Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

AlexandreHamon apply - Declined - wandering_robin



2.12 years (or almost 13 because my birthday is in 2 weeks)



5a.of course, why not ?

5b.i agree

6a.Amazing! Its looking like a real medieval adventure!

6b.Roleplaying is the games i'm playing the most. I'm a champion in it.

7.So i'm a 12 years old Canadian and don't worry, i speak English very well.
I'm the kind of person that like action and i play video games a lot.
In 1 weeks i finish my first secondary and in 2 weeks i turn 13.
That's not all , i'm amaze everytime in heard something that is dating less than the year 1500.
(This is weird but real)
I'm brilliant but do lot of weird stuff.
I like medieval adventure so that's why i want to join the server.

8.Yes but sorry i cannot show it to you.

9.I want to share everything if you apply me.

10.I dislike that. This is bad and i understand that person using it is banned.

11.I found it on a server list.



Admin au Naturale
Please could you add the questions back in? makes it a chuff load easier on us

While your at it please redo question 7. We want to find out a little more about you, rather than your age or that you play videogames (we already know that) but what hobbies/sports/weird stuff do you do?


Loyal Servant of Altera
What Robin is saying is just to make your application more visually appealing and easier to read/understand just replace the questions

for example... For question 12 you have


But this looks much better

12. Have you voted for us?


It also makes your application look longer so it makes it look like you've actually put a lot more effort in then you really need to..

Also with question 7 its not long enough... you need to answer the question in complete sentences.

For example i cant write something like this:

"My name is Matt.
I like dogs.
I'm 17.
I play minecraft.
I love roleplay.
I live in Australia.
I go to school.
I like to socialise."

Why? Because the reason why we want you to write about yourself is because we want to get to know you better.. And from writing something like this... No one learns anything about me.

Just some friendly things to consider...


Loyal Servant of Altera
I already been apply, too late!

there is an edit button on your app in the bottom corner, you will need to edit it as the admin instructed within 3 days or forfeit your app to this server. also add more to number 7 as you were told already