressed in worn tanned leather armor with a green textile that lets him blend among the fauna. The man carries a yew bow made with exquisite skill and countless knives, arrows, and other tools hang from his quiver, belt and satchel.
Strengths: Best archer in all of altera, rumored to have hit a needle in warstrom from aurolus.
Agile(Can jump higher than normal men)
Knowledgable(Poisons, Fletching, Physics)
Weaknesses: A good swordsman who's able to get up close to him.
Cute animals
Backstory: Born to nobility Roger had access to the finest Altera can offer, he trained in the arts and war, on the path to one day becoming an archer in the King's guards. Roger however could not stand the confines of the city life and the etiquette and rituals required of him. And so he set off to make his own path in life at the ripe young age of 15.

Armed with his bow and hand-ax, and carrying just a few personal belongings Roger joined a group of free-riders near the city of Warstrom.

To be continued...