Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A proper story - The planning stages.


Carolus Rex
Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc):
A Villain would be nice :)

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences:
James has jet black hair but it has started to grey, his eyes are usually red but on occasion he has been seen with Green eyes or blood red eyes when in a blood lust, He has a black beard. He is about 1.80m tall and about 70kg. His distinguishing features are the Fangs that stick out from his mouth. He is usually seen in a Black cloak
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences:
James has two different personalities depending on his blood lust. James is usually a calm, kind mannered, chivalry and charming, He is known to charm women as much as he can. He has also been known to have a thing against Elves always calling them "female or Feminine. James when he has starved himself of blood for a long period of time becomes a ravenous beast attacking anything and everything he sees, he does not distinguish between friend or foe he just attacks and tries to feed.

Explain any other key features of your character
Hes what you call a Vampire, has blood rage and blood lust. Very violent, likes to burn things, has a great temper, likes blood and likes swords and his fangs


Lord of Altera
How is it that i only heart about this neow?? :p
Part you would like your character to play : I think my Mermaid character would make a good hero

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences: My character has long free flowing wavy hair that allways has a blue clip in it, she has eyes like diamonds and as blue as the ocean, she allways wears either a blue bodice or her shell bikini, she has a long shimmering blue tail that is very eye catching, she has a strange marking on her armfrom when her and her sister where in a battel and also strange writing on her arm that says: η ζωή μου είναι ο ωκεανός, και δεν μπορείτε ποτέ να με πάρει μακριά από το ποιος είμαι, which mean my life is the ocean and you can never take me away from who I am. She also has a magic kiss that when she kisses someone of another Race she can then transform into that race. She is also Daughter of King Neptune and got taken to Altera by a portal that swept her and her sister away from their home.
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: My character is quite imature, she laughs at silly things, she gets scared and can get a very bad temper but all in all can be very kind by giving people foods or potions to help them she is also loving as she usually treats people with care, and she is very strange :p
Explain any other key features of your character: she is very powerful, she is very good at singing and luring in Sailors but never really means to, she has had a strange life that she dosnt allways want to talk about
P.S her RP name Is Sirena Oceana


Lord of Altera
Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc):
A Key Character would be nice, though, if not, you may put me where you see fit.

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences:

Ari is of a lean but a little above average build and he is about 5ft 10in. He has dark ash colored hair (as seen in my profile picture <.<) that goes down to his shoulder blades and he always wears his bangs towards the right of his forehead. He has one normal pure sky-blue eye and one black and red eye (as also seen in my profile picture).
He has Bat-like wings that he uses to fly around with. You can usually see him wearing a normal tunic and brown pants. ( as also seen in the picture [no idea how many times im going to say that XD])

Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences:

Ari is of a shy nature, but when provoked or forced to be in a tough spot, he can be quite dependable. Most people know Ari, as Kind and caring; Thoughtful of others before himself. Ari is inventive and can turn situations into a project without realizing he does so. Due to his shy nature, he is very quiet and secluded among himself. He also feels quite shy among groups of girls.

Explain any other key features of your character:

As I said earlier, Ari is inventive and his hobbies are spells and potions, you can sometimes see him sitting under a tree reading a book while casting a spell while mixing ingredients for his next potion. Due to Ari's thin demeanor hes not very skilled at hand-to-hand combat and would rather solve things diplomatically, or if that option is out, run, or fight them with magic. Due to Kytaf, Ari's gray skinned demonic accomplice,whom he shares brain-space with, his Glore Vyrden (or mana pool) is much larger than average and he can cast powerful spells that would normally be impossible to cast for a mortal.

PS. Due to his past he doesn't show emotion often, meaning he wont cry when someone dies. He is also apart of the Hawklight family as he was formally adopted by Axex Hawklight as his cousin.


Lord of Altera
Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc):Small character, or implement me more if you wish. Perhaps to take you to a greater wizard for assistance, or directions maybe (Mori "Adam" Saeradan's cousin, Arcone "Archen" Saeradan)
Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences:pale, green eyes, Elf.He's got a Uthrandir robe with partially green lining at the top. He usually has his hood up. He has a black satchel of alchemy supplies, and a sheathe for his dagger inside of his robe. He sits around Uthrandir, or strolls in Tauredal.
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: Sarcastic, but really wishes he had more friends or someone to love, yet he always has helpful intent, even though sometimes it's just for himself. He can't remember his parents name from when he was lost as a child and raised himself as a theif, and is too nervous to ask his uncle for their names again. He'd give his life for anyone easially worth it, even a normal pheasant he doesn't know. He can look at something amazing and just boldly say "Wow..." then look away.
Explain any other key features of your character:Elven Wizard, hasn't chosen an exact magic, under training of master wizard.(In this case, Bellon) Good with any weapon, but perfers a bow and a dagger, even though he is a wizard, he has yet to learn some.


Roleplay keeper
Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc): You said you maybe had an idea.. Else Hero, possible something else if you want it.
Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences: Tall, slim, smooth and fast after many times running jumping and climbing. Will usually wear her hood and cap, with a hidden dagger made of solid shadows which looks like a silver dagger. Eyes all yellow goldenish with a darker golden pupil, like a cat. Wears trouses and shirt, with a belt where the dagger hangs. Teeths is sharper than normally. When she's very happy and full of energi, her skin slowly begins to glow. Steps are balanced after lots of time in trees.
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: Is strong mindet, after lots of training. Is very happy like a young child, and most people find her naiv. But she dosn't see the good in people, she creates it (Hey! I once became best friends with a Shadow :p). Is good with words. Always hiddes her weaknesses.
Explain any other key features of your character: She has a secret ability to turn into a 3 meters long, 2 meters high, snow-white golden eyed wolf but mostly at night only. Eyes glows with her mood and turns red when raging, flashing when angry. Strength grows with mood. Her name is Luna Lupi Cor, or Luna Wolfheart. She looks totally care-free but is very worried inside. Has a dark corruption laying inside her, meaning if in rage she'll be hard to wake.


Lord of Altera
Still working on the Profile but i will add it in as soon as it's ready.
Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc):
Uh i was thinking key character or like a companion of the Hero.
Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences: He has a black/brown long and fat beard that goes over all his stomach and long black/brown hair, no braids or anything such. He is a Dwarf Shaman and his clothes are a blue robe with a grey stripe thing in the middle and a leather shoulder pads and he wears leather boots. He usually does not wear a helmet but when he does its just a normal iron helmet. He has green eyes and he has a pure silver axe in his leather belt and a wooden shield on his back. His has white skin and is fat like most dwarves and he usually has his favorite mug strapped to his belt. He has many pouches on his belt where he keeps all his items he hoards from his travels.
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: He is a drunk and when he's sober he is always grumpy and gets mad as soon as you say anything he does not like but when he is drunk he's mostly really nice and childish. His swears are mostly like Nether/hell, Moldy Cookies! (Like: Moldy Cookies thats a lot of beer!) and {Enter dwarf god name here} be damned! (Korigon be damned!). He easily starts trusting people no man would ever trust and is friendly, especially when he's drunk. His name is Duergur or Due for short and he gets enraged quite easily. He fights with his shaman magic but mainly just with his good ol' axe and when he uses the axe and shield while mad he fights like a Berserker and swings his axe at anything that comes close. He can use his powers and call a spirit bear which he then changes into for a traveling form, he can fight as the bear though but he does not like it because he says it gives him an unfair advantage. He wants to play fair and does not like tricks and such...when in battle at least but when it comes to better give him that beer or you're kinda doomed. He will do most everything for good ale and a warm bed to sleep in.
Explain any other key features of your character: He is a major drunk and and even though he has shamanistic powers he does not use them unless if really needed. He loves his axe and named it Azkrafn.


The Arbiter of the Gods
My character's name would be Sir Marith Caare, a Lord and key character. He would have black, short hair and blue eyes. He'd be average sized and around 30. Always dressed richly, he would be an owner of a castle (you make up the name :p). He would always wear a copper ring that would be the least well-looking thing on him. The ring would represent his great grandfather's merchant past and he would respect and love that ring as much as his family.
He would not have many quarrels, except the casual noble two or three. He would be a man of honour, to whom the greatest ending would be a heroic one. He would have a downfall though; He would be a fool who would believe that strength of the nobility is the only thing that could save the world. He'd respect peasants, but at times he would be harsh to them. Just like any other nobles, he would not like to stand back and watch even if the events around him were too great to be handled. In battles, he would be one of the first to charge, even if there was no order to do so.


Zalenfal Guardian
Well, ima post for my two characters, just so that you have a wider selection.

Part you would like your character to play: Villain
Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences:
He dons jet black robes, which are trimmed with a crimson red fibre streak. Beneath his hood is found his messy outcrop of hair, similarly night-black to his robes. His eyes are tinted with the shade of blood from those he has killed, innocent or otherwise. A long, jagged scar runs down his face across his left eye from long ago. He carries a blade on his person at all times, however small or large it may be; any other weapon is a mystery.
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: Shadow (change the name as you wish) is a haunted man. In the past he was a mysterious stranger to all, but he became a dark presence after a meeting with an evil mage and a night of carnal, blood-soaked massacre. His soul is ravaged by the twists in his life, and he barely sees the difference between good and bad. There is however a faint light in him, which can be touched upon and brought to the surface by those few that he considers friend enough to get close to. To those not awaits only cold, vengeful (deserving or not) wrath.
Explain any other key features of your character: Nothing, really. Used to be cool, now he's bad. 'Nuff said.

Zephyr Dusk
Part you would like your character to play: Small character
Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences: Zephyr is, simply put, a half-man and half-goat (for a reference, look up images of a faun). His hair is long and wild, having only ever been cut by his own makeshift blades - most of which are rather blunted. This comes just down to his large, friendly brown eyes, the shade of a young tree beginning its life in the forest. His upper body is almost always uncovered, displaying an extremely muscular torso in human terms; for his race, this is a fairly standard build. At the waist down, fur overtakes his body and a dark grey covering of hair stretches to his "feet", this being not so long as his hair (the length of an ordinary house cat). Holding him up are cloven hooves, a shade lighter than his fur, and rough but solid in quality.
[Feel free to look at my skin for a full reference]
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: Zephyr is more often than not found to be in high spirits, there being very little to be downtrodden about. He finds it easy to insult people without realising, as his race do not attach emotion to judgement; in this way it is very hard to insult him. He enjoys the fine aspects of nature, such as rain, sunlight, or a bountiful forest filled with natural beauty. He absolutely detests fire, as it is the most destructive element to his mind, and is one that can tear through a group of trees with no relent.
Explain any other key features of your character: He'll never be seen with any tools, armour or weaponry that is not something easily produced by nature - nothing obtained by mining or smelting. He prefers the purest tools, such as a wooden bow, or a sturdy wood sword. Mostly he uses a bow, though (specifically his treasured bow [name as you wish] which has been handed down through his family to the eldest male for generations), and is a keen shot at that.


Part you would like your character(Seriak) to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc):
Whatever you would like me to be, I just want this wonderful story to have enough characters to move along properly.

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences:
About 5"11 in height, with slender shoulders. Dons a red and gray hooded robe, with gold trim(seen in my avatar.). Weighs about one hundred-sixty pounds. Deep, shaggy brown hair can be seen from the inside of his hood. Muscle size is a tiny bit larger than average.
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences:
Seriak has a very pessimistic look on life. He's not a depressing fellow(at least to himself), and uses sarcasm frequently. Curiosity is a virtue and a burden within his life, due to it being able to get him and others with him into trouble. He likes to pretend he knows what he is doing, or that he has everything under control, even when he doesn't("Are you sure you know what you're doing...?" "Yes, yes, of course, although I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job at it..."). To him, justice keeps the world afloat, and when no one is willing to give justice, he must do it himself.
Explain any other key features of your character
He has trained in the basics of magic, and can place defense wards and use healing spells with almost a mastery, but lacks the power for destructive magic, and struggles to use it in combat(resulting in him using physical means of fighting unless it is an emergency.)

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
I know....because both Centaur, Fae, and the Darkness and The Tantara Complex was in that section. Do you know if I can still update them?