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Poster The Wendigo Specimen (Closed Contract)


The Lurker
Retired Staff

This poster is given to messengers who spread word between Compendium, Storm's Landing, Mockingbay, Sanardu, Linlea, and Linistel.
Word spreads as word does, making this fairly public knowledge.

To all hunters, trappers, warriors or explorers. To any that think themselves brave and cunning.

Duchess Elizabeth Kane offers a reward of 15,000r to the first capable of capturing and transporting a live wendigo specimen to the city of Queensport.
To the first that can bring a pristine wendigo specimen that has been dead no more then three days will receive 10,000r.
No coin or compensation will be given to those that cannot provide adequate specimens.

To those that seek to claim this reward, you accept the risks associated with this endeavor. Consider your hunts wisely.

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professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Is there a specific type (Woodland, northern, etc) that she asks for?


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I do want to clarify and point out the language in the post that the money goes to the "first". I can't OOCly afford to pay money to every single person that manages to bring a wendigo. Only the first person to deliver a live one and the first person to deliver a dead one.

With that being said, if people like the concept and want to do it again, I might post another one in the future once I get more rads built up.
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
I forgot to name the 2nd one "Din-to-go".. It shall be known in my soul.