Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

What do I do when I want to build:



What do I do when I want to build:

A house to live in ?
You look through the Altera Census to find a town appropriate for your character and you apply to join.

A town ?
You start a town with Towny. You will need to be Noble rank or higher to start a town. This can be purchased from a King for 50,000 silver. Starting a town will also cost you 50,000 silver. The price is steep to make sure people put time and effort into their builds and encourage players to work together to accomplish things.

A town that doesn't use the Towny plots ?
Contrary to popular belief, this is totally possible. As a mayor you claim the area you want to build in, but you don't have to sell out the plots for resident to private. You can keep everything public. This way the entire area you claim is protected from outsiders, but all residents are free to build within these perimeters. This way you can still be creative about your town. Make sure you organize your town accordingly, lest it not turn into chaos !

A castle ?
You build it within the perimeter of your town. If it won't fit within your town and it would add something to our server, you can apply for building permission outside your town.

An automatic cobblestone/obsidian/farm ?
You find another server. Generators lag the server. It's ok to have a farm with a switch to pour water, but don't overdo it. Anything that is turned on 24/7 is not allowed.

An elven village, underground dwarven city, treehouse village etc.?
Start your own themed town. Put a thread explaining the style you want your residents to build in. Be picky of the people you let into your town and tell them to keep to the style you are building in. If you really want to make it grand and it would add to the server, and you already belong to a town, you can apply for special permission. I can garauntee many people will want to live in a properly set up themed town.

The Titanic ?
You find a freebuild server.

An ancient sunken city, with a hidden treasure for one who finds it ?
You apply for special permission to build and we will set you up with a plot to build in.

A statue devoted to Cat_Rapist_69 ?
You find cherberts backyard and build it there. Prepare to be smitten after.

A house in this beautiful area you just found, with great view, on top of a mountain or near a lake, just for you to live in ?
You will have to start a town. It's a steep price for just one person, but it's the only way to make sure people put time and effort in their builds. You can start a town and not invite anyone. As the single resident you are entitled to 8 plots, which should be plenty to build things in for 1 person.

A mansion for a king ?
The kings live in the Silver Palace or in a town of their own choosing. Special builds for the royal family can be commissioned, but this is a Kings discretion. Do not ask about it.

A floating castle of pure evil ?
No floating buildings.

A Japanese (oriental) medieval styled town/build ?
This is possible, but make sure it's well away from other towns and builds and make it look realistic and good. It looks strange to have a random oriental styled town in the middle of other more european-styled towns.

An embassy to another town ?
Claim an plot as an 'outpost' adjacent to their town. Or ask permission to build on their property.

A remote mining operation, or a safehouse, a guardtower, border defense etc.
Claim an outpost for your town. These cost more than regular plots, but it area claimed is the same as any other plot and becomes part of your town.


Lord of Altera
airships are neat :p and you can make it like a train station. Instead of flying inside the airship you walk towards its door and it teleports you somewhere else saying "the airship has transported you to ____".


Loyal Servant of Altera
They should really make it so you can have private plots without making it an entire town, like instead of the high price of a town you just pay a simple price of like 10,000 per 16x16 or something like that.


They should really make it so you can have private plots without making it an entire town, like instead of the high price of a town you just pay a simple price of like 10,000 per 16x16 or something like that.
Towny doesn't work like that unfortunately. Also we made the price of making a town (which is basically claiming one plot, like you described) high because of exactly that reason. We don't want people to build a random building somewhere. You can still do this, but atleast now the guy that pays 50,000 for his plot in the wild will actually live there and not leave it abandoned.


Loyal Servant of Altera
good point
Towny doesn't work like that unfortunately. Also we made the price of making a town (which is basically claiming one plot, like you described) high because of exactly that reason. We don't want people to build a random building somewhere. You can still do this, but atleast now the guy that pays 50,000 for his plot in the wild will actually live there and not leave it abandoned.
good point


Legend of Altera
I would like it if you keep the forum up to date please. I had my hopes up to buy a plot soon but Aparently the Noble title isn't available right now.


Well excuse me when we have 100 things to do at a time getting the server up and running for 1.8. Bukkit is not officially out, we're still running a beta version. And where did you gather the Noble title is not available ?


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well excuse me when we have 100 things to do at a time getting the server up and running for 1.8. Bukkit is not officially out, we're still running a beta version. And where did you gather the Noble title is not available ?
Ikbenlars it is all your fault. Do not say you have 100 things to do.
The Rhinestone Configurizer stopped working and.... oh..... wait, wrong person,
Forget i said anything


1 plot. It's just the creation of the towns homeblock. You get 2 plots for resident for free. Use the TOC for up to date information.


Lord of Altera
nice info lars i was dreading reading through the towny section looking for the basic information.
and thanks for working hard :p


<3 Hollow World
How big is the area you get with the 50,000 ?
1 plot is 16x16 blocks, it's not centered where you are standing though, imaging the entire world being covered by a 16x16 grid, you just happen to be standing in on of those, but could be right at the end of it. :)


i think the towny is a good idea aswell for the fact if someone starts a town and then doesnt build everybody would pass through a valley or something and it would say the towns name.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Not the worst necro ive seen, but bro get with the times....
Towny has been in for ages.

Henry Alker

is there still daily upkeep? the guide says no in one place then seems to suggest there is in another, then here youre saying 100 a day...