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Who wants to get sick?


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
So I posted this in suggestion and got mostly positive feedback so I've been working on this. It's still rough and I"ll refine it as I go and likely rearrange the tiers on certain diseases as I actually look into them a bit more. But for now this is the rough list. You can play the serious of each disease you receive to suit yourself as something like the common cold can range from a sniffle to being almost as bad as the flu depending on the person and strain you get. How bad a case of a disease you have is totally in player control, however....people don't get light cases of cancer so please be reasonable.

Here's how it will go.

Tier 1 Diseases- These diseases are classified mostly by the likelihood of your character dying from them being so low as to not really be a problem. Less than 1% mortality rates. Generally don't debilitate your character too much, though if your character gets into a fight they will not be 100%.

Tier 2 Diseases- These diseases are more serious and your character will likely need medical attention of some kind to help/speed the recovery. Mortality rate is still quite low at less than 10%. That said if your character gets the flu and are young and healthy they can recover on their own still. Also these diseases tend to seriously affect the ability of your character to go about their daily routines.

Tier 3 Diseases- These diseases are serious and have a very real chance of killing your character(Again how the disease progresses is all up to you the player so long as it makes sense). Mortality rate of 30% or lower. These diseases are characterized mostly by the necessity of your character to find some form of medical help or have someone bring it too them and severe character limitations while effected with these diseases.

Tier 4 Diseases- Warning these diseases are more than likely going to kill you without direct divine intervention on your characters behalf. People didn't survive Cancer, Plagues or Leprosy very often. Don't pick this option unless you are perfectly fine with your character dying. Survival rate at 5% or so.

Sot this is how the application will work, post here in this format:
Player name and Character Name:
Pick a Disease Tier
(You may pick multiples):
Any other notes about the selection process you want to add:
Do you want the response PM-ed to you or posted on the thread for Meta reasons:

With this information I will then of the selected Tiers roll a Die in Hollowworld and then based on the number go down the list and select the disease you get. And boom your character is now sick. However if you want to just use this page as a resource feel free, or if you want something more tailored for you character I'd feel free to work with you to help you select a disease that fits your character better.

Disease List

Tier 1 Diseases- Common Cold, Food Poisoning, Headache/Migraine, Hepatitis A, Strep Throat, Pink eye, Develop an allergy, Boils, Warts, Gout,

Tier 2 Diseases- Flu, Diarrhea, hemorrhoids, Cholera, Dengue, Hepatitis B, Measles, Pneumonia, Sinus Infection, Chicken Pox, Hand foot mouth disease, Mumps, Norovirus, Rubella, Vertigo,

Tier 3 Diseases- Malaria, Dysentery, Appendicitis, Sleeping Sickness, Hepatitis C, Influenza, Leishmaniasis, Meningitis, River Blindness, Rotavirus, Tubercolosis, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Small pox, Whooping Cough, Heart Condition, Polio, Tetanus

Tier 4 Diseases-WARNING READ APPLICATION- Cancer(In all it’s various forms), Ebola, Plague(In all its fun forms), Heart Attack, Stroke,
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Lord of Altera
I didn't read your suggestion thread until just now, and I have a few changes I think are necessary.

Many of the diseases you have in other tiers probably deserve to be in tier four. This is a simulated version of the middle ages, there's no cure or practically no treatment for most of the diseases in tier three. It was a time when one sore could probably kill off an entire family. Also, some of the diseases you have in tier two would kill many people. There's practically no immunity to many of the diseases you mentioned. In 50 years, we practically cured measles, nearly eradicated it from the U.S. (and for some reason, now it's back), but that's not my point. The way your system is described, tier three should not exist, because people die from the diseases that are listed there, probably more often than the diseases you have listen in tier four.

Furthermore, some of the diseases you listed didn't even EXIST in that time! In that time, we would not have any idea what Ebola was, because it hadn't even evolved yet (first description, 1976 CE). Sleeping sickness wasn't even known about in that time (1901), same with Polio (1789), Tetanus (1884), River Blindness (1917), need I go on? I understand that they might just be suggestions, but if you wanted more authenticity, it might be best to learn a little bit more about what you are suggesting.

I'm going to keep this relatively short, so I'll just mention that there are so many types of cancer, and not all of them are as life threatening as you suggest. Several types of melanoma and exterior organ cancers are easy to catch and treat quickly, even in that time. And people have mutated cells all the time, it's just that sometimes, the body doesn't recognize the mistake.

Let me sum up this small wall really quick.

1. Some of the diseases are FAR more deadly than you make them out to be.

2. So many of the diseases practically didn't exist.

3. Cancer is not entirely as deadly as you may think.

It's a very good idea, I just believe it needs some work, and if you want any help, I'm very happy to do so.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I'll start this with a quote.
It's still rough and I"ll refine it as I go and likely rearrange the tiers on certain diseases as I actually look into them a bit more. But for now this is the rough list.
Polio: At least Ancient Egypt
Sleeping Sickness: Is a generic name of several similar diseases, the African strain has been present for at least a couple thousand of years.
River Blindess, Tetanus and Ebola (Which I put in for jokes mostly) I will totally remove upon looking them over. I made this list quickly and with absolute minimal research, (Literally just going onto google and grabbing a handful of diseases that looked good to get this started).

On the tiers of where I got diseases they were /really/ haphazardly put together I admit, the Hepatitis placements are testament to that. I'll be rearranging them as I go, I really just wanted to get this out there and going. If you want to send me a list that you think is better I'll be more than happy to look at any research you're wanting to do and make it better. I removed some really cool legit middle ages diseases. Like this one because while authentic.....well...I feel I would need staff approval for that one.

TL : DR I was aware before of the issue with Tiers and will be working to remedy that. The diseases existence thing; a couple I was aware of the others I was not and will be editing accordingly.