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A sample dynastic tree


<3 Hollow World
This is a basic example, you can make yours as elaborate as you'd like or just write it up in text! :)

The source photoshop file for this example is attached, feel free to use it and change it as you'd like.

This tree shows the following:

1. Wulfred and Hedwige (founders of House Domnall) have 3 children, Robert (Dead), Elizabeth and Grimr.

2. Grimr has married Aveline and they have three children of their own, Olaf who is now a member of a separate House, Mathilda and Anna.

3. Anna is married matrilineally to Marcus, perhaps he's of lesser status or she's simply proud of her parentage, now their children become part of House Domnall rather than Marcus's previous House.

If Elizabeth in the example above marries out of this family (normal marriage, not as Anna has), she'd simply get her new family shield shown below her (As Olaf has), but her husband and descendants would not be shown here.

Vassals of House Domnall are also shown but I haven't expanded on their family trees which should include reference to Wulfred as their Liege with his House Sigil displayed.

This is for guidance only, you may expand as much or as little as you'd like with your family or dynastic tree. You may also display it in text only if you can do so in a fairly tidy manner! If you are really stuck and need a hand just PM me and I'll make one for you, but I've no doubt the talented people of HW will do a far better job than I have!

For the time being succession in all Houses will be Primogeniture, meaning the oldest child regardless of sex inherits. Only a Monarch can change this.



<3 Hollow World
Try GIMP, I'll be honest I found it confusing but I'm possibly too use to Photoshop now. It can read PSD files apparently, my mates swear by it and I will learn it eventually!!

If you have any problems I'll happily make one for you if you give me the details in text or with a rough sketch mate. Same goes for anyone.