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The Grand Inquisition - Grey Robes and Additional Information


The Arbiter of the Gods
The Grand Inquisition of Altera serves to protect population from Heresy and the breaking of the Divine Law. As such it does not strive purely for intimidation, but should be regarded as a part of the society. The Inquisition offers itself as an aid. It is often too easy to believe that it serves purely as an agent of destruction of heretics. While that may be its primary role, the Grand Inquisition also ensures towns are prosperous enough so that they can survive and thrive. Let us remember that every step towards stronger society of believers is a step in the right direction for the strength of Religion.

Therefore, a new branch of the office is to be opened, currently known simply as "The Grey Robes".

The Grey Robes are members of the Inquisition who are closer related to priests, and in truth often are priests themselves. They handle a large portion of Grand Inquisition's finances and logistics. More importantly, however, they are a charity. The Grey Robes ride around the country to towns and cities that are in need and give food to them to sustain the poorest of the population. They also take in those willing to join Inquisition's ranks, including children. The Grey Robes can be recognised from afar, as they wear normal grey robes with deep, dark red hoods.
Aside from being directly owned by the Grand Inquisitor, the organisation is directed by a Marshall whose duties also include recruitment of Inquisitors. This assures a smooth flow of recruits and assignment to the right positions.

You can apply to the Grey Robes now and Inquisition. Bear in mind that being in Priesthood does help a lot and will save you a lot of training. Having said that, it is purely optional and you can become a member as you wish. You can also renounce as you wish.

Character Name:
Applying For:
Past worshipping experiences (optional):
Other Character skills (if applicable):
Why do you think your character would fit into the Order?

Please note that the Grey Robes should be made up of adults. They will be questioned accordingly to ensure they do not have a political or any other form of bias. Some Inquisition's outcasts may be sent to work for the Grey Robes if they choose to.

Inquisition's Relief.png

Check out the other threads too!
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The Arbiter of the Gods
Ranks within the Inquisition, who's holding them and applying for a position.

Grand Marshall and Grand Inquisitor - Just as there are in a way two parts of the Office of the Inquisition, there are also two leaders. The Grand Marshall controls the whole of the Inquisition, the people that it burns and the raids it performs. He does all of the messy stuff that Inquisition does. The Grand Inquisitor, on the other hand, handles the political side of things. He is, to speak, the political figurehead that ensures the Exalted and all kingdoms are comfortable with Inquisition's activities.
Positions are held by Gelyk ( @Arken ) and Albareth (me) respectively.

Marshalls - These people are the most devout to the cause, and work directly alongside the Grand Marshall and the Grand Inquisitor to fulfill the organisation's potential. They have similar rights to the leaders in their judgement, and can control members of lower ranks.
Positions are held by Syr ( @Mitch )

Inquisitorial Officers - Inquisitorial Officers are just below Marshalls, passing out orders and doing the bulk of arrests. They're picked from experienced Inquisitors who are deemed reliable and pious enough.

Senior Inquisitor - Most standard Inquisitors, who completed their tests and have been studying for over five years. They are hardy, intelligent people, easily to be regarded as some of the best.

Grey Brother - A member of the Grey Robes.

Junior Inquisitor - If a member of the Office started training after the age of 16, upon its completion they will be assigned with a Senior Inquisitor for couple of weeks under this title before being brought up to Senior rank.

Student - A learning member of the Inquisition.

This MAY seem like many at first, but take into consideration the fact that most Inquisitors will start off at a Senior rank.
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
On behalve of all heretics


Lord of Altera
IGN: kyle1322

Character Name: Murdoc

Past worshipping experiences (optional): many a battle in crusades name~ [cause I cannot really worship him otherwise because of his commandments], as well as a few decades under the Old Trinity Of Might.

Other Character skills (if applicable): Farmer, Warrior, Tactician, Sociable and Serious.

Why do you think your character would fit into the Order? Well, Murdoc's primary purpose would generally be to assist stamping out heresy with others [or himself] considering he is a pure bred warrior, but can also heavily donate food and livestock supplies to the Gray Robes, as he has a large farm in Azerport and has a large surplus of goods. He is also a very sociable person and can help prevent unnecessary fights from breaking out when need be.

Applying for the inquisition itself
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The Arbiter of the Gods
Also, can you please state which branch you're applying for please. Are you applying for the Grey Robes or the Inquisition?


Lord of Altera
IGN: WisemanBorgir
Applying for : Inquisitor
Character Name: Robert De Hilde
Past worshipping experiences (optional): Prayer to Ignis Synnove every day since his creation
Other Character skills (if applicable):
  • Intermediate Sword Skill
  • Access to a Suit of Armor
  • He cross bred two breeds of cows? Farming skills yo.
  • Negotiating Skill
  • He is a man of Inquisitive Nature.
Why do you think your character would fit into the Order?
Robert has always being more pious to the gods than loyal to his allies, he is decisively pro-religion and believes that Heresy must be stamped out with an iron boot and then lit on fire and burned in the name of Ignis Synnove. While very arrogant towards people, he is willing to enforce the will of any god if the Grand inquisitor believes it just, he is completely willing to follow orders of his superiors, such is the teachings on Ignis Synnove. He will follow the Pantheon till he is dust.


IGN: Rygan_Deathblade
Character Name: Benjamin Smith
Applying For: A role in the Inquisition.
Past worshipping experiences (optional): Being so young and taking care of himself, Benjamin hasn't ever had a figure in his life who's taught him of the pantheon. He knows most of their names, and can tell you what they "do", but not their core values and teachings.
Other Character skills (if applicable): At the seasoned age of fourteen, he has almost no skills that are noteworthy beyond the most basic reading skills and the knowledge of which end to hold a dagger.
Why do you think your character would fit into the Order?
He's a young desperate teenager looking for a way to survive and put food on the table. With almost no real knowledge of the world and no experience with the Gods, he would benefit from the training more than if he were grown, and is more likely to be loyal to the church.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
IGN: Nigel_BLargBerry
Character Name: Antonio Forcellati (He goes by Anthony.)
Applying For: A role amongst the Inquisition~!
Past worshipping experiences (optional): Well, he's a day old, but he's rather serious about worship and such; has faith in The Grey Lady and is warming up to Silas.
Other Character skills (if applicable): ... Scholarly and impressionable?
Why do you think your character would fit into the Order? Quite young- able to learn quickly, and accepting towards doctrines.


is Barken
IGN: Nigel_BLargBerry
Character Name: Antonio Forcellati (He goes by Anthony.)
Applying For: A role amongst the Inquisition~!
Past worshipping experiences (optional): Well, he's a day old, but he's rather serious about worship and such; has faith in The Grey Lady and is warming up to Silas.
Other Character skills (if applicable): ... Scholarly and impressionable?
Why do you think your character would fit into the Order? Quite young- able to learn quickly, and accepting towards doctrines.