Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Followers of Kilrox (Non-Vyre)


Lord of Altera
For centuries, Vyres have been the only followers of the King of Blood. But now, a new group has emerged. A group known as the Followers of Kilrox. They are a non-Vyre group. Join now, and experience the chaos and bloodshed.

Application Form

Why do you want to join our ranks?:
How do you handle around blood?:

List of Members:
Delvey Cruor (ObsidianShield

List of Enemies

List of Allies
Vyres (possible)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name(Username): Benijim
Why do you want to join our ranks?: Get up ma skillz
How do you handle around blood?: Secret, i will not reveal my traits unless ingame.


Lord of Altera
Name(Username): Benijim
Why do you want to join our ranks?: Get up ma skillz
How do you handle around blood?: Secret, i will not reveal my traits unless ingame.
Hmm... I will have to meet you in game to assess you.. but otherwise... welcome to the Followers.


Lord of Altera
I would suggest talking to the vyres anyway to get some sort of pact, because they seem to be the only party that might not hate you outright :p Just some slight advise :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
Why hath thee taken this path? If it chaos and bloodshed you seek, there exist other means to access it. The gods work in many mysterious ways, chaos and bloodshed can be achieved through means of holiness.
Kilrox will only take your thoughts and corrupt them to follow by his bidding, and once hith bidding is casted, your bodies will no longer be of need to him.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I want to see sacrafises and bloodshed moar!
If you want to see more sacrifices and more bloodshed, then take a dagger to thy own heart, and witness bloodshed from thy own body, for theremore that will be the most chaotic of all bloodsheds thou will ever see.


Legend of Altera
Look i say 3 things
1. I hate Vyres in RP
2. This grop and benijim goes too far in bloodshed.
3. Monk dont talk stupid.....


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*is suddenly overcome by a loud coughing fit* Uliima Gurum?
*continues coughing* Same thing with the involvement of vyres?
*coughs again* READ??
*sneezes* Okay I'm done.