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The Gods' Chosen


The Arbiter of the Gods
Albareth Elendar-Destrius,
Name: Albareth. The above is his full name he'd never use.
Full Titles: Albareth Enendar-Destrius, Lord of Marograd, Protector of the Southern Borders, Arbiter of the Gods
Nickname/Alias: Allie...

Drawing by SallyPirate! :D
Drawing by Bettemoose Bettemus99 :D

Albareth's facial features would look very similar to those of Vito from Mafia 2.


Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status: Upper Class (you want to be posh about it :p). A nobleman and the ex-Arbiter
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 1.8 metres
Weight: 85 kilograms
Date of Birth: Year of 2227
Date of Death: Still kickin
Homeland: Port Silver, though he spent most of his early life in the Southern sea castle of Marograd
Current Home: Renatus

Build: A strong, well-built man who is obviously used to the path of war.
Hair: Black/dark brown depending on the light. He has medium hair and shaves regularly because his wife is nasty and he's basically her slave :c
Eyes: Amber/brown
Skin: Not too sunbathed, but also not exactly pale.
Identifying Marks: There aren't all that many things to make Albareth stand out, aside from the fact that pretty much everyone knows him and what he looks like.
Appearance: Proud stance and often either a sarcastic smirk or a thoughtful, judging look, depending on the situation.
Clothing: Often very richly clothed, although that does not mean he doesn't dress modestly. It all depends on the circumstances.
Weaponry: Depends. Anyone who fought him and survived can vouch on his skill with most weapons... (aside from bows :p). He was trained to become a knight, after all.
Prized Possessions: His hawk (Melidelie is still alive :D) and his amulet.
Hygiene: He keeps good hygiene unless the circumstances don't allow it.
Voice: Somewhat deep, usually calm, but can carry across the battlefield if need be.

Strengths: Great intelligence and physical strength.
Fears: The fear for his family.
Weaknesses: He can become almost insane at times. I wouldn't call him psychotic, but he can get out of hand... Also, I'd do some research into weaknesses of knights if you wish to find out more about physical flaws.
Intelligence: Above average, although he doesn't know a great deal about exotic lands and his maths isn't exactly up there.
Languages: Common.
Profession: Currently just a lord-less knight, in a way.

Personality: Judging, intelligent man who can keep his cool when need be. He's a loving father and husband, while being a fierce warrior who's ready to die for his beliefs, as long as he can kill everyone who opposes them.
Religion or Cults: The whole of uncorrupted Pantheon.
Alignment: I don't really like those alignments, since they're extremely dependant. I'll go with something between "Chaotic Neutral" and just "Neutral".
Short Term Goals: To destroy the corruption.
Long Term Goals: To ensure his family's complete safety.


Place: Currently Renatus
Pastime: Hunting, spending time with family or friends and fighting.
Food: MEAT
Drink: Sweet wine
Colour: Dark grey
Animal: Humphree

Least Favourite...
Place: Port Silver
Pastime: Paperwork
Food: -
Drink: -
Colour: -
Animal: -

Katherina Wolfheart Cor, his wife. (These are two links :p)
Sheila Wolfheart Cor, his daughter.
Demitrius Destrius Cor, his son.
(Deceased) Lord Polo Hawklight, his father
Trusted: Uriv Astrius, King of Renatus
Septimus Aetherson, Mayor of Etheras
Befriended: Above
Kharn Sicarus (Pretty sure he'd beat me up if I didn't include him)
Liked: Dwarves in general, Gelyk
Neutral: Everyone else
Unsure of:
Wary of:
Naelwyn, Legion, Luna
Afraid of: -
Disliked: -
Scardrac, the Corruption as a whole
Last edited:


The Arbiter of the Gods
Story of Albareth Hawklight

You may or may not be wondering who I am. Even if you're not, I'll tell you anyway. I am Lord Albareth of the noble house of Hawklight, son of Lord Polo Hawklight, who has commited suicide quite a long time ago. You may have guessed it, I am a bastard son. If you really want me to go into the details of my appearance, fine, be that way.
Just like my insane father, I usually wear travel outfit or some form of armour. Indeed, just like him I have learnt that good armour is better than wisdom. My hair is darker, almost black, and it's only possible to notice it's brown when light shines directly on it. I also carry around either a short axe or a bastard sword, both of which often prove very handy.
I grew up in Port Silver's richer sections. My mother never told me my father's name, and I never really demanded it. She did tell me he was a lord, and quite a powerful man at that, and this was what kept us alive. I can't say I loved a man that simply ran away, but I also can't say I had a bad childhood. The average child may not be so lucky, growing up in some bin in the docks...
At the age of 12, my mother died from heart failure. I sat there for a while, looking at her dead body. Of course, soon some mysterious men arrived. They took the body and left me on my own for two days on my own.
After those two horrible days, some knights came into the city. One of them, a weird looking man with darkish brown hair and a beard got off his horse and knocked on the doors of my house. I openned to see a smile below the clean, looked-after beard.
"You must be Albareth!" the man said. "I heard a lot about you from your mother".
At first I thought he was one of my mother's "friends", but I quickly realized how stupid I was. His eyes were exactly the same as mine. He was at least in his mid 40s, but he kept his hair within very good standards, still by numbers and with colour.
Lord Polo Hawklight accepted me as his son, and since the age of 12 until the age of 17 I was under his constant eye. He kept me as a little secret, not really letting aynone else know that, in fact, he had a bastard son. I learnt a lot throughout these years, including how to fight, craft and survive. My mother taught me how to read and write, but I learnt a lot of new phrases in the small town of Marograd. I lead soldiers on patrols and quickly got understanding of leadership. He knew how to teach someone well, without that person even realizing.
About a month of turning 18, the lake of Port Silver has overflown, driven by the magic of the Syrien. My father at the time had obsession about them. He wanted to know quite literally everything, and so he did, through many ways. Some of those ways were more noble than others... Anyway, at the time he knew what was about to greet him, and started to write a lot of journals, trying to discover everything around him. I read every single one of these journals, and can proudly say I know just around the same amount as him, before he passed away. However, after the tides finally fell, my father looked back at what he has done. He became almost insane, and very evil. Being a smart man, he eventually decided to finish this by falling on his sword.
After my father's death, I became a proper lord. He has accepted me even during my "training", but not until now was I able to go out into the world. I became the owner of Marograd, and took oaths to be loyal to the house of Hawklight, officially becoming Lord Albareth Hawklight.
I have a hawk, called Melidelie. Her life is magically bound to my life, so I can understand her as if she spoke to me. She cannot die until I die, but if she was to die, I would feel every single bit of pain that she would take...
Oh, and why am I here? Information, I guess. My father's obsession with information was almost disturbing, but I don't care. Future is lead by those who have the keys, ready to open the gates of discovery, and I want to be one of those that wield such keys, no matter how many bridges I'll have to burn...

The Bond

I was around... twelve? Yes, it must have been twelve. I was hunting with my father and his companions. My first hunt, that was.
We were out in the forests around Wintermourne. It's bloody cold around there, if you don't know.
But anyway, it was about fifth day of the hunt, we'd start leaving next day, when, as I was chasing a deer, the horse caught its leg on a twig and broke it... along with its back. I went flying about three feet into the air and fell into a pit. Of course, I fell unconscious, and now it seems almost impossible to me that I didn't break anything more than my leg.
I woke up after about four hours. It was getting dark now, as I watched the clouds slowly turn from light grey to navy blue. My father wouldn't start looking for me for a long time still, and so I was basically hopeless in this pit. I tried to move my body, but felt extreme pain from my left leg, and so all I achieved was sitting up slightly to lean against the wall...
As I was thinking of all possible solutions, I felt a movement under my right leg, which I slowly lifted, and noticed some twigs. I leaned forward heavily and pushed them aside, and a beautiful hawk sprung up, screeching loudly. The hawk flew out almost instantly, and I sighed, left to my own loneliness again. I fell asleep, or perhaps unconscious, once more.
I was woken up by screeching of the same hawk that I "saved". She was up there, above the pit, and flew down gently on my right leg. She opened her beak and dropped some green material, which I examined and realized it's part of my father's robe.
I gave out a laugh. The hawk must have grabbed my father's attention, along with part of his robes.
"You're my saviour, beautiful bird..." I said, as I started to stroke the hawk. "Beautiful bird... Melia Delion... Melidelie," it was a language that has been pretty much forgotten by now. A certain dialect of Elvish, which was used to code messages between armies where my father came from.
I had Vox Phylacterium at the time, and as I stroked the hawk the amulet suddenly started glowing and shivering. The hawk was looking calmly at the mixture of blue, red and yellow light coming off of all gems as they slowly surrounded both me and the bird.
For at least second time that day, or perhaps third, I was knocked out.

I woke up in a tent, my leg bandaged professionally. I looked around the room, thinking that the whole hawk thing may have been a dream, when I heard a quiet, soft screech. My heard froze. I could understand its meaning.
Melidelie jumped down and landed on my chest, looking at me wisely. I suddenly felt the bond between us. She understood me as well as I understood her, and it was a bond no one or nothing could break...


The Arbiter of the Gods
The Holy Office

I put my gloves on and adjusted the heavy coat. Took a gulp and entered through the large doors, where the Arbiter was waiting, the mask only showing curious eyes.
"You found out who I was... bravo. You know, the Church requires people just like you. Will you take my hand?"
After a brief moment I nodded. I had naught to lose, but the entire Altera to gain... Let crown rot on the King's head... I shall become something far greater... for the Office, and the Gods.

All but hate shall make you weak

And that was the rule I lived by for a long time after the Arbiter's death... He taught the opposite, and perhaps that is why I thought he died because of his stupidity? Nevertheless, the Arbiter replaced my father. If he requested it, I would have easily jumped off a cliff into the darkness below... and then he died. I stopped feeling. There was a period when the only emotions outside of hate and anger were directed to my hawk... Melidelie was the only one that understood me. I suffered huge pain with Arbiter's death, as I felt everything was dying with him... the entire Church.
Then I met the girl... She was the Oracle's mother. She shown me emotions, started chipping away on the wall I wanted to close the rest of the world with... and I hated her for it at first. I despised her with all my life, and knew I could have easily killed her... But there was always a thought at the back of my head that "the Oracle wouldn't want it." That's the explanation I gave myself for not killing Katherina... The Oracle wouldn't want it... but the wall was still getting chipped away...
I then fell in slight love with her... and it's quite surprising that I could have went through ranks of thousands at one command, could've destroyed and been destroyed if the right person requested such... but I just couldn't face her about it... because of both of us... Again, I filled myself with blind explanations; it just couldn't work out, she was way below me, decided to be my servant too...
And just like before, she crushed those feelings, all at once... she kissed me. Not sure how to describe it. Did she want to kill me, or save me? I think she did both. I could never stop feeling again, which in itself is quite a paradox...

Chosen to Judge

Arbiter Albareth... People willing to kill and die for me... No one understands that pain until they go through it themselves... I'm ageing slightly faster than normal people should due to constant stress. I found some grey hairs on my head couple of days ago, and I just about noticed my wrinkles... All stress... it'll be over soon.
I still train, still all types of combat. I decided to train shooting the crossbow in a run, having around one and a half second to respond to each target, and five seconds between each of the targets to reload. All in a constant run.
The black leathered tome is dotted with red letters... I never quite liked my handwriting. It always seemed a little too "posh", so to speak. I sigh and close the tome again. There is no way I'll get any memories down in this environment...
I love my wife... She's the greatest blessing Sallana could ever give. And then there's my little daughter. She said "dada" not long ago... and all I could think of is if there was someone that'd be willing to take both Katherina and Sheila to their homes after I die.
I clean the sword and sharpen it. Order a new warhammer, with the lead hammerhead being covered with steel this time to make it more sturdy. I continue training.
I'll ensure my family is safe even after I die. They'll have enough money to buy a palace and a hundred servants.
The squire tightens the belt around my armour. That's enough, I say to him. He gives a slight grin and puts the large cape over my shoulders, stuffing it under the chestplate before he fully attaches it. When I got my first plate armour my father told me to wear it for three weeks. It had special holes on either end in case I needed toilet... Marograd got pretty boiling at that time of year, and I slept outside too. It was a Nether, but I survived. I also never felt the weight of armour the same.
I stand on top of the tower and look outside at Port Silver... It will be over soon, I tell myself... Gelyk will do fine as the Arbiter... or perhaps Syr? Or maybe the Gods would have the courtesy to show up, like with the queen..? No. I cannot die. Altera still needs me no matter how tired I am.
A hawk lands on my shoulderplate and strokes my face gently. I smile... We'll show Grief why her minions fear me.


The Arbiter of the Gods
The Scar

So... A story, hmm?
I guess you ought to have an explanation. For the scar that is...
I was around 13 at the time. A young boy recently taken by his father. It was in Port Silver, when me and my father were walking around the markets to find him something he's been looking for. I suddenly noticed a man looking at me. Through my foolishness I approached him, when at least two other men jumped from behind and knocked me out... My father never noticed it. Nether knows how he actually found out I have been kidnapped.
Turned out the people that kidnapped me were heretics. Grief worshippers. The Inquisition at the time was weak, and the fog of heresy almost stunk over the streets of Port Silver... So I was captured, to be turned into one of them. They captured young, strong boys and girls back then right off the streets, and obviously didn't know who's son I was.......
I was in there for about a month... They tortured me, along with couple of other people, almost always older. There is a saying that you oughtn't do something that you never experienced yourself... That is why I always approach torturing easily, because I felt it on myself. I was starved, drowned, cut and had my limbs broken... But the worst thing they have done was to my left hand.
It was about two days before my father rescued me. They took me to a different room than usual, and placed me on a large rock table. All of them were there, at least thirty worshippers. They stared at me, singing something about the final Grief, when one of them took out an oddly shaped cow brand. The shape looked like the face of Grief, as drawn in the books prior to the Exodus... That was the worst thing that happened to me in there, for it lasted a lifetime. I don't know what magic they used, but I can always feel the scar now, despite many things that have been done to it...
Couple of days later my father along with guards found his way in the cells. He slaughtered every single worshipper...

Couple of years later, when the Office took me in and the Inquisitors saw what has happened, they burnt the Iron Seal of the Inquisition on to my hand. But since then I have always worn gloves, no matter what... To hide what really happened to me. The Seal burnt on to my hand protects me, but doesn't let me forget...


The Arbiter of the Gods
Just about an hour ago, IRL. The story is written from point of view of years, not days ;)


The Arbiter of the Gods
Not really. The story is written as if Albareth was looking back at the events, in form of a pub story or something.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Basically. Smarter, too. And has a badass hawk.
And greater possibilities, as he has a different approach to many things.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff

Lord Albareth Hawklight... A beautiful title... It does, however, get better. Master Albareth Hawklight, Grand Marshall of the Alteran Inquisition. Oh yes...
I found my new cause. I will now search for Heretics of Altera and protect Faith at all costs...
This won't be easy, of course, but with Gods' help, I shall help Altera by pulling out the weeds of sin, one by one...
You may want to read up on the lore behind the inquisition. the following is taken from said lore

The word of the gods is absolute, this is what the church teaches in it's halls of learning and in the great libraries.

Inquisition -

These men and women of the church serve directly under the Arbiter and answer only to him/her, they are zealots in their belief and do not hesitate to execute and order given to them. These individuals are chosen from strong willed families that believe in the church and everything it stands for and know that offering up their children to the church will not only bring great honour to the family but also secure their standing in the light of the gods. It is a sad fact that on average only a quarter of brave children can rise to the mantle and and take up their esteemed warrior role, the rest die for the good of all in the struggles they endure.

"Only those that can harden their hearts and with unwavering faith cut into the depths of corruption have the right to call themselves righteous" - The first Arbiter
So members of the inquisition are raised from infancy to be inquisitors and know no families nor houses. Their first name is Inquisitor their last name is "Jack" "Aralius" "bilbo" or some other name that the church gave you.
sorry to poop in your cheerios but it is all there for you to find. except for the name part which I will be sure to include in the next update.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
I must now apologize. It is not your fault that some minor changes were made with out my knowledge that drastically change the order and are found elsewhere in the forums. I am fixing it now. I understand the misunderstanding.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
OK I fixed the section in the high church organization page. From now on if somebody is going to make world changing (literally in this case) changes to the lore please run them by me.


The Arbiter of the Gods
What do you mean though? Nothing's been changed... I was supposed to be the Grand Marshall and stuff...


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
in the original description of the high church it stated that the inquisition is made up by people given to the inquisition during their infancy and that they are raised in the inquisition. it was altered so that anyone could join the inquisition which is not the case. members of the inquisition have no house nor family. they have been raised essentially from birth to be inquisitors and their only family is their brother and sister inquisitors. understand how one sentence can change a whole lot?