Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

[Summoning] - One hundred and eight divines and a bag of crisps.


Non sum qualis eram
-Priest/Priestess/Religious Leader: Technically, Naelwyn
-Public or Private: Overwhelmingly, blatantly Public.
-Temples or Shrines Involved: Port Silver, Arena.

Long into the night, the hammer rose and fell,
Rose up on high, and rang a clarion bell.
Every hour, on the hour, a blade pulled from the fire,
Driven point-first into ground, forceful and with ire,
Round the circle, spread apart, planted by their sire,
Bracing, facing, paced their pacings, built about a pyre.

For on the morrow's bells be rung, a stage is set to pass,
Fitful fury, tightly bound, then unleashed at last,
Five score and eight blades rest waiting and not one more,
For tomorrows blade last standing becomes crowned god of war.

This event is intended to begin at 2:00 PM EST, and is scheduled to begin in the Port Silver Arena. The furious hammering is evidently audible. Specifics will be available IC before the event starts.

Attending this event has a non-insignificant chance of character death. If you attend this event you must accept the fact that it is likely you will die.


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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Alright, when you have a time, please add which god you're summoning. If it is a heretical god and not one within the current Pantheon, let me know and I will provide you with an additional template.


Retired Staff
Alright, when you have a time, please add which god you're summoning. If it is a heretical god and not one within the current Pantheon, let me know and I will provide you with an additional template.
There's additionals?



Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
*curls into sleepy ball in thread, the better to stalk it with*


Non sum qualis eram
Absolutely no signup is necessary for this event, but before it occurs I will post information that will be blatantly and obviously relayed.


Non sum qualis eram
I'm not sure? I will be on /all day/ setting this up. I will post everything else once I'm done my assignment.

What I can say:

"Likely after 12:00 EST"


Non sum qualis eram
The ideal time is going to be 1:00 EST - but it may start slightly later than that? I'd like people to be able to attend.

(Sorry for lack of advance notice - suddenly weekends were full and exams loom so rather than push forward I pulled back.)


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
The ideal time is going to be 1:00 EST - but it may start slightly later than that? I'd like people to be able to attend.
Yeah, I've got school till around 3, so I probably won't make it. Oh well~ have fun!