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[How to] Move your town


Lord of Altera
Town name: Aeroch_Nor
Mayor name: xRoXx
Chosen option: 3
New town location:
Additional information:
Itzzatown! >:I


Legend of Altera
It is possible that Aurolus will change it's location, and almost certain it will switch to option 3. In other words, ignore all previous posts about Aurolus. Sorry for the inconvenience, I would have a definitive answer but I must discuss it with certain people that haven't been online recently.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Town name: Imlasdris
Mayor name: Change able current one (Marshmallowdandy) is inactive
Choosen option: option 2 moving just the temple (well there ain't much else) (please note that things may be added to this list)
New location; 11200,65,4800 (may be tweeked)
Additional info: Please note that I am doing this as one of the two last active members of Imlasdris, all others, including our current mayor, apart from speed, have gone inactive, Work is going on to remedy this situation, so this post may change with a resumption in activity of other members.


It is possible that Aurolus will change it's location, and almost certain it will switch to option 3. In other words, ignore all previous posts about Aurolus. Sorry for the inconvenience, I would have a definitive answer but I must discuss it with certain people that haven't been online recently.
I will hold off on transfering Aurolus then. But have a good talk with the rest of the residents. Liveastroman is the mayor now though. I'm not sure about the details on why you left, but if you simply disappeared like that then liveastroman gets a final say since he inherited the town. ;)


Lord of Altera
Town Name: Aurolus
Mayor Name: liveastroman21
Chosen Option: option 2
New Town Location: x: 4650 z: 12770
Additional Information: Its supposed to be on the water. also, the building i wanted moved is the community storage, its on the upper part of town near the tallest tower in the town. it says "Community Storage" on it. Its where all the items of the town's residents are so paste all of the lower levels as well. Move it last, so the residents have ample time to move their stuff. thx :D


Lord of Altera
Town Name: Uthrandir
Mayor name: Bellonthewise/madyson0915
Option: 3
New location:

Additional info: Bellon has already put his tower in the location, but has asked me to start claiming plots.


Legend of Altera
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but its about the towns and all. As I was a previous mayor and chose to start over, how do I create the region for a new town without spending the 50,000 radiants that the plugin would normally deduct? It was my understanding that people choosing to start over would have an area equivalent to that of their former town.


Apart from Redcap Crossing and the Freemasons, is there any town that has not yet had their option done?