Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

What Comes Next


Retired Staff
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View attachment 141419
When Baron_Aron and Readij used to do Santar and Christmas chaos
I think one of our Christmas presents (aside from setting people on fire) was detonating so much TNT that we broke the server...

Hollow World has truly brought me some of the best, happiest times and some of the most stressful times of my life. Having run the server for a little bit, I understand how insanely difficult it can be to manage and maintain, and it's pretty remarkable that it has lasted as long as it has. Saying that, I don't think I ever considered a time when it might cease to be.

I understand shutting down the server, and despite only being an occasional lurker for a long time now, makes me quite heart broken. At the same time, I'll always be grateful for the good times and incredible friendships this place has given me. Good luck and thank you to all of you.

Feel free to add me on Steam -


Lord of Altera
Don't know if y'all remember me but my main Characters were Elaryina Wise and Tania. I loved this server and will miss it greatly. Thought about coming back several times. Never did, now sad I missed the opportunity. Great server folks.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Don't know if y'all remember me but my main Characters were Elaryina Wise and Tania. I loved this server and will miss it greatly. Thought about coming back several times. Never did, now sad I missed the opportunity. Great server folks.
I remember ya :D


Lord of Altera
While I highly doubt that anyone here remembers, let alone knows me due to my long long absence I still wanted to thank everyone here for being my gateway into roleplaying, being here to help me through some difficult years, and for helping me grow as a person.
I'd also like to thank all the staff, past and present for keeping this place running even after I left, so that others too could enjoy it.

Incase anyone does remember me, feel free to send me a message over discord, same username as here (overlord2304)