Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

New World showcase



Drawn world map. Biome colours are used for the generator, thus some biomes have funny colours. Some colours will be intuitive, but pink is taiga, dark blue is high mountains and dark purple is low mountains.

This is not a definitive version.

Also, I did the rough sketches and biome locations and ideas for this thing, but all credits for the amazing artwork goes to cubey !

Here are some pictures of the new Mountain Biome:


Loyal Servant of Altera
Looking good.
To the chunkonizers with this picture, lets see how it looks when its rendered!? :)


Real life redstone crafter
but **** is taiga
Oh nooo... I have lost all hope in humanity... I don't know where the taiga is!!!111

Erm... Ok... back on topic.

It looks very nice Lars! And I'm I've already found a spot where I will build my huge industrial metropolis!

Edit: Bad English is bad!


Lord of Altera
Hmm.. the everfrost looks like it needs some sort of giiiant wall of ice to keep out any mysterious evil that may live there...