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The Alteran Interactive Map


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner

Alteran Interactive Map
The purpose of the map is to showcase Server Locations that are Lore approved, at Lore/Event/Admin/etc Staff's discretion, and active towns will have the benefit and publicity of having a mark that links to their pages. Each mark is part of a group and the legend-tab on the top-right corner will display separate groups. When a mark is clicked- a hover text will appear that shows what the location entails. Some will have links to their relevant page.

{ Direct Map Link }

You can access it in the main Forum Section under "World of Altera"
& on the Navigation Dropdown menu for Map

Star | Capital
Plus | Town
Diamond | Server hosted Location
Triangle | Divine Ground
Here is the general Legend markers and Requirements to add in your own region. These are subject to change if we find issues with the implementation. They're similar requirements to having a dynamic map icon.
Requirement to have a Region mark 3/3:
[ ] Public. Has a travel path accessible for players to get to, starting from Storm’s Landing (road, boat)​
[ ] Settlement Page with information​
[ ] Active​
-has been a consistent host for any type of rp cluster/promoting community (gatherings, meetings, events)​
-has existed for at least 3 months​
-majority of the region has complete & furnished builds​
-has a presence on the forums and in-game​
Region mark will be removed if the region becomes one of the following...:
[ ] .. a deleted region​
[ ] .. inactive for 4+ months. No roleplay clusters, no events, no presence in rp​
[ ] ..a private region with no access to get there*​
*Exception is if the region is on ‘lockdown’ for an event​

Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner:
Settlement or House page:
Town or Divine Ground:
Comment to display: 1 sentence or so
Sigil: Must be png link (imgur, etc). optional. This sigil will display on the popup comment section. Preferably 32x32 or smaller
Notes: Any recent activity you can point to as an example.

-Most of the features the map allows is set. But if you'd like to offer input on requirements, groups, etc- feel free to post below or in a ticket.
-Marks will be updated when possible, if not as soon as possible.
-Questions below are fine


Inspired by: GOT fanbase
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
First off, this is incredible. I really like this. That being said, I'd gladly add in my region:
Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: Retro_hagrid(me)
Settlement or House page:
Town or Divine Ground: Divine ground
Coordinates: x:3364 z:2195
Comment to display: A typical forest in the South-eastern side of Altera, warped by the divine influence of Jishrim. All manner of critters, plants and beasts, even mortals, find themselves warped with strange properties.
Sigil: n/a
Notes: The previous kidnapping arc took place in said region. Taking place over the span of 8th to 13th of march. Concluding in the region being consecrated.
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
First off, this is incredible. I really like this. That being said, I'd gladly add in my region:
Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: Retro_hagrid(me)
Settlement or House page:
Town or Divine Ground: Divine ground
Comment to display: A typical forest in the South-eastern side of Altera, warped by the divine influence of Jishrim. All manner of critters, plants and beasts, even mortals, find themselves warped with strange properties.
Sigil: n/a
Notes: The previous kidnapping arc took place in said region. Taking place over the span of 8th to 13th of march. Concluding in the region being consecrated.
I believe there were also gatherings/meetings hosted there. Can you edit your post to include coordinates? I forgot to add that on the form


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: len0re
Settlement or House page: [x]
Town or Divine Ground: Divine ground
Coordinates: x:5968 z:2832
Comment to display: A small village set in a canopy of tall trees. Birds of prey tend to flock here, influenced by Theodra's presence in these lands.
Sigil: n/a

[Of Blood and Faith] - A fun little Vyre gathering that occurred in the Valley
[Queen of the Mountain] - VV's consecreation event
[Craft Fair] - Craft Fair

A healthy amount of casual, non-event RP, as well, since the two latter events are somewhat dated.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: retro_hagrid
Settlement or House page: [Drakenport]
Town or Divine Ground: Town
Coordinates: 78888 35 -7047
Comment to display: The town is the capital to the faction of the Seaborn. Behest to House Briarwood, Drakenport remains a prospering town with a strong affiliation with the sea and pride for its navy.
Sigil: n/a
Notes: Continues to be an active roleplaying hub. Through consistently active training events such as [Enactment] or [Navy Military Training] (in plans) as a hub for religious events for those of Visage. Two divine grounds are incredibly close to it with one mini divine ground. Lana's lessons have been held here.

Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: retro_hagrid
Settlement or House page: [Ocean of Visage]
Town or Divine Ground: Divine Ground | Wilderness
Coordinates: 9184 64 -6512
Comment to display: The oceans in this region loom with a thick and mysterious fog. The allure of syren songs turning the curious closer, while those who pay piety to Visage find their way is opened by the fog.
Sigil: N/A
Notes: Close to Drakenport, as well as being a Divine ground, the region is an active hub for rp in particular with the [Reflections Truth] cult. A grand example being this event: [Dominion across the seas]. Initiations to the cult are most prominently held here.

Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: retro_hagrid
Settlement or House page: [Celestia Reservoir]
Town or Divine Ground: Divine Ground
Coordinates: 7620 64 -7340
Comment to display: A grand lake formed in the power of Visage. All sounds of critter and birds are snuffed out to a place of esteem worship and calm preserve.
Sigil: N/A
Notes: Much akin to the other divine grounds, it is shown its own events in periodic times. However, being so close to Drakenport, it would be easier to consider the place as part of Drakenport. Training sessions are often held here due to the extreme effects of calm and focus.

Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: retro_hagrid
Settlement or House page: [House of Visage]
Town or Divine Ground: Mini divine ground
Coordinates:7955 64 -7295
Comment to display: The temple is as enigmatic as the god it has been built in the name of. There are no open doors and it is all the more mystery as to what is inside to those unaware of its entry.
Sigil: N/A
Notes: Almost part of Drakenport due to its distance. Rp is held here on occasion for sermons by the beach or inside its structure. Or simply just as a place of popular choice during regular rp at Drakenport.

(note it may be easier to mash most of the regions onto drakenport and instad give it a capital logo for a hub of Visage faith. Aside from the ocean one)
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: retro_hagrid
Settlement or House page: [Drakenport]
Town or Divine Ground: Town
Coordinates: 78888 35 -7047
Comment to display: The town is the capital to the faction of the Seaborn. Behest to House Briarwood, Drakenport remains a prospering town with a strong affiliation with the sea and pride for its navy.
Sigil: n/a
Notes: Continues to be an active roleplaying hub. Through consistently active training events such as [Enactment] or [Navy Military Training] (in plans) as a hub for religious events for those of Visage. Two divine grounds are incredibly close to it with one mini divine ground. Lana's lessons have been held here.

(note it may be easier to mash most of the regions onto drakenport and instad give it a capital logo for a hub of Visage faith. Aside from the ocean one)
I've added Drakenport as a town and if you'd like to add in some more blurb to it, I can do that. We'll keep it to the one and your settlement page can reference the other locations. Thanks for waiting.


The wrong.
Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: Map (Mappium/Reedie_)
Settlement or House page: (Will be updating this)
Town or Divine Ground: Eldpoint
Coordinates: x6617, z3129
Comment to display: The Silver City, filled with ornate stone buildings overlooked by a grand palace on a hill; the city is home to many of the continent's Silver Elves.
Sigil: Going to assume for uniformity it's better to use your own- would this qualify as a capital?
Notes: Eldpoint Revolution arc most recently [x]


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Request Form
Region Owner or Co-Owner: Map (Mappium/Reedie_)
Settlement or House page: (Will be updating this)
Town or Divine Ground: Eldpoint
Coordinates: x6617, z3129
Comment to display: The Silver City, filled with ornate stone buildings overlooked by a grand palace on a hill; the city is home to many of the continent's Silver Elves.
Sigil: Going to assume for uniformity it's better to use your own- would this qualify as a capital?
Notes: Eldpoint Revolution arc most recently [x]
Updated- We can consider it a Capital, considering regions in that area consider it as their Capital (Assuming this is the case with its recent announcements)