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The Airships Fly Again! Maybe....possibly....hopefully.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
So what do we know about these once very common parts of the world that were destroyed? We know a few things and can learn a great deal more. So what do we know?

Airships that once flew all across the previous worlds of Altera crashed upon arriving in Altera due to the winds on Altera apparently turning into hurricane levels at some unspecified altitude. Why is this so?

On Airships - The idea was that we did not want them being a common method of conveyance, but still be possible to use one for a special event.

I believe my comment was: "If you build an airship, properly, one that would stand a logistical chance at actual flight, it can fly, /once/."
IC explanation and personal accompanying theory : Its stated the winds are too harsh for the airship, though if the winds are strong enough to crash a formerly airworthy vessel yet not be noticeable on the ground strikes me as very odd. Perhaps it has something to do with the nature of the wards around the Northern Kingdoms that protect them from the undead and elementals and such. Perhaps an airship in the Sorrows would fly just fine? Is it something to do about the entire planet? Is it warded somehow by the Immortal Kings and this effects the winds somehow?

Staff post I drew this possibly wrong theory from:
The Sorrows aren't the Northern Kingdoms. The NK is warded against the undead, and only extremely powerful forces can temporarily penetrate those wards. The Sorrows have no such protection and thus undead can rise as they wish.
Again Baron is specific to the undead ward here so it could have no effect on the winds at all. Who knows, interesting to explore though and find out.

Moving on past personal theories.

Whats flying one like Naelwyn?

Imagine the equivalent sailing ship voyaging through a sea in permanent storm. The damage sustained will be, minimal, enough to have to sit in dock and go through substantial repairs or retrofitting.

I.E. - Laborious enough to be completely out of consideration for normal travel, not out of the realm of possibility for an explicit special option.
However moving on that means we can construct a working airship. That it can fly. That we don't necessarily all die at the end of said flight either. That said it will not be a pleasant ride. Nor will someone riding it think, "Gee I want to ride one of these all the time." They might think "Get me off this death machine!"

Known Restrictions on airships:
+They have a single flight lifespan before they must be heavily repaired. Timeline on repairs likely decided by the skill of the mechanic, experience with the ship, and number of support crew, also of course the damage the ship sustained in the course of the flight and landing.
+The flight and landing of the airship are decided by the skill of the pilot. This should have a direct impact on how long before the airship can fly again.
+They are NOT nor ever will be, no matter skill of pilot or resources available available as a means of casual transportation.

What is not known on airships, especially current ones:
+Basically everything
+ whats their range like?
+What is the best design for an airship?
+Do hot air balloons fall under airship category or just things similar to the Hindenburg?
+How does one make an airship?
+What do an airship engine
+Does my theory about the air have any validity?
+So many questions so little answers.

Whats this mean for you and me? Well until someone decides to start tinkering with an airship. Not a whole lot. However if someone does start tinkering with it I would very much appreciate being informed IC because both Azure and I would love to be a part of that. Also a lot of these questions can be answered via roleplay as we attempt to get them flying again.

Disclaimer: I am not staff or involved with the lore team in anyway. The quotes are from Naelwyn who is not current lore master and Baron though I feel fairly safe in quoting them nevertheless on matters dealing with lore. This is all subject to change via current lore master @Faelin 's whims. Also this is not a push to have airships become common again (though I wouldn't complain) this is simply a push to have a working airship and trained pilot available next time we need to save all of Altera. This is also a push to properly disseminate the information we currently have about Airships to clear up any confusions we have.

Recommendations: Before you go tinkering with an airship I HIGHLY recommend you talk to a staff, preferably Cherry, I take no responsibility for anyone who haphazardly takes my ideas and tries to use them as gospel in RP. As an airship is probably not something they want you to just up and create and I foresee a small series of minor events before any level of success could be realistically claimed. Then another few before your pilot went beyond the skill level akin to folks new to a helicopter in Battlefield to "I think I got this....kind of" level.

As always staff who wish to correct, add, or otherwise comment on this thread are welcome to do so. I'll update the OP as more information comes to light so folks can get information about this without having to dig through the thread.
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Lord of Altera
Note: I don't know anything about ariships or how they work, so take my veiw with two cents if you wish!

To expand apon the idea of the airships, I would assume that dwarves know how to build an airship. Since they are, in lore, (at least to my knowledge) the most "techy". (I say "techy" in the looset sense.) It would also make sense that nobody knows how to build an airship much less streer one if only one select race knows how to actully do it. While some players might cry favortism, I do like this idea that only one race, (which is, abet, dying currently) knows how to do this airship thingy.

It also would give the dwarves a chance to shine-in my personal choise. If only this select race knows how to build airships, maybe more people will play them? If more play them then of course where going to have to add restritions on what dwarf can build airships. Maybe have a teacher that teaches? Do group learning lessons?


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Note: I don't know anything about ariships or how they work, so take my veiw with two cents if you wish!

To expand apon the idea of the airships, I would assume that dwarves know how to build an airship. Since they are, in lore, (at least to my knowledge) the most "techy". (I say "techy" in the looset sense.) It would also make sense that nobody knows how to build an airship much less streer one if only one select race knows how to actully do it. While some players might cry favortism, I do like this idea that only one race, (which is, abet, dying currently) knows how to do this airship thingy.

It also would give the dwarves a chance to shine-in my personal choise. If only this select race knows how to build airships, maybe more people will play them? If more play them then of course where going to have to add restritions on what dwarf can build airships. Maybe have a teacher that teaches? Do group learning lessons?
I haven't read up on dwarven lore as I haven't really encountered one in RP or was I particularly drawn to RP one myself. However if they are the most "technologically" advanced culture then yes it would make sense. However this would up to players who RP those characters and are interested in starting a player movement. Race lore is to build a character from not dictate whats possible for them. Still, it is a possibility for folks to consider.

ugh steampunk please go home

cannons are bad enough
I fail to see where if you dislike this idea and find it distasteful where it would be forced for you to RP anywhere near it or with anyone involved. Again as I posted its not as if even if folks get them off the ground again that they will be common. EDIT: In fact my guess is characters who are working on something that can kill them and even when they do get it working keeps getting so thoroughly damaged would be considered eccentric if not downright disturbed. Much like a few decades before the Wright Brothers when heavier than air travel was laughed at and many of the finest minds of the day considered it impossible and a fool's errand.


Lord of Altera
I was and still am perfectly fine with Airships being gone/extremely hard to pilot or get working. They were an idea/means of travel that made everything else seem horribly useless when you could just fly anywhere.

I fail to see where if you dislike this idea and find it distasteful where it would be forced for you to RP anywhere near it or with anyone involved. Again as I posted its not as if even if folks get them off the ground again that they will be common. EDIT: In fact my guess is characters who are working on something that can kill them and even when they do get it working keeps getting so thoroughly damaged would be considered eccentric if not downright disturbed. Much like a few decades before the Wright Brothers when heavier than air travel was laughed at and many of the finest minds of the day considered it impossible and a fool's errand.
I find it distasteful because I feel like things are perfectly fine the way they are. If someone feels they absolutely need to build Airships to make their character eccentric, or find anything interesting; cool. Although I wouldn't expect many people on the server to even bother themselves with that individual/idea(Very few people on the server are for Steampunk aspects mind you, so this entire topic is like adding fuel to a fire that was close to going out.)


Lord of Altera
There was potential for them to be used in other capacities... but not many people used them for that. It was always fast travel mode for most... Quite a shame really, they added to the fantasy aspect, but I agree that they ruined any need for other travel.

The only person I can think of for this would be Warwolf, since he did built the Stormbringer... though I've been out of the loop for a while now... isn't his town built around the crashsite for Stormbringer?
It is. Stormbringer being the Airship pretty much made for war, that was used against Queen Grief during the last Exodus(Or at least if I remember correctly). That's kinda another reason I don't want to see Airships come back. I'm sure someone would make it so they couldn't be used for it, but I already assume that someone would try to make Airships that are made like Stormbringer; for war and all that fun stuff.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I was and still am perfectly fine with Airships being gone/extremely hard to pilot or get working. They were an idea/means of travel that made everything else seem horribly useless when you could just fly anywhere.
At what point in my post does it say there are not going to be extremely hard to pilot, I actually believe I went out of my way to state that it would be in fact be very difficult to fly, that by flying one you may die. In fact I also stated that they, as current lore as I can find states, they would not ever be practical for travel as any sort of replacement for boats. The very nature of the flight makes it impractical at best for a combat ship. Shooting from a boat is hard in relatively calm seas is hard, shooting cannons from a boat that is literally being tossed around in the air makes it even more difficult basically impossible to aim. You're more likely to hit a friendly building, people or just not hit anything at all as you are your target.

I'm trying to reinvigorate the idea because as you stated yes the very concept of fantasy on this server seems to be dying out. Do I like steampunk worlds; no. Do I want a huge steampunk influence on the server; no. However, for whatever reason I think airships are cool and will push as hard as I can to see they aren't just another footnote on "Things Hollowworld used to have that were really cool but we don't have anymore".

I'm not trying to make twist the lore to where the skies are full of poorly designed flying machines. I'm trying to see the lore we have is used properly and we don't let something that IS cool go the way of the dinosaur, while we all sit our thumbs and cry about how there isn't a campaign and there's nothing to do in RP.

I believe staff have mentioned multiple times that it takes a long time to create campaigns and during the downtime between them we should make things happen ourselves. This is my attempt at that, using the already established lore they have left for us.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Yay Airships! :D
Hm? Flying again?
Oh. Not quite. Tis an interesting read and valid ideas though.

Though I do happen to know someone who Captained a certain, very big Airship.

And also knows where one rests (relatively intact) as of today.



The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
It takes quite a long time for lore to be considered and approved. When staff say "make things happen yourselves", that's referring to roleplaying. All this is going to do is put more work on the staff.
No more than role playing the Eyes of Silas events, less so seeing as they literally don't have to create entire islands for it. People involved would make a thread, or PM with the relevant staff, staff would put some sort of rule on them. You can experiment with X number of things for X amount of OOC time. People send screenshots of Roleplay to them. It would tie in with our current roleplay via experiment rules. When the time comes that the players think they have a working design, they work together to make a minor event. If players haven't succeeded in making a working desgin all staff have to do is decide how spectacularly it failed. If it works, sort of boom, they can refine their ideas through further experimentation.


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
There is a crashed airship in scourge.Not sure if thats relevant but Thought i'd say.


Lord of Altera
I fail to see where if you dislike this idea and find it distasteful where it would be forced for you to RP anywhere near it or with anyone involved. Again as I posted its not as if even if folks get them off the ground again that they will be common. EDIT: In fact my guess is characters who are working on something that can kill them and even when they do get it working keeps getting so thoroughly damaged would be considered eccentric if not downright disturbed. Much like a few decades before the Wright Brothers when heavier than air travel was laughed at and many of the finest minds of the day considered it impossible and a fool's errand.
if he cant kill it with combat rp, well you can guess why he dont like it.


Non sum qualis eram
I cannot say any more on this topic until someone tries it.

That said, if you do:

A) Give some advanced warning, you /will/ want a staff DM.

B) I will audit the airship for flightworthiness in advance. You will definitely need skilled folks.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
It takes quite a long time for lore to be considered and approved. When staff say "make things happen yourselves", that's referring to roleplaying. All this is going to do is put more work on the staff.
Doooon't you think that's something for staff to decide? :p

Shall quote Naelwyn-
I cannot say any more on this topic until someone tries it.

That said, if you do:

A) Give some advanced warning, you /will/ want a staff DM.

B) I will audit the airship for flightworthiness in advance. You will definitely need skilled folks.
You will need to get both Cherry and Lannis on board, too. Good luck! :D


Lord of Altera
*pulls out anvil and sits on it, then whimpers* boats are in the air now too?! Broken Anvils WHEN WILL THEY STOP MAKING THOSE CURSED THINGS!!!

...that said though, i actually like the idea, it'd be kind of like a pre emptive Mcguyver (Macguyver?) aircraft for emergency situations.

though it wouldn't be made out of duct tape, a pound of paper clips, 5 notebooks, 3 binders, and a piece of gum


Lord of Altera
ugh steampunk please go home

cannons are bad enough
Years ago, before you even heard about Hollowworld, Airships and low steampunk were common themes, and cannons have been a thing since the very beginning. Normally, you don't travel backwards in time...

Also, the ''Steampunk'' genre in itself can be masterfully interpreted; I dislike how some people generally see the whole thing as shitty; it's almost as if someone came and said everything related to knights was bad, because there was that one bad chivalry movie...

I actually personally preferred Hollowworld back when it had airships. They and everything related added a... pleasing tone.


Lord of Altera
Years ago, before you even heard about Hollowworld, Airships and low steampunk were common themes, and cannons have been a thing since the very beginning. Normally, you don't travel backwards in time...

Also, the ''Steampunk'' genre in itself can be masterfully interpreted; I dislike how some people generally see the whole thing as shitty; it's almost as if someone came and said everything related to knights was bad, because there was that one bad chivalry movie...

I actually personally preferred Hollowworld back when it had airships. They and everything related added a... pleasing tone.
I don't remember them being common themes. While there were Airships, they were always a simple means of travel and generally just sat around as ports to different places. In my place, I only dislike Steampunk aspects because I'm playing on a Medieval and Fantasy server, not a Steampunk and Fantasy or Medieval and Steampunk server(While Steampunk can be a part of Fantasy I suppose, I rather like Hollowworld as it is now; and I see no need to ask to change more things/add more things once again.)